If you’ve reached the Sampo story in Penacony, then you will have already met a few of these “Lordly Trashcans”—a unique species that can only be found in the Dreamscape. Here’s where to find them all in Honkai: Star Rail.
If you can’t find the trashcans, progress the story until you reach Dream’s Edge and they should spawn.
While you're on the hunt for the kings of all trashcans, check out our All Golden Hour Origami Bird Locations in Honkai Star Rail guide to get a head start on one of the more challenging collectibles you'll need to find in Penacony!
Where to find all Penacony Lordly Trashcans in Honkai Star Rail
Lordly Trashcans are mini bosses who can reward you with Stellar Jades if you please them with your responses. Answering incorrectly will trigger a challenging battle, though I’d argue that they’re very doable with a well-equipped team. They will increase their ATK every turn they get.
Their weaknesses will be hidden at first, but you can brute force your way through them. You don't have to defeat them in battle (just survive a few turns or break their weakness) and you’ll still get the rewards if you win.
Golden Hour Lordly Trashcans
Jack Trashcan

- Correct response: You look majestic and formidable.
Bucket of Fortune

- Correct response: Stay dedicated to your job and work hard.
Dream’s Edge Lordly Trashcans
Dreamweaver's Bucket
This trashcan should be near those vehicles that look like starskiffs.

- Correct responses: More trashcans; Send a couple of satellites up there*
We're unsure about the satellite answer, though this trashcan rejected any answer that was grounded in reality (like birds).
Riddler Trashcan
After you've finished the main "sky" event in Dream’s Edge, head towards the closed gate near the entrance. The Lordly Trashcan sits near it.

- Correct response: A trash bag.
A Child's Dream Lordly Trashcans
If you can't find the Lordly Trashcans in this area yet, push the story forward until you can exit the Dreamscape.
Philosopher Trashcan
From the area in pic #1, go down the left wall. You're Lordly Trashcan awaits.

- Correct response: To become a gold trashcan.
Low-esteemed Trashcan

- Correct responses: You are not a basketcase; You look appealing
The Reverie (Dreamscape)
Finish the main story first so you can access the areas you need.
Bad-Math Trashcan

- Correct responses: It equals 77; It equals 2
Martial Trashcan
From the monitor room, take a left into the room with a Dream Ticker in it. There, you'll find elevators to the Banquet Hall.

Once you've reached the hidden floor, simply go to this point (below). The Lordly Trashcan is waiting for you.

- Correct response: [None. It will attack!]
Dewlight Pavilion Lordly Trashcans
In Dewlight Pavilion, you can find two more Lordly Trashcans: the Enthusiastic and Stern Buckets.
Enthusiastic Bucket

This Lordly Trashcan can be found on the western side of City Sandpit near the exit back to the Pavilion Lobby. Correct answers:
- Teach the person a lesson with my baseball bat.
- We need to beat them up until they promise to never repeat the mistake!
Stern Bucket

The second Bucket found in this section is in the western stairwell near the Dreammaster Hall. The correct answers are:
- I'll keep my fingers together and point in the right direction with the tip of my palm.
- I'd lower my glass when clinking it with theirs.
Clock Studios Theme Park Lordly Trashcans
Clock Studios has another two Lordly Trashcans to find: the Hanu Obsessed Bucket and the Dramatic Bucket.
Hanu Obsessed Bucket

Along the western wall in the room containing the Preservation Crimson Calyx in Clock Studios, you can find the Hanu Obsessed Bucket. Its correct answers are:
- Let out a grunt that sounds cool.
- Let out a grunt that sounds cool.
Dramatic Bucket

This Bucket is located on a corner with trees near Young Master Gold. Its correct answers are:
- I'm your contact.
- SoulGlad above all.
Dreamflux Reef Lordly Trashcans
There are two interesting Lordly Trashcans in Dreamflux Reef: the Mysterious Trashcan, which doesn't show its true form, and the Trashcan Gang Member, which is guarded by security.
Mysterious Trashcan

The Mysterious Trashcan is located in the southern part of Dreamflux Reef F1. It's not shaped like a trashcan and instead looks like pink bubbles. Investigate the pink bubbles to enter dialogue with the Mysterious Trashcan. Respond with the following:
- It's not a ghost, is it...
- Please tell me how to get out of here...
- It's all thanks to you...
Trashcan Gang Member

When you approach the area from the right side, you'll be stopped by a group of City Vagrants and will engage in battle, so be careful! Otherwise, head to the location marked above in Dreamflux Reef F2 to find the Trashcan Gang Member. Respond with the following:
- Helping people out?
- Build a trash depot!
SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue Lordly Trashcans
There are two Lordly Trashcans in the SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue, but you only need to answer one set of questions to obtain rewards for both. There is quite a long prerequisite, so follow along below and make sure you've completed all Penacony Trailblaze Missions beforehand.
Trashcan Bandit Uno & Trashcan Bandit Dos

Before starting your search, complete all Penacony Trailblaze Missions and the Scorchsand Vacation Adventure Mission. Then head to SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue and enter the Dreamplay Fantasia: Action Challenge via the Pinball Machine, which will lead you to the right side of the map where the arrow is pointing above.

Next, head to the area marked above to speak to Mr. Soda #2, who will give you a clue related to the Hidden Challenge. Head to the Pinball Machine up ahead to begin the hidden Festival Wiki Acting Challenge.

After completing the full Hidden Challenge, head to the top of the Acting Challenge map (marked above) to find two Lordly Trashcans. Speak to them and respond with the following:
- Yeah, curse The Family!
- (Give over the money and take the goods).
- Give 1000 Credits.
Penacony Grand Theater Lordly Trashcans
There are two Lordly Trahcans in Penacony Grand Theater: the Trashcan of Order and Down-and-Out Trashcan.
Trashcan of Order

The delusional Trashcan of Order stands imposingly on the bartop in the western wing of Penacony Grand Theater. The correct answers are:
- Oh! Embrace order!
- No Sundays!
Down-and-Out Trashcan

The Down-and-Out Trashcan is located on the staircase in the eastern wing of the Penacony Grand Theater. If you can't access this area, make progress with your Penacony Trailblaze Missions first. The correct answers are:
- I don't have anything to spare either.
- It's just rumors.
Radiant Feldspar Lordly Trashcans
The Radiant Feldspar is home to two Lordly Trashcans, both of which are located on the B1 floor. In this map, you'll encounter the Lost Can and Dream-Chasing Can.
Lost Can

This Lost Can is located in the area marked by a star on the screenshot above, which is in Radiant Feldspar B1. You can easily get there via the nearby Space Anchor. Select the following correct answers to avoid running into any battles:
- You are a bottle of SoulGlad.
- Well, you are currently in a dream.
Dream-Chasing Can

The Dream-Chasing Can is located in the area marked above in Radiant Feldspar B1. To get there, head to the closest Space Anchor in F1, then go down the narrow staircase to reach the lowest part of B1, where you'll find the Lordly Trashcan, a Chest, and a Dream Ticker puzzle.
There's no way to avoid battling the Dream-Chasing Can, so bring a battle-ready team. After defeat, it will transform into the Enlightened Can, which you need to defeat again. After the second defeat, the Enlightened Can will be counted in the Lordly Trashcan tracker on the map, but will remain in the area for you to battle an unlimited number of times.
For more help with Honkai: Star Rail, check out All Penacony Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions in Honkai Star Rail and All Dreamscape Pass sticker locations (Map) in Honkai Star Rail here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 20, 2024 01:30 am