Hogwarts Legacy is full of unique side quests and missions to embark on around the castle grounds and beyond. Some of them require a bit of searching, critical thinking, and patience to fully complete, such as the hunt for all the Daedalian Keys. There are plenty of winged keys flying around the castle that open up special cabinets containing House Tokens for your specific House Chest. We put together this guide to help you locate each one and get to opening that chest as soon as possible.
Where to find All Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Keys Locations
There are 16 Daedalian Keys, which will unlock all the 16 House Tokens you need to open your House Chest in your common room. You can expect this quest to take a bit of time. Locating the keys is just as important as locating the cabinet which the key unlocks since this is what holds the missing Tokens. If you find the House Cabinet, the key is sure to be hovering nearby. Listen for the playful little fluttering noise indicating the key is nearby. If you spot a key, it will lead you directly to the cabinet location. Here's where you can find them:
Astronomy Tower Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You'll find the Astronomy key the easiest since it will begin after receiving the side quest from Nellie, and your quest marker will lead you directly to where you need to go. The cabinet is located within the Astronomy classroom, just beside the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame.
To get the key, you'll need to continue up the staircases toward the outer tower, and you'll find the key venturing around the staircases.
Upper Dungeons Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

The easiest way to locate this House Cabinet and its matching key are to take the Floo Flame to the Bell Tower Courtyard. From there, ascend the left-side staircase and head through the door. You'll need to go down some more stairs and doors, staying to the left, to reach the Dungeon. Once you enter the Dungeon door, walk down the few stairs and turn to the left, and you'll find the cabinet in the dark corner.
To get the key, continue further into the Dungeons until you get to the dragon bones statue, and the key will be floating around there.
Lower Dungeons Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

The best way to locate this House Cabinet and Daedalian key is to begin at The Map Chamber. Once you descend the Map Chamber spiral stairs and enter the Dungeon, walk down the stairs to your left. Immediately make a sharp right, and you'll notice the cabinet beside a bunch of barrel cases.
The key is further out of the Dungeon going back toward the dragon bones statue. As soon as you reach the hallway with the cauldrons piled beside the locked doors, you'll notice the key flying around.
The Great Hall Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Teleport to the Great Hall Floo Flame and head inside the two sets of doors. The key will be hovering around the fireplace to the left of the entrance. Then follow it past the doors and to the right, up a staircase where the cabinet is tucked away.
Grand Staircase Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You can use the Great Hall Floo once again to locate this House Cabinet. Head out and to the left of the Great Hall and up the stairs toward the Grand Staircase. Just before the Grand Staircase is the cabinet.
To find the key, continue up the center spiral of the Grand Staircase until you reach a dead end. The key will be flying around a painting of a mole creature.
Entrance Hall Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Once again, use the Great Hall Floo and head straight out both sets of doors toward the main entrance of the castle. The key will be directly in front of you once you exit the second door on the overhanging balcony area. Follow it down the stairs to the right to find the cabinet in the corner near the hog statue.
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Bell Tower Courtyard Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

To access this cabinet and key, use the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo. Once there, start climbing the left-side staircases all the way up until you reach a music room. When you're in the music room, head up the right steps and through the door. The cabinet will be directly inside.
To find the key, continue past the cabinet and down the stairs heading toward the History of Magic classroom. You'll locate the key as you descend down the stairs.
Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Use the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame and then immediately take a right and walk forward until you reach the railing. The cabinet will be against the wall here.
To find the key, continue back toward the Floo and down the stairs until you get to the large rhino skeleton. The key will be flying around this area.
Potions Classroom Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

To find this cabinet and key, teleport to the Potions Classroom Floo and continue through the doors. The key will be just outside of the main classroom beside the pile of cauldrons. Follow it down the stairs to the left until you see the cabinet.
Central Hall Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Use the Central Hall Floo and head down the stairs and to the left, past the unicorn fountain. When you reach the Greenhouse doors, take a left. You'll find the key just before the archway.
To reach the cabinet, follow the key back across the Central Hall, past the unicorn fountain once more, and toward the Transfiguration Courtyard. Just to the right of the door, the cabinet is tucked into the corner.
Viaduct Entrance Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Once again, take the Central Hall Floo and ascend the staircase past the bard painting. You'll spot the cabinet to the left as you walk up.
To get the key, continue climbing the stairs and head toward the right. The key is underneath a staircase between two pillars.
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Library Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Teleport to the Library Floo and immediately turn to the left to find the cabinet across from some bookcases. To find the key, head back towards the Floo Flame and then walk straight through the library. Keep an eye on the right side where the key will be flying between some bookcases directly before the fireplace.
Quad Courtyard Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Take the Quad Courtyard Floo, then turn right and walk past the serpent fountain and up three sets of stairs. At the top of the third staircase, take a left, and you'll find the key floating around.
Follow the key back down the stairs toward the serpent fountain and then take a left. Head past a mermaid carving and toward the side door leading to the Gryffindor Hall. Directly to the right of the door will be the cabinet.
Clock Tower Courtyard Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, then head toward the left side of the area where there is a locked door. You'll need Alohomora to unlock it and head up the stairs to the left to find the key. Then you can follow the key up more stairs to the next level, where you'll spot the cabinet.
Faculty Tower Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You'll need to complete the quest Alohomora for this key. Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, then head up into the tower, and you'll spot the key up the right staircase. Follow the key back down the stairs, and you'll spot the cabinet underneath the staircase at the entrance.
Hospital Wing Daedalian Key Cabinet Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Use the Hospital Wing Floo; you'll need to have completed the quest for Alohomora to access this. Head down the stairs and through a hallway of paintings toward the Clock Tower until you spot the key at the very end of the hall. Follow the key back through where the cabinet is waiting behind the Prefect's Lavatory beside a statue.
How to open Daedalian Key Cabinets in Hogwarts Legacy

Once you find the key and locate the proper cabinet for it, you'll need to figure out how to get the key into the lock. These pesky keys don't like doing what they're told, so you'll have to use a bit of force. Watch carefully as the key flies around the keyhole. As soon as the key crosses lines up with the hole, smack it with A or X. If you timed it correctly, the key will unlock the cabinet and reveal a House Crest. If not, the key will take a moment to regain its composure, and you can try again.
How to open your House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy

Once you have collected House Tokens, you can return to your common room and locate your House Chest. When you approach it, you'll have the option to place down the Tokens you have. Placing all 16 of them will open it up and reward you with a unique House Uniform fitting to your specific house.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Hogwarts Legacy content? Check out our guides on How to solve the Clock Tower puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy or Hogwarts Legacy Bell Puzzle – How To Solve!
Published: Feb 10, 2023 11:09 am