To unlock Nightmare difficulty in Phasmophobia, you will first need to be level 15 in the game and\unlocked the Professional difficulty mode. You can unlock the professional difficulty setting by leveling up to level 15.
However, it's worth noting that you may need to level up to level 20 before you can play the Nightmare mode. Luckily it's easy to level up to both levels 15 and 20. All you need to do is focus on completing ghost investigations.
You should also complete side objectives in ghost investigations. The reason is that side objectives reward you with extra money once you finish an investigation.
Because of this, the farming side of objectives is a good way to earn money to buy more items to make your investigations easier. Playing with friends or other players would be a good idea as well.
The reason is that investigations in the game are easier with more than one person. Especially if each player goes after a different piece of evidence, thus cutting down the time to identify the ghost. Another reason is simply put, more people equals more people the ghost can kill other than you.
Once you reach a level 15 or 20, you will be able to select night mode after professional when choosing a job in the game. Nightmare mode will also have the following settings and difficulty changes:
- Ghosts will not reveal one type of evidence.
- The ghost will sometimes change its preferred room after moving.
- No setup time.
- Shortest hunt grace period.
- Long hunt duration.
- Kills extend the current hunt’s duration.
- Sanity pills restore much less sanity.
- Fuse box starts off.
- Almost no hiding places.
- Paranormal interference has damaged some of your monitoring equipment.
For more on Phasmophobia. we recommend checking out Phasmophobia Ghost Trigger Phrases.
Published: Oct 25, 2021 09:28 am