Lost Ark is an action-adventure MMO that features a nearly overwhelming amount of content for players to experience. This includes Hidden Stories, part of your 100 percent completion rate for the Adventurer's Tome. One of these Hidden Stories is the Tododo Song.
Tododo Song in Lost Ark - Hidden Story Locations
The Tododo Song Hidden Story requires you to find and read four tombstones in Saland Hill. You have a time limit of 30 seconds to get from one to the other, so you need to move quickly. You can see these locations below.
Start with location one and rotate counter-clockwise until you have collected all of them.
Related: Where to find Solar Salt Candy in Lost Ark – Hidden Story

Use your mount, and speed to all locations, ignoring all enemies unless they are around the area of the tombstones. They are all roughly in the same area and spread out to the four corners. Alternatively, if you have a friend, you can have them defend you while you read.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out Where to find Flawless Marksmanship in Lost Ark – Hidden Story and Where to find The Origin of the Name in Lost Ark – Hidden Story on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 11, 2022 01:59 am