There are a range of machines in Horizon Forbidden West that Aloy will face, and players will need to know how to defeat them to harvest materials and resources. The Grazer is one of the Acquisition machines Aloy will meet early on in Forbidden West. These lightweight herd machines have Blaze Canisters on their backs and will charge at Aloy if she is spotted.
In Horizon Forbidden West, every machine has specific weak points and is often vulnerable to special elemental damage. A Grazer has three weak points: its red eye, the Blaze Canisters, and its Rotor Horns. It is also weak against Shock-damage attacks but resists Acid-damage attacks.
Related: How to defeat Clawstriders in Horizon Forbidden West?
Players can harvest the Blaze Canister by detaching it with arrows that have tear damage. Similarly, using Shock traps to immobilize a herd of Grazers is ideal while farming resources. The following components are available after defeating Grazers:
- Metal Shards
- Blaze Canisters
- Machine Muscle
- Braided Wire
- Metal Bone
- Sturdy Hardplate
- Small Machine Core
- Grazer Circulator
- Grazer Primary Nerve
- Grazer Rotor Horn
Players can also purchase the Shock Warrior Bow from the Merchant at Barren Light and use that to hunt Grazers for resources. To override Grazers, players will need to visit Cauldron MU located near No Man’s Land.
Grazers usually travel in herds and will attempt to flee if Aloy shoots at them from a distance. They will attack Aloy to protect the herd's retreat, but players can take them down easily by targeting the weak points.
Wondering how to complete The Broken Sky Quest in Forbidden West? Check out How to scan the Bulwark in Horizon Forbidden West? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 21, 2022 02:26 pm