We added a new code!
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel has it all. Looting and shooting, getting rare rewards with Borderlands SHiFT codes, and then getting back to looting is what it's all about for me!
Set between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2, this pre-sequel shows us how Handsome Jack became Handsome Jack. I've always wanted to know his villain origin story, and we get to experience that while enjoying the usual charm of Borderlands games.
All Borderlands the Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes List
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes (Working)
- SXFTJ-3ZT6T-JJTTB-JBJ3J-XZCFJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (New)
- SR6TJ-HXJFT-JJTJT-BBJBB-K5BK6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- S66J3-FRTX3-3J3BB-BBTB3-WTTHZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFRJJ-CRTXB-JBBB3-JBJT3-XKSH6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HFF3J-TRBFB-B333B-JJ3JT-9ZFZH—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZXX3J-ZWJX3-BT3TJ-BT33J-X3WCT—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z663T-XCJF3-B3B33-B333J-SJCTZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96XBB-WWTXJ-33BBB-3333J-5HSJJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRXJT-3KTX3-BT3J3-33TJB-XWZKW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HX63J-9JT63-BJBTB-TB333-RZXFW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRFTJ-XBB63-33T33-TB3JB-H5W59—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFFB3-KTXSB-333JJ-3B3J3-JX5FH—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys
- ZX63B-9SZWT-3BBJT-J33JJ-H9KJ6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFRJB-RZSK3-JBJTB-J3B33-ZK5SB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFXBJ-6BFJB-TJ3BT-BJ3J3-RCHWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- K9KT3-S5KFX-3HWSW-STT3J-9BCHR—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys
- H6FTB-35R33-J333B-JTB3T-K5HJX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SR63B-995B3-TBTBT-B333J-5H6CX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6T3-5BRJ3-33JB3-TBJJJ-5JZWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9XRJJ-T9C3J-BJTJT-T3BB3-WR55R—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FBB-RHKJ3-BTJJB-J3BTJ-3KWZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HXX3T-H5W3T-TTBTB-T33TT-C369T—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- SXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6—Redeem for 50 Golden Keys and 10 Diamond keys
- WS5JB-K9KHH-WRC6S-FJ3JT-ZZZZK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- 59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- CSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- Z6XJT-X9F3B-BJJBT-TJ3BB-X6TR5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9F6JT-KXXTJ-BJBB3-JTJT3-TWHFZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRX3T-65XTJ-TB3TT-TBTBJ-SX3C3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZX6TJ-S3633-BBBJB-BBTJJ-WXZSB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6T3-CSWJ3-333JJ-TTTB3-CB3F5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 5CKTB-CHTXR-RZBRB-TJ3JT-H6K59 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- KK5BT-TSTX6-RHBRT-TBBJJ-69RHH — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- WWWTB-F63F6-R9JR3-3BJ3T-WW9XW — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- WC5JJ-HXTRF-XHTRJ-BJBJJ-HXW3F — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- KCCJ3-XCBX6-R9TFB-TB3J3-6C3WR — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- W5KBB-9K3XF-R9BFT-J3BBJ-BF9K9 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- WCCJB-JWJRF-FSB63-JJJ3T-WWSSJ — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- KKWBB-5KJ6X-XSBF3-B3JT3-BWB6C — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Permanent)
- WCW3J-KSSZC-BR5JB-JJTTB-XF9FZ — Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WKCTT-J99HC-BXKTJ-JJTB3-JK39J — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WW53B-HXSSK-36WTB-TJ3JT-WFBT6 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CWCBJ-X6Z9W-36CBT-TT3B3-3RRXZ — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KCKJT-36SZW-JRCT3-J33TT-TFSBH — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- K553B-ZW9ZC-J65TT-3TBJJ-9F66H — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KW5TJ-X5SSW-B6CJ3-33TJB-RCRRX — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5WCT3-55ZZ5-JRCJ3-T3JBT-BHHRJ — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KK5B3-35SHK-3F53B-JBTBT-RCR3C — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5K5BB-9JZSK-TRC3B-3JBTJ-JX556 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CKCJB-FB9ZK-TF5TJ-J333J-WRWS3 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CKKT3-K3SHK-3RK3B-3JB33-ZHRZJ — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KKC3T-B3ZSW-TRKJ3-3TB3T-XRBCB — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 555B3-ZHF9K-JXC33-JBJBT-BF6FS — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5CC3J-6WCJ3-C333J-JBJ3J-J95RK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5W53J-TRR9K-JXWBJ-3JJJ3-SFWHK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- W5WJ3-Z5XH5-TFK3T-BTJJB-CRBHC — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CC53J-RKRZC-BR5T3-TJBBT-HBW9S — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5CKTB-CCXZK-JXCJB-TJ3JT-H6KJX — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KK5BT-TKXZ5-JFCJT-TBBJJ-69RCX — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WC5JJ-HTXSC-TFWJJ-BJBJJ-HXWXB — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WWWTB-F36H5-J6KJ3-3BJ3T-WW9RS — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5C5JJ-WJRZ5-T6W33-TJJBT-JRJ9Z — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5CKBJ-BTFSC-TRCJB-3TBJB-X6J6Z — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- W5KBB-9S5ZC-J6CBT-J3BBJ-BF9FB — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KCCJ3-XHCZ5-J6WBB-TB3J3-6C3WT — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 555JT-6TTX5-SFBKT-HTW33-T3F3T — Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWK3B-SSBZF-9TFKJ-HBK3T-FRRST — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CWWT3-RSBZ6-ZJ65B-HBWTT-6KX33 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KKK3T-CHJZ6-HTRKB-HBK3J-BFF5F — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WKWBJ-3ZBZX-SBFWT-H3KJT-5JR9S — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K5CBT-SRTSR-HBFC3-SJK33-WXFBC — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KCK3B-6RTH6-9JX5B-ZTC3J-SZJSZ — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KC53J-C6BSX-93FW3-93W3T-6TZJF — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- W55J3-BXJ9R-SBRKJ-STWJ3-F6C99 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5WKBT-FCTSR-ZB6CT-S35BT-T9JWB — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCC3B-WC3S6-HB65T-S3CJT-J3K5Z — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWCB3-TWJ9F-SJR5B-Z3W3T-HJW9S — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CWJT-H3JZ6-ZBXCB-935TJ-S93FS — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CKWBJ-FBB96-93F5J-HBCTJ-SRBS3 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CW3B-K3THR-Z3F53-HT5BJ-KR3C5 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCWTJ-JTJSX-ZB6K3-SBKJ3-Z6KWT — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KW53T-999RR-9JFKT-9JKTB-BSS6X — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WW5BB-RHSXR-HTR5J-HTWJB-939SW — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 55C3B-CZ9FR-ST6KJ-93KBJ-3RJ9S — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CC3J-6WCJ5-B935J-SBK3J-J95H3 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CKKBB-F5ZRR-ZJFC3-S3WTJ-6ZT6F — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WKWTJ-CC9XF-HJR5T-ZTCJB-WTSK6 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WW53B-TWHXX-HTFWB-ZJKTT-9CRCZ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCKBT-SJH6F-HB65J-9B53J-SFWS3 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WK5JB-6JSRR-HBFCB-Z3C3B-ZJ9JB — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- W5CBJ-53SFR-Z36K3-9JKT3-JBHHZ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K55J3-JJSFR-9TRC3-ZB5BJ-HHBBK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CWWT3-99F6X-HBXCT-SJC33-56KS3 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K5WTT-FS6RR-ZTRWT-HTK3T-Z95H3 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWCTT-WHR6R-SB65T-HBW33-SHC9K — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K5KBB-3HR6X-Z3RCT-ZTWBT-5WH93 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 555JT-6TTT9-KCFJX-CXT33-T3FBC — Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WWK3B-SSBWB-6ZHJR-CFJ3T-FRR3Z — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CWWT3-RSBW3-XS93F-CFTTT-6KXRT — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KKK3T-CHJW3-FZSJF-CFJ3J-BFFHK — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WKWBJ-3ZBWT-RHHTX-C6JJT-5JR63 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K5CBT-SRTKJ-FHHB6-KRJ33-WXFSH — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KCK3B-6RTC3-6SZ3F-WXB3J-SZJSR — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KC53J-C6BKT-69HT6-56T3T-6TZK3 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- W55J3-BXJ5J-RHSJR-KXTJ3-F6CSH — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5WKBT-FCTKJ-XH9BX-K63BT-T9JHH — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WCC3B-WC3K3-FH93X-K6BJT-J3KCF — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WWCB3-TWJ5B-RSS3F-W6T3T-HJWBS — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CWJT-H3JW3-XHZBF-563TJ-S93KS — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CKWBJ-FBB53-69H3R-CFBTJ-SRBXB — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CW3B-K3TCJ-X9H36-CX3BJ-KR3RS — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WCWTJ-JTJKT-XH9J6-KFJJ3-Z6K35 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KW53T-999JJ-6SHJX-5RJTB-BSSTK — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WW5BB-RHSTJ-FZS3R-CXTJB-939XF — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 55C3B-CZ9BJ-RZ9JR-56JBJ-3RJTF — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CC3J-6WCR6-F563R-KFJ3J-J95RK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CKKBB-F5ZJJ-XSHB6-K6TTJ-6ZTRB — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WKWTJ-CC9TB-FSS3X-WXBJB-WTSSW — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WW53B-TWHTT-FZHTF-WRJTT-9CRBK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WCKBT-SJH3B-FH93R-5F33J-SFWFW — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WK5JB-6JSJJ-FHHBF-W6B3B-ZJ9TC — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- W5CBJ-53SBJ-X99J6-5RJT3-JBHSJ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K55J3-JJSBJ-6ZSB6-WF3BJ-HHBFZ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CWWT3-99F3T-FHZBX-KRB33-56KHK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K5WTT-FS6JJ-XZSTX-CXJ3T-Z95FH — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WWCTT-WHR3J-RH93X-CFT33-SHCXH — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K5KBB-3HR3T-X9SBX-WXTBT-5WHFK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes (Expired)
- H6RJB-RW533-TTJBJ-BJJJT-JW53S—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RJ3-K9RT3-TT3JJ-T3JBJ-SWW9H—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SRRTJ-JTHJT-BTTT3-JJB3B-CZWRK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SXFTJ-R6XT3-3JBJ3-BT3B3-ZJJRW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z6XJ3-SBRCT-BBJ33-BT3JJ-5RHTK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HR6TT-S65BT-B333B-B3JBB-93CCW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RTJ-3C5TT-T3TJJ-3B3JJ-3JXBW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRRJB-JRWBJ-3J33B-T3B3B-6WXJZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HFX3T-C553T-TJTBT-TBTBJ-KB9JF—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9FX3J-SXRBB-JJBTT-3TTBT-63HJZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- S6RBJ-HH6BT-JBBTT-333T3-RJ5KC—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HR6TJ-5TZ3T-TJJBJ-BBB3T-KCFSH—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRRJ3-TH63J-BTJ3T-T3T3T-R5RH3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFX3J-R3W3B-TBTB3-TBJBJ-C5BTR—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRX3J-W3CJ3-3JB3T-TJJBJ-3JCBX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRFTT-TJC33-JJ3B3-BBJ33-R96ZB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96633-99BBJ-BJTBJ-J3TB3-WCZHS—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZFR3B-S6653-T3T3J-TBJ3J-ZB3WH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- HRRJT-XSTJB-J3TT3-3TT33-RZB93—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z6FJT-JZTBT-JTBTJ-3B3JT-R6H5C—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZX6TB-S6J33-BTTT3-BTBB3-ZHX5T—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9XFTT-RXJBJ-TB3JT-BBB3J-SWX9K—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FT3-KRTBJ-JJJB3-BTJJT-WWKTC—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HX63J-TCXKB-33BTJ-TBBJJ-FTB5H—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SX6TT-JXTBB-TJT3T-BJJBJ-CZRJ5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRFBB-HKJ33-3TBJ3-JJTTB-5F5BF—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RBT-3KB3J-JJTBJ-B3T3B-3XCTW— Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6JB-R333B-33BTT-3TB3B-RB3F3— Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- RRRJT-B5TB3-J3JBJ-BJJJB-WTHSS — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- WCCB3-SCTK3-SZ3XB-3B3JB-5CFRS — Redeem for Hammer Buster II
- RR6TT-SBJ3T-BBJJJ-TBJ33-FTBFX — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- KKK3B-X535J-9S363-BBJJ3-SH53T — Redeem for The Skullsmasher
- FRRJT-FJ3BB-BBJB3-TJTBT-B9B65 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- CWK33-5K3C3-99BXJ-3TB3B-C5SWB — Redeem for The Maggie
- KKK3J-T53K3-HZB6T-JBJJ3-JSFJH — Redeem for Heartbreaker Shotgun
- XFXJB-3BBJT-B3BJB-3JJ3B-F5X96 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9F6TT-53BBJ-BTJJJ-TTJJJ-KJ5XR — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9FRBT-TJ33J-33J33-TB33T-JK9TR — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- J3RBB-BFWS3-6WJ55-333TJ-533FX — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 3BXTB-Z5CSB-F5355-3BJ3J-C69TK — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- B3F3T-FCK93-6K3KK-JJ3T3-SXTR6 — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- TJX33-CWWST-XWJWW-TJJ3J-CK6HJ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- TTRT3-BK5ZT-XCJW5-B3JJJ-JXXXJ — Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 5K53J-J9HK6-FZ3RB-3BTT3-9JF39 — Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
How to redeem SHiFT codes in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
You can redeem SHiFT codes for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel in two ways.

One way is through the SHiFT website:
- Go to the SHiFT codes website.
- Log into the website using your credentials.
- Go to the Rewards tab in the side menu.
- Enter working codes into the code text box and click Check.
- Select the platform and game you want to redeem the code for.
- Click on the Check code button to claim your free reward.

The second way is to redeem the codes in-game:
- Launch the game.
- Go to the Extras tab and then go to the SHiFT tab.
- Click on the SHiFT codes button.
- Enter your code and press Submit to get a free reward.
Related: Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes list
How to get more Borderlands the Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes
The official Borderlands Discord server and the @Borderlands Twitter account often share SHiFT codes. Randy Pitchford, CEO of The Gearbox Entertainment Company, also posts them on his Twitter account @DuvalMagic. For your convenience, you can bookmark this article as it will be updated every time a new code pops up!
Why are my Borderlands the Pre-Sequel codes not working?
Borderlands the Pre-Sequal codes often have an expiration date. Sometimes they're only active for a few days, so you have to redeem them quickly. Another reason for the codes not working could be that you mistyped them. The best solution is to copy and paste the entire code to ensure you enter it correctly.
What are SHiFT codes in Borderlands?
SHiFT codes are redeemable Items that Gearbox shares with players on social media. Once you redeem them, you'll typically receive Golden Keys, but you may also get specific items or weapons. Set up your SHiFT account, or you won't be able to redeem the codes. Most SHiFT codes for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel offer Golden Keys, which open loot chests that give you mysterious and powerful (sometimes even legendary) items. Head to the center of Concordia to obtain Golden Keys and get your rewards.
What is Borderlands the Pre-Sequel?
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel is the latest entry in the Borderlands series, featuring action-packed first-person shooter gameplay. Developed by 2K Australia, the game features characters that have made previous appearances in the series, including fan-favorite Claptrap and Nisha, Handsome Jack's girlfriend.
If you're looking for other Borderlands codes, check out Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes list or Borderlands 1 SHiFT Codes list here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 28, 2025 12:40 am