Netrunners are hackers in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 that use their brains as their computers; they usually make their living by scouring the vast expanse of the internet for valuable data and selling it to fixers after scraping anything of value. Being a fan of cyberpunk as a culture from an early age, Netrunner was the very first build I tried out when I first started playing Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, and in this guide, I will show you how to put it together.
Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner build guide
This Netrunner build for Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 will focus on Quickhacking as it is the most diverse and useful tool in any Netrunner's toolset. It is probably my favorite of all perks in the game due to its diversity and ability to take out men and machines alike. Using this build, you will be able to deal with multiple enemies with ease, fighting them in cyberspace and in real life simultaneously.
How does Quickhacking work in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0?
Quickhacking is a mechanic in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 that works akin to spells in more traditional fantasy games, applying either a status effect or pure damage on an enemy. RAM is a unit of cost you use to perform each quickhack, with more complex or effective hacks costing more RAM and vice versa. You have five different types of quickhacks:
- Combat: These quickhacks deal damage by forcibly accessing the enemies' implants or systems and using them to spread chaos, causing damage and leaving status effects.
- Control: Allows you to manipulate enemies in a limited fashion. It can be used to access vehicles and control them.
- Covert: Especially useful for assassin builds and goes well with the Cool Attribute. It is used primarily for evasion while remaining undetected.
- Ultimate: These quickhacks are similar to Combat but are much more potent and costly.
- Device Hacks: Used for accessing locked devices, like datapads.
Best starting stats for Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
The best starting stats I like to use for Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 are the following:
- Intelligence: 6
- Reflexes: 6
- Technical ability: 4
- Cool: 3
- Body: 3
By favoring the Intelligence skill tree first, you will be developing your primary ability in the game, while Reflexes will hone your combat skills and survivability. Technical ability will further expand upon your ability to take on more potent cyberware, which is the name of the game in this build.
Related: How to exceed Cyberware capacity limit in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
Best endgame stats for Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
The best stats you should have when you reach Level 60 for Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 are the following:
- Intelligence: 20
- Reflexes: 15
- Technical ability: 20
- Cool: 3
- Body: 13
Best Perks for Leveling your Netrunner build to Level 9 in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
The best way to level your Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 is by prioritizing the Intelligence perks over all others since they will be the bread and butter when playing. You should get a level 9 Intelligence right from the start because it advances your skill tree, allowing you to unlock more powerful perks. Here is how your perk progression should go by level 9:
Level | Perk |
1 | Eye in the Sky |
2 | Hack Queue |
3 | Hack Queue |
4 | Data Recycler |
5 | Counter-a-Hack |
6 | Feedback Loop |
7 | Copy-Paste |
8 | Optimization |
9 | Embedded Exploit |
Related: How to remove mods from a weapon in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
Best Perks for Leveling your Netrunner build to Level 50 in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

The key to leveling your Netrunner build to Level 50 in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 is to develop the Intelligence attribute first, followed by perks from its skill tree that favor quickhacking. Hack Queue and Queue Acceleration are the main perk branches you should be covering, along with Optimization, Embedded Exploit, Overclock, and finally, Spillover, to achieve maximum synergy.
Order | Parent perks | Side Perks |
1 | Eye in the Sky | Forcekill Cypher |
2 | Optimization | Proximate Propagation Encryption Subordination |
3 | Hack Queue | Data Recycler Feedback Loop Copy-Paste Counter-A-Hack |
4 | Embedded Exploit | Icepick Siphon Shadowrunner Recirculation System Overwhelm Speculation |
5 | Queue Acceleration | Queue Prioritization Queue Hack_Root Finisher: Live Wire |
6 | Overclock | Sublimation Race Against Mind Power Surge Blood Daemon |
7 | Car Hacker | - |
8 | Acquisition Specialist | No Escape Precision Subroutines Recirculation |
9 | Target Lock Transfer | Terminal Velocity Targeting Prism |
10 | Queue Mastery | - |
11 | Spillover | - |
12 | Smart Synergy | - |
Moving to Technical ability, the main focus should be on All Things Cyber, moving on to the License to Chrome perk branch, and finally reaching the Edgerunner perk upon achieving level 20. This powerful perk allows you to exceed your Cyberware Capacity by up to 50 points at the low cost of your own HP, making it synergize nicely with the Netrunner build.

1 | Glutton for War | First Aid Transfusion |
2 | Health Freak | - |
3 | All Things Cyber | Driver Update Chipware Connieseur Lucky Day Renaissance Punk Chrome Constitution |
4 | Pyromania | - |
5 | License to Chrome | Ambidextrous Cyborg Built Different Extended Warranty |
6 | Edgerunner | - |
7 | Ticking Time Bomb | - |
Best Weapons for Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
The natural progression of Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 favors Smart Weapons, followed closely by Tech Weapons and Explosives. Here are some of the best Smart Weapons to look out for:
- L-69 Zhuo: A Smart Shotgun you can obtain from the Weapon Vendor in Downtown.
- Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen: A great Smart SMG with plenty of ammo and great customizability points. You can purchase it from almost any weapon vendor in the game.
- HJKE-11 Yukimura: This Smart Pistol is great for car combat, holding up to 30 rounds in the magazine. You can customize it further with mods if you obtain a specimen of rarity three and above.
Best Cyberware for a Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
- Kiroshi "Sentry" Optics: Excellent for detecting turrets and cameras when performing a scan, while also providing you with increase in zoom levels. To obtain this tech mod, visit Viktor's Clinic in Little China.
- RAM Upgrade: Essential for any build relying on quickhacks, as it allows for a faster RAM recovery rate, which in turn gives you more opportunities for quickhacks per fight. You can obtain this piece of cyberware at nearly every ripperdoc clinic in the Night City, but I prefer the ripperdoc in West Wind Estate.
- Self-ICE: Hacking works both ways, and Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 allows the enemy to quickhack you right back. This is especially prevalent when under attack by well-equipped Corpo enemies, or if you're unfortunate enough to have the infamous MaxTac units on your back. Self-ICE works by purging the enemy malware, instantly ridding you of any hacking effects. You can obtain this gadget from the ripperdoc in West Wind Estate.
- Monowire: This arm cyberware allows you to attack enemies with a monofilament coming out of your hand. This deadly weaponized cyberware has the largest melee range in the game. You can obtain it by visiting almost any ripperdoc in the Night City.
Best Relic Perks for a Netrunner build in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
The addition of Relic perks to the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion brought a new way to apply quickhacks by the use of a Monowire. By unlocking these perks, you will unlock this ability and further expand upon it.
- Jailbreak: This perk unlocks new abilities for Arm cyberware. The Monowire now has a a dedicated slot for Control quickhacks. To use the installed quickhack, charge the Monowire by holding Left mouse button. When fully charged, release the attack to deal damage and upload the quickhack without paying its RAM cost.
- Data Tunneling: When an enemy is affected by a Monowire-uploaded quickhack, normal Monowire attacks which hit that enemy and other enemies simultaneously will make the quickhack spread to the other enemies.
Looking for more guides on Cyberpunk 2077? You've come to the right place! Have a look at All changes in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 2.0 Update and How to respec in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Sep 26, 2023 02:49 am