As I hopped onto Pacific Drive, I used the Transfer Trunk to store all my materials until I realized its true purpose. It's meant to help transfer items to your locker storage from your car trunk more efficiently, so here's how to do it!
Pacific Drive How to use the Transfer Trunk
The Transfer Trunk may need to be clarified in Pacific Drive, especially if you're like me and assume it's the only actual storage you have for all your resources. However, it isn't a garage upgrade like the storage lockers, and it's actually meant to work as a helpful transfer tool to unload all your recently scavenged resources.
The reason this is so handy is that the Transfer Trunk has enough room to carry all the items from your car storage (including side storage), unlike your inventory, so you can store them all in one trip versus taking a few stacks at a time. Here's how.

To use the Transfer Trunk, pick it up and carry it to your car trunk. After you've returned from a successful run, your trunk should be packed full of resources and materials to store. Open your trunk storage while the Transfer Trunk is in your hands. This will show you your car storage and your empty Transfer Trunk storage space. Now you can transfer all items over by pressing T on PC or R-Stick in on Consoles.

With all your items in your Transfer Trunk, run over to the storage locker you want to place them in and press the same button to transfer them all over to the locker. They will automatically stack on duplicate resources you already have stored.
How to use the Vargas Auto-Vac in Pacific Drive

Another cool trick you can do with the Transfer Trunk is automatically storing all loose items around the Auto Shop. If you have many items from the Dumpster, the Matter Deconstructor, or just loose parts lying around, head to the Vargas Auto-Vac in the same room as the Fabricator and switch it on. This will pick up everything off the ground, place it into the Transfer Trunk, and then drop it out in front of the machine for you. It's especially convenient if you seem to have lost something.
Trust me, this handy Transfer Trunk does save you time in storing all your items, especially when you have multiple locker upgrades unlocked and spread around the Auto Shop. Why make several trips to your car trunk to unload everything when you can do it in one?
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Pacific Drive content? Check out our guides on How to break the Dumpster Pearl in Pacific Drive or How to get a Side Rack in Pacific Drive!
Published: Feb 27, 2024 09:01 am