Golden Rose Seeds are Quest Items required to complete the Hidden Exploration Objective that unlocks after completing the quest chain called A Gifted Rose. You can get 90 additional Primogems by doing these easy steps.
With that said, you must complete the following questlines before you can trigger the events in this guide:
All Golden Rose Seeds locations in Genshin Impact

First, you need to find three Golden Rose Seeds around the Sumeru desert. There are four in total, but you only need to collect three for this objective—you can take the fourth one as a remembrance. Reference the image above to find all of the Golden Rose Seeds.

Golden Rose Seeds are hidden within petrified flowers pictured above. They blend well with the environment, so keep your eyes peeled to find them around grassy patches. To loot the Seeds, you must attack the stone flower using a claymore, which will reveal a glowing Investigate spot. Interact with it to obtain x1 Golden Rose Seed.
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How to plant Golden Rose Seeds in Genshin Impact

Head to the area circled in the image above to find a patch of pale green grass. You'll find three sparkling spots on the ground. Approach them to plant three Golden Rose Seeds. After planting the seeds, you must apply Dendro onto each seed to help them grow. Once all three are done, wait one real-time day or until the server reset before returning to the plants. You must apply Dendro to all three again so that they can mature into Golden Roses.
How to complete the Golden Rose Seeds Hidden Exploration Objective in Genshin Impact

After doing all of the above, head back to grandpa Affan on the cliff north of Aaru Village. You must speak with him three times. You will get 30 Primogems each time (for a total of 90 Primogems), and will also receive a Furnishing called Songs Amongst the Stones after the third time you speak with him, concluding the Hidden Exploration Objective.
Check out our Genshin Impact Dual Evidence World Quest guide – Old Notes and New Friends to get full clearance.
Published: Oct 16, 2022 02:22 am