Most Fire Emblem games are designed in such a way that players can use any combination of units they desire. That being said, it's clear that some units are much better than others at killing enemies. In fact, select units from the series could probably beat their respective games solo with a couple Concoctions to keep them healthy. These units tend to stand out in their own games, but how do they compare across the series?
Which Fire Emblem Units were the strongest in their games?
10. Rutger (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)

Being sword-locked isn't usually a good thing for a unit to be. This is not the case in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, though, where swords are the only reliable weapon type. Rutger not only gets swords, but a 30+ Crit bonus on promotion. The game also gives him tons of Axe units to destroy on the Western Isles.
9. Camilla (Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest)

Pre-promotes typically don't have great growth rates, but that doesn't apply to this flyer. Camilla enters Conquest in Chapter 10 as a Malig Knight that's stronger than all of the enemies and faster than most of them. Thanks to her great growths, she never slows down. Players can throw Camilla at almost any problem they face in Conquest and come out on top.
8. Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Since children can inherit skills from their parents in Fire Emblem: Awakening, players can create some overpowered monstrosities with only a bit of work. Lucina is a great example of this, since she can get Aether from her dad and Galeforce from a number of potential mothers. As a Great Lord she can have a large impact, but she does even better as a Pegasus Knight, or a Paladin to keep her Parallel Falchion.
7. Haar (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)

Despite being a latecomer to the party, Haar sure knows how to make an entrance. He comes with solid Strength, Speed, Defense, and the highly coveted Canto ability. The late game of Radiant Dawn can be made much easier simply by having Haar fly around and take out key enemies.
6. Titania (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

In a nutshell, Titania is a pre-promoted unit that never falls off. The other Greil Mercenaries have to spend the early game of Path of Radiance grinding up their stats, but Titania never has to worry. She barely takes damage on enemy phase and can double most things on player phase.
5. Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Players will always get value out of Dimitri by putting him on a horse (or Wyvern) and letting him beat enemies on player phase. The real power of Dimitri lies within the Battalion Wrath-Battalion Vantage combo. This allows Dimitri to always attack first with a high crit chance, so players can just put Dimitri in a sea of enemies and watch him "kill every last one of them."
4. Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)

Sigurd only has a limited number of maps to be used on due to (spoiler) reasons. In that time, though, he easily dominates the field. Horses are good in general in Genealogy of the Holy War, and Sigurd makes great use of them with high base Strength and Speed.
3. Edelgard (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

The space between Edelgard's performance and Dimitri's is small indeed. Edelgard gets extra points for her early game performance, though. With a shield, she can tank lots of hits. Later on in the game, she gets Weight -3 which actually helps her speed. By all means, players can leave her in Empress Lord, but she can solo entire maps as a Wyvern with Raging Storm too.
2. Seth (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)

It's really difficult to quantify how insanely good Seth is in The Sacred Stones. Draft races usually ban Seth after the first maps because he makes the game so easy. Seth comes with all the trappings of a pre-promoted unit (Paladin, huge movement range, great Strength, Speed, and Defense). Like Titania, he never really falls off either. Franz, the other early Cavalier, can get great level ups and promote early while still being behind Seth stat wise in the mid game.
1. Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

A lot of units on this list "can" solo their games. Robin is the only unit where players probably "should" solo the game with them on higher difficulties. First of all, Robin's Veteran skill gives him or her extra EXP when paired up. Robin will always have 1-2 range thanks to the Grandmaster class. Players can also take Robin out of Grandmaster for skills like Galeforce, Tomefaire, and others. This makes it easy to just funnel all the experience into Robin and watch him or her beat the game without much help.
Want more Fire Emblem guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with Is there a Fire Emblem Engage demo? Answered.
Published: Jan 19, 2023 02:10 pm