While Lost Ark has been available in the Asian market for some time, it has finally come to the western market, and many players have been eagerly awaiting it. When an MMO sees a large influx of players, this causes queue times, and players will have to wait before they can play. These may leave some wondering what these queue times will be.
It is hard to predict the queue times in Lost Ark, but there are some things to consider when logging in and playing. Here is what you can expect for Lost Ark and its queue times.
Related: How to increase FPS in Lost Ark
What to expect
Queue times in Lost Ark will be worse at the game's launch as many new players are logging in to try the free-to-play MMO out. As a result, Lost Ark's launch week queue times will likely be the highest. These numbers will also be higher during the weekend and peak playtimes. Try to log in before or after these peak times or when other players' interest has faded.
There are numerous servers for Lost Ark so if you have trouble getting into one, try hopping over into a different server. This may improve your wait. The actual queue seems to move fairly quickly in Lost Ark, so you should be able to play before too long, especially as the game ages.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out What is the Max Level in Lost Ark? and How to dodge in Lost Ark – Movement Skill explained on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 8, 2022 02:56 pm