Minecraft Servers are the perfect way to play online with friends and strangers alike. If you're looking to rise the ranks and compete with others to earn glory and freedom, you'll enjoy the 15 Prison Servers I've provided in this list!
Top 15 Minecraft Java and Bedrock Prison Servers
Each of these servers works for specific versions of Java, Bedrock, or both. When choosing a server, be sure to pick one for the version of the game you play.
TrappedMC - Classic Prison

Server Address: trappedmc.com
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20.4
TrappedMC is described by its creators as a "classic grinding experience". It's a great server for beginners due to its easily understood mechanics and outlined physical structure. However, it offers a good experience for more experienced players as well. There are secret recipes that can be uncovered, cells and shops to be rented, and several ways to make money, including by mining. There are PVP spaces as well, with players being able to affiliate with gangs and potentially even get on the server's most-wanted list.
Vortex Network

Server Address: mcsl.vortexnetwork.net
Version: Java 1.20.4
Vortex Network contains the Cosmic Prison server. The Cosmic Prison server has a lot of floating islands and open-air builds. There are multiple ways to earn money, the most casual of which are fishing and mining. Each provides its currency, which can be used to upgrade the tools used for those practices as well as buy other things. I didn't find an explicit prison structure while exploring the map, but the game followed the same material gathering and ranking-up structure that the other prison servers on this game have. As a bonus, players who rank-up enough to become "free" will have access to an exclusive world with items only for them.

Server Address: mcsl.lemoncloud.net
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20.4
From my playthrough of LemonCloud's Prison server, it has one of the easiest and most convenient interfaces to use of all of the servers on this list. Mining is the starting way to make money and rank up, just like the other serves on this list. However, you're able to quickly sell your items and rank up using commands rather than by traveling to NPCs. This made it easy to enjoy resource grinding without the constant back-and-forth traveling. Rather than cells, players can purchase Plots to create builds on.

Server Address: play.neocubest.com
Version: Java 1.20.4
I found NeoNetwork's Prison server to be unique because its design meshed prison architecture with the design of a spaceship, which reminded me of the Men in Black movies. The starter pickaxe isn't quite as overpowered as in some other servers, so it may take a bit longer to complete the mining quests. You also don't start with armor or weapons besides the pickaxe. I find that this makes the game feel more true to life and makes you work for success, which makes getting lots of cash even sweeter.
Purple Prison

Server Address: MCSL.PURPLE.WTF
Version: Java 1.20.4
Purple Prison felt similar to LemonCloud's prison server because each had the convenient sell and rank-up commands that made grinding materials a breeze. If you want a break from mining, the game's currency can also be collected by killing animals in the game's farm area. Drops obtained from these mobs can be sold in stacks of 64 for hundreds of thousands of coins. As a bonus, the guide on the right side of the screen shows you how much money you've made in your current gathering session, how much is in your bank, and exactly how much is required to rank up again.
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Advancius Network

Server Address: mc.advancius.net
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20
While the Advancius Network isn't specifically a Prison server, it does have one in its many game modes. Rather than a community mine, players have their own personal mine that can be easily reset through commands. As you rank up, the materials you can mine will become rarer and more expensive. The personal mining system is nice, but the system truly shines with its multiple PVP and PVE options. There's King of the Heal, an Outpost PVP, Warzone, and even PVE dungeons to be explored.
Complex Gaming

Server Address: org.mc-complex.com
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.12-1.20
Complex Gaming has multiple game modes, one of which is the Prison server. The main way to gather money and resources in the server is by mining from any of the available mines. The materials mined can be solely from the use of commands, with the money made allowing players to rank up. One of the perks of this server over others is the plots available to each player. Each player is able to get a small floating island to themselves for free with either a tropical or grass theme.

Server Address: ms.loverfella.com
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20.1
LoverCraft is a smaller, more intimate Minecraft server with a Prison server. It can have a maximum of 150 players at once, making it a great server to play on with a few friends. You start out in the mines, unlocking new mines and cells to rent as you rank up and earn more prestige. The area at the center of the hub has NPCs with tutorials as well as portals to the other games on the server.

Java Server Address: org.akumamc.net
Bedrock Server Address: bedrock.akumamc.net
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20
AkumaMC's appeal is in the speed at which you can mine, rank up, and earn the currencies of the game. If you're looking for short grind sessions featuring lots of ranking-up and watching your currency numbers skyrocket, this server gives you plenty of that satisfaction with ease. This is in part due to the momentum bar present while you mine. It rewards you for mining for longer periods, like increasing the amount of experience each block gives to your pickaxe or doubling the amount of tokens you find until the bar refills. As a note, the ease of getting money and resources is reflected in the prices of items and enchantments in the server's shops and upgrade spaces.

Server Address: hub.fadecloud.com
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20.2+
FadeCloud was one of the most unique Prison servers I uncovered due to its gorgeous outer space theme. The personal mining area is set up as if you had landed on a new planet with only yourself, a pickaxe, and a few space vessels. As you mine more and more blocks, you do damage to a "Boss" enemy located on one of the sides of your mine. You're also able to buy pets as you make more money and obtain your own plot of land to build whatever your heart desires.
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Minecraft Community Prison

Server Address: jail.cdgs.net
Version: Java 1.20+
Minecraft Community Prison takes the prize for being one of the most enjoyable classic Prison servers I've personally played on. While it does have its own unique qualities, like specialized enchantments and a drug system, it generally feels pretty true to vanilla Minecraft. The main ways to make money are by mining, fishing, and chopping wood. The tools you begin with are an iron pickaxe and an iron axe enchanted to last you a while. You have to use the coal you mine to smelt the cobblestone and other ores you find rather than having the tools smelt the materials for you. Players deemed "Prisoners" can rent cells, while "Free" players and prisoners with lots of money can rent plots out in the world/

Java Server Address: play.enchantedmc.net
Bedrock Server Address: bedrock.enchantedmc.net
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20
EnchantedMC has personal mines and personal or shared cells, making it fun to play both solo and with friends. I thought the cells in particular were functional, pretty, and fitting for the Prison aesthetic. You can choose to either have a floating cell, which has multiple large and small rooms, or a void cell, which is just a floating piece of bedrock.

Java Server Address: org.minelucky.net
Bedrock Server Address: bedrock.minelucky.net
Version: Java and Bedrock 1.20.4
As the name implies, MineLucky is a Prison server focused specifically on the mining aspect. It does have PVP as well, but the mines are the star here. Every player gets their own personal mine. You are able to set how often the mine resets, get bonuses for ranking-up that unlock as you mine more blocks, and enchant your pickaxe in a myriad of ways. You can even unlock a "Mine bomb", which can be used once every minute and destroys a lot of the mineable blocks instantly. In combination with the previous benefits, the blocks you mine are instantly converted into currency.
Dank Prison

Server Address: DankPrison.com
Version: Java 1.20.4
Unlike the other Prison servers on this list, Dank Prison has no scheduled resets on the server. Instead, players can use manual commands to reset the mines they are working in. As players mine, they will uncover chests and automatically sell their blocks. These chests can be opened, but they will also automatically combine into the next-rarest chest as soon as four of one kind of chest are gathered in your inventory.
Eden Prison

Server Address: EdenPrison.com
Version: Java 1.20.4
Eden Prison is an exciting server in part due to the fact that it actually has guards in the prison. These guards are specifically hired players vouched for by other guard players, so if you know someone who acts as a guard, you could play for the other side. If you're on the Wanted List, you will be jailed unless you fight and kill the guard. When you are jailed, you will lose any items deemed contraband. Grind to make money, rent a cell, and join the lucrative drug trade to hopefully climb the ranks and make it out of prison.
For more exciting Minecraft servers, check out our Best Minecraft Servers guide here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 17, 2024 11:37 pm