Lost Ark is an action-adventure MMO, and players can explore various areas and encounter numerous enemies. These include common mob enemies that are easy to kill while traveling through various areas. But players may notice a bull symbol appear on their minimap from time to time, and they wonder what this symbol means.
The bull symbol on the minimap in Lost Ark signals a stronger enemy variant, called Elites. These enemies deal increased damage and are harder to kill. They also have various new abilities, such as an AOE petrify attack. These enemies appear in specific locations but at random times.
What does killing Elite enemies do
Killing an Elite enemy greats the player additional experience and they tend to drop more loot. While they are slightly tougher, they are still fairly easy to dispatch if the player is careful. Seeking out these enemies will help the player earn more experience and level up quicker.
As long as the player keeps an eye on their minimap, they should easily spot these bull symbol enemies. While the extra experience points they give aren't too much, every little bit helps with the grind.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out What are Account Levels in Lost Ark and What is Rapport – How to unlock in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 9, 2022 03:10 am