Most of the best content you could experience in Lost Ark takes place after you've finished the main storyline and started working on World Quests. One of these will be titled She Waits, He Leaves.
You can complete the quest by talking with an NPC named Thar in North Vern. More specifically, he will be located inside the Adventurer's Guild building in Rania's Village, standing directly in front of Gideon's desk to the left.
The moment you talk to him, the quest will be listed as complete and you'll be able to proceed with Abyssal Dungeons.

When can you complete She Waits, He Leaves?
You can complete the quest at any time once you have finished the main story quest and have reached Level 50. It is important to note that this quest does have an issue that can lead you to believe that it is complete when in reality, it is not.
You can type in the name of the quest in the Completed tab of your quest journal to verify that it was finished.
For more Lost Ark, check out All monster locations in Arthetine in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 10, 2022 07:33 am