Filling all of the charm slots in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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Dungeons of Hinterberg Charm Tier List

Become charmingly powerful

In Dungeons of Hinterberg, charms are equippable upgrades that can affect your defense, attacks, skills, and more. I'll go over every charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg and rank them from best to worst in this Dungeons of Hinterberg Charm Tier List.

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All Charms in Dungeons of Hinterberg, Ranked

This list contains every charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg ranked from S to D. While playing Dungeons of Hinterberg, I focused mainly on physical attacks and Attack Conduits while saving magic for puzzles and boss fights. These rankings reflect that, so you may disagree with some of the charms I loved and others I didn't care for. Look through them carefully and choose the ones that work best for how you play.

RankAttack Conduits
SAC Recharge Up, AC Restore MP, Chain Damage +++, Combat Resurrector, Explosion on Dodge Start, Familiarity Converter, Goo Blobs +, MP on Slay, Relaxation Converter
AAmusement Converter, Chain Damage ++, Damage Reflect, HP for Skill Cast, Perfect Dodge Slowdown, Potion Restoring Up, Potion Slowdown, Renown Converter, Shockwave on Slay, Stamina Recharge Up,
BAC Damage Up, Backstab, Chain Damage +, Early Battle Physical Attack Up, Increases Enemy Loot, Knockdown Damage, Low Health Attack Up, Magical Attack Multiplier, Magical Defense Up, Physical Attack Down MP Regeneration Up, Physical Attack Down Skill/AC Damage Up, Physical Attack Multiplier, Physical Defense to Physical Attack Converter, Physical Defense Up, Physical/Magical Attack Multiplier, Physical/Magical Defense Up
CMagical Defense to Magical Attack Converter, Phys/Mag Attack Boost, Phys/Mag Defense Boost,
DAttack Up Defense Down, Defense Down Stamina Up, Full Health Physical Attack Up, Magical Defense Up, Physical Attack Boost

Best Charms in Dungeons of Hinterberg

All of these charms can be found by exploring the world, purchasing them in shops, or getting them from befriending other characters. Take your time interacting with the world to find them all!

S-Tier Charms

Equipping the Goo Blobs + charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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These are the top charms on my list and the ones I focus on shrinking first.

  • AC Recharge Up: This charm increases the rate at which your Attack Conduits charge. When shrunk and combined with the Goo Blobs+ charm, you'll be able to use your Attack Conduits more efficiently and consistently. This will increase your damage outputs exponentially, saving you when fighting large hordes of enemies and bosses. I found it particularly helpful for fighting the final boss of Dungeons of Hinterberg.
  • AC Restore MP: This charm restores one MP slot after using any Attack Conduit. Combine it with MP on Slay, Goo Blobs +, and AC Recharge Up to keep your MP bar full.
  • Chain Damage +++: This is the ultimate form of the Chain Damage charm. After attacking an enemy with a melee attack, the attack will bounce to three nearby enemies. If you have MP on Slay equipped as well, you can potentially restore a few bars with one well-timed attack.
  • Combat Resurrector: A gift from Travis, this charm resurrects you once per combat when you reach 0 HP. I recommend equipping it before boss fights at least, but I prefer to always keep it on in case I get caught off guard and need a second wind.
  • Explosion on Dodge Start: While in combat, dodging will create an explosion that damages and knocks back enemies. This will give you extra room when dealing with both large enemies with swinging attacks and groups of smaller enemies. It will also give you space to recharge your stamina or drink a potion.
  • Familiarity Converter: A gift from Henning. The Familiarity Converter increases your magical defense by 10% of your Familiarity Social Stat. I found that the Familiarity Social Stat was one of the easiest to raise quickly, giving me 70 extra points to my magical defense.
  • Goo Blobs +: A gift from Thea. It increases the amount of HP and MP restored after hitting goo blobs. Additionally, it allows the blobs to restore some of your Attack Conduits. Goo Blobs + will ensure that you're always fully topped up and ready to fight.
  • MP on Slay: One of the biggest problems I faced when fighting bosses in Dungeons of Hinterberg was running out of mana to finish them off. This charm refills one MP slot after slaying an enemy. This means that bosses will only need to summon one wave of enemies to help you regenerate enough mana to fight back.
  • Relaxation Converter: A gift from Dani. Converts 10% of your Relaxation into physical defense points. Relaxation was my highest stat by the end of the game, meaning this charm gave me an extra 80 physical defense.

A-Tier Charms

Activating the Amusement Converter charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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These aren't quite S-Tier level, but they're still some of the better charms in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

  • Amusement Converter: A gift from Sam. This charm converts 5% of your Amusement social stat to magical attack. This will increase your magical attack by much more than any other charm out there.
  • Chain Damage ++: This is an improved version of the Chain Damage + charm. When you deal a melee attack to an enemy, it will bounce to deal damage to two nearby enemies. This makes you an even bigger threat to groups of enemies.
  • Damage Reflect: The Damage Reflect charm reflects some of the damage an enemy does to you back to that enemy. It's a good way to get in an extra bit of damage even if you're on cool-downs or moving to a more defensive position.
  • HP for Skill Cast: If Luisa is out of MP, this charm allows you to use HP instead to cast a spell. After befriending all of the characters and upgrading yourself, you'll end up with a lot of extra HP slots. It's worth sacrificing a few of them to cast extra spells in dire situations instead of just saving them.
  • Perfect Dodge Slowdown: Dodging an enemy melee attack at the right time will cause this charm to momentarily slow time. It's the perfect opportunity to strike back at your enemies or make a bit of distance. Since this charm only works for physical attacks, I've placed it in the A-Tier instead of S.
  • Potion Restoring Up: This charm increases the restoring effects that potions have. If you are low on Hinterbucks and use potions a lot, it will save you some money by making your potions work more efficiently. Those with a surplus of potions won't need this one as much, however.
  • Potion Slowdown: Using a potion during combat will slow time momentarily. If you find yourself relying on them a lot, use this charm to give yourself some extra time to restore your slots and analyze the battle you're in.
  • Renown Converter: A gift from Renaud. This charm converts 5% of your Renown into Physical Attack. This is rated higher than other attack increasing charms because your Renown stat will always end up much higher than your overall physical attack, especially since it increases everytime you conquer a new dungeon.
  • Shockwave on Slay: This charm creates a shockwave that knocks enemies down when you slay an enemy. When paired with Knockdown Damage, it's truly a force to be reckoned with.
  • Stamina Recharge Up: This charm increases the rate at which your stamina recharges. Seeing as Stamina is already pretty limited, this charm is one of the most helpful ones out there.

B-Tier Charms

Using the Physical Attack Down Skill and Ac Up charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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These are a step-up from the basic charms. All of them will help you get through the beginning and middle parts of the game with ease, although most can be swapped for their stronger counterparts toward the game's end.

  • AC Damage Up: This charm increases the damage dealt by your Attack Conduits. If you use them as often as I do, you'll get a lot of use out of this charm. However, I would prioritize charms that increase the recharge of your conduits over this one.
  • Backstab: The Backstab charm increases the amount of damage enemies take from behind when using the sword. To get the most out of this charm, you'll want to use Attack Conduits that apply an effect like stun or freeze to enemies. It's also good for attacking enemies that are running, moving to get into position, or standing in place to perform an attack.
  • Chain Damage +: Chain Damage + allows the damage from your physical attacks to bounce to one extra enemy. It's good for dealing with hordes of enemies and in combination with charms that give you bonuses after slaying an enemy.
  • Early Battle Physical Attack Up: This charm increases your physical attack by 15% for the first 30 seconds of any battle. If you put a focus on speed, this is good for getting through fights with smaller enemies quickly. However, it won't be as useful for boss fights.
  • Increased Enemy Loot: The Increased Enemy Loot charm increases the chance of monsters dropping Monster Parts as well as the amount they drop. This is really helpful when gathering parts for Henning's quest and the group of monster guys. After finishing both of their quests, this charm can be unequipped and stowed away.
  • Knockdown Damage: Knockdown Damage increases the damage you do against enemies that have been knocked down. This is particularly useful in Doberkogel, where you can use the ball-and-chain spell to knock enemies over.
  • Low Attack Health Up: This charm increases your physical and magical attacks by 10% when your health is below 50%. The usefulness of this spell depends a lot on the difficulty you are playing on and how many health upgrades you currently have. If you have a low number of health slots on a higher difficulty, this will help you out. However, players with lots of health slots on lower difficulties won't need this.
  • Magical Attack Multiplier: Increases your magical attack by 8%. It's one of the better charms to choose to replace your starting charms with, especially if you fight with a lot of magic.
  • Magical Defense Up: This charm increases your magical defense by 10%. Several enemies and the game's bosses use a lot of magical attacks, making Magical Defense Up a good charm to have on-hand.
  • Physical Attack Down, MP Regeneration Up: This charm reduces your physical attack by 20% while increasing the rate at which your MP regenerates. If you tend to focus on using spells over your sword, this is a pretty helpful charm. It's also good for certain bosses, like Windsbraut.
  • Physical Attack Down, Skill/AC Damage Up: This charm reduces your physical attack by 20% in exchange for increasing your skill and Attack Conduit damage. This is a decent trade-off if you're using some heavy-hitting Attack Conduits. However, I wouldn't recommend it if you mainly use crowd control Attack Conduits like Battlecry.
  • Physical Attack Multiplier: This charm increases your physical attack by 8%. As your stats increase, the amount that this charm increases your physical attack by will also increase. It's a good option to defer to if you stick to using your sword most of the time.
  • Physical Defense to Physical Attack Converter: This charm converts 10% of your Physical Defense to Physical Attack. If you're good at dodging hits and have a high defense stat, it's a good one to have in your arsenal.
  • Physical Defense Up: Physical Defense Up increases your physical defense by 10%. If you struggle more with avoiding physical attacks than magical ones, I would use this charm over Physical/Magical Defense Up.
  • Physical/Magical Attack Multiplier: This charm increases your physical and magical attacks by 5% each. As you raise your stats, this will increase your overall stats by even greater amounts.
  • Physical/Magical Defense Up: This charm increases both your physical and magical defenses by 5%. This is better than the C-Tier charms because the 5% grows larger as you improve your stats and gear.

C-Tier Charms

Equipping a charm that converts magical defense to magical attack in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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These charms are good to equip as placeholders while you unlock better and stronger charms to fill your slots.

  • Magical Defense to Magical Attack Converter: This charm converts 5% of your magical defense into magical attack. It's not a bad option if you have a lot of magical defense and you're good at dodging most magical attacks. However, you'll likely have better luck equipping the Amusement Converter as soon as you get it.
  • Phys/Mag Attack Boost: This charm increases your physical attack by 3 and your magical attack by 2. It's not a bad charm at the beginning of the game, but you'll want to replace it with one of the charms that increase by a percentage. Those will give you a lot more points for the same charm space.
  • Phys/Mag Defense Boost: This charm increases your physical and magical defense by 4 points each. Like the previous charm, you'll want to replace it with one of the percentage-based charms to get more bang for your buck.

D-Tier Charms

Equipping the Full Health Physical Attack Up charm in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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These charms just won't do you a lot of good compared to all of the other available options.

  • Attack Up, Defense Down: This charm increases your physical and magical attacks by 10% in exchange for decreasing your physical and magical defenses by 20%. There are plenty of charms that increase your attack by a percentage without reducing other stats. I prefer to use those and keep my defense higher in case I take a big hit from a boss. However, you may enjoy this charm if you're going for an "offense is the best defense" inspired build.
  • Defense Down, Stamina Up: This charm reduces your physical and magical defenses by 20% while increasing your stamina slot by 1. As you reach higher levels, this puts you in glass cannon territory depending on the difficulty you're playing on. The amount of defense lost isn't worth the single extra roll this charm gives you.
  • Full Health Physical Attack Up: This charm gives you an extra 20% physical attack when you have 100% of your health. The likelihood of taking damage during a fight and making this charm useless is too high for me to consider it a viable option. It's better to save the slot for a charm that will consistently increase your attack.
  • Magical Defense Up: Increases your Magical Defense by 5%. It falls short when compared to a charm like Physical/Magical Defense Up, which increases both of your defenses by 5% each.
  • Physical Attack Boost: This charm increases your physical attack by 4. Equip it at the beginning of the game while gathering better charms. However, since it only increases one stat by such a tiny amount it can easily be replaced and sold when you come across a stronger charm.

How to shrink Charms in Dungeons of Hinterberg

While working your way through all of the dungeons in Hinterberg, you'll come into town one evening and be stopped by a scientist. She'll offer to shrink your charms in exchange for gathering the "proto-goo" found on the ground in all four regions of Hinterberg.

Shrinking your charms in exchange for proto-goo in Dungeons of Hinterberg
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Every charm can be shrunk until it takes up only one slot. Each region in the game contains all four kinds of proto-goo, but they all have one main kind that they produce the most:

  • Koboldyne: The first symbol from the left. It is found mainly in Doberkogel.
  • Pitzlon: The second symbol from the left. It is mainly found in Hinterwald.
  • Albsenic: The second symbol from the right. Players will find it in the snowy mountains of Kolmstein.
  • Perchtassium: The symbol on the far right. It mainly generates on the ground in Brünnelsumpf.

When you've gathered enough of these materials, you'll find the scientist in Hinterberg near where you enter after returning for the evening.

Want to complete every part of Dungeons of Hinterberg? Check out our guide to All Dungeon Coin Locations in Dungeons of Hinterberg here on Pro Game Guides.

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Image of Krista McCay
Krista McCay
Contract Writer - Pro Gamer Guides. I work on Minecraft articles, particularly updating articles as the game changes and grows. I do play a lot of Minecraft, but I also enjoy games like Overwatch 2, Hades, and Splatoon 3 .

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Dungeons of Hinterberg Charm Tier List

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