Image via The Pokémon Company
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Type Effectiveness Guide
When to use each Pokémon type in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Published: Jan 27, 2022 09:03 pm
Pokémon typings, and their weaknesses/resistances, can get very confusing and hard to remember. There are 18 different typings in Pokémon Legends: Arceus and each has its own set of weaknesses and resistances that are important to keep in mind while battling.
Fire Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Grass, Bug, Steel, and Ice Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Rock, Water, Fire, and Dragon Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Ground, Rock, and Water Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Grass, Steel, Fire, Ice, and Bug Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Water Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Rock, Ground, and Fire Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Grass, Water, and Dragon Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Electric and Grass Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Fire, Steel, Ice, and Water Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Grass Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Rock, Ground, and Water Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Poison, Bug, Flying, Fire, Steel, Grass, and Dragon Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Fire, Ice, Bug, Poison, and Flying Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Water, Grass, Electric, and Ground Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Electric Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Flying and Water Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Electric, Grass, and Dragon Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Ground Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Steel, Electric, and Flying Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Flying, Steel, and Electric Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Related : All Pokémon who evolve using the Leaf Stone in Pokémon Legends Arceus
Psychic Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Poison and Fighting Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Psychic and Steel Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Dark Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Ghost, Bug, and Dark Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Fighting and Psychic Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Ice Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Flying, Grass, Ground, and Dragon Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Fighting, Fire, Steel, and Rock Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Ice Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Dark Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Psychic and Ghost Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Fighting, Dark, and Fairy Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Fighting, Fairy, and Bug Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Ghost and Dark Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Psychic Type
Dragon Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Dragon Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Steel Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Fairy Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Ice, Fairy, and Dragon Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Water, Fire, Electric, and Grass Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Related : All Pokémon who evolve using the Fire Stone in Pokémon Legends Arceus
Fairy Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Dragon, Fighting, and Dark Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Poison, Fire, and Steel Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Steel and Poison Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Bug, Dark, and Fighting Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Dragon Type
Steel Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Rock, Fairy, and Ice Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Fire, Steel, Water, and Electric Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Ground, Fighting, and Fire Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Normal, Rock, Flying, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Fairy, Ice, and Dragon Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Poison Type
Ghost Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Ghost and Psychic Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Dark Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Normal Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Dark and Ghost Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Bug and Poison Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Normal and Fighting Type
Bug Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Psychic, Grass, and Dark Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Flying, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, Fire, Steel, and Fairy Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Flying, Fire, and Rock Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Ground, Grass, and Fighting Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Rock Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Bug, Flying, Fire, and Ice Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Fighting, Ground, and Steel Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Ground, Fighting, Steel, Water and Grass Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Ground Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Rock, Poison, Steel, Fire, and Electric Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Grass and Bug Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Flying Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Grass, Water, and Ice Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Poison and Rock Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Electric Type
Fighting Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Normal, Steel, Rock, Ice, and Dark Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Poison, Flying, Bug, Fairy, and Psychic Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Ghost Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Psychic, Flying, and Fairy Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Bug, Dark, and Rock Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Flying Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Bug, Fighting, and Grass Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Steel, Rock, and Electric Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): N/A Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Electric, Rock, and Ice Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Bug, Grass, and Fighting Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Ground Type
Poison Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): Fairy and Grass Type Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Ghost, Rock, Ground, and Poison Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Steel Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Psychic and Ground Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): Poison, Fighting, Grass, and Fairy Type Immune To (Will not be damaged by): N/A
Normal Type Strong Against (Will deal 2x damage to): N/A Weak Against (Will do 0.5x damage to): Steel and Rock Type Useless Against (Will have no effect on): Ghost Type Weak To (Will take 2x damage from): Fighting Type Resistant To (Will take 0.5x less damage): N/A Immune To (Will not be damaged by): Ghost Type
Want to read more about Pokémon Legends: Arceus and its lore? Check out What does “Arceus” mean? Name origin of Pokémon Legends Arceus on Pro Game Guides!
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Published: Jan 27, 2022 09:03 pm