Minecraft is full of content, including biomes to explore, items and blocks to craft, mobs to fight, and locations to discover. One location that you may be interested in is the Pillager Outpost. This may leave you wondering how to find a Pillager Outpost in Minecraft.
Where to find a Pillager Outpost in Minecraft

While Pillager Outpost spawns are random, there are a couple of places you can begin looking to find one. Pillager Outposts are typically located within the Plains, Desert, Savanah, Taiga, and more. Additionally, they have a higher chance of spawning near Villages, roughly 300 blocks or so. They can be spotted in the distance as they stand higher than most structures.
So if you are looking for a Pillager Outpost in Minecraft, we recommend starting in these biomes. If you find a Village, look around it, and you may find one. You can also check out seeds that have Pillager Outposts near spawn to find one immediately.
What is a Pillager Outpost?
A Pillager Outpost is the base for Pillagers. You can find many of these mobs here, even a Pillager Captain. It functions as a watchtower and has a total of four levels. There is various loot you can find here, including Illiger Banners.
Make sure you are properly equipped before you approach one of these. The Pillagers here can make short work of you if you do not have any armor or a shield. Once you defeat the Pillager Captain, you will acquire the Bad Omen effect. This can be used to start a Pillager Raid upon entering a Village.
For more information on Minecraft, check out Minecraft Bedrock and Java editions are now combined on PC and Minecraft Woodland Mansion Seeds 1.18 (June 2022) on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 6, 2022 11:47 am