In an experience with over 150 unique weapons, it can be hard to pick out the best ones—which is why we've done it for you! This quick list will pinpoint the best options from each weapon type in the Roblox FPS Phantom Forces, along with a brief overview of their stats. Keep in mind, however, that these are just our picks, and what works best for us might not work best for you—it's all dependent on play style and personal preference!
Best assault rifles
- AK47
- Pros:
- Very high damage at close range, high damage at medium range, and decent damage at long range
- Good bullet penetration
- Decent range capabilities
- Cons:
- High recoil and drift, can be hard to control if used fully automatic
- Slower rate of fire when compared to other assault rifles
- Slightly lower time to kill (TTK) when compared to other assault rifles
- Pros:
- M16A3
- Pros:
- Low recoil when used consistently
- Fastest tactical reload time in its class
- Highest muzzle velocity in its class
- Good range when compared to other assault rifles
- Common ammunition type
- Cons:
- High, possibly obstructing muzzle flash
- First shot recoil
- Pros:
- L85A2
- Pros:
- High minimum damage amount
- Very low recoil
- Suppressed
- Cons:
- Slightly obstructive iron sights
- Slightly longer reload time when compared to other assault rifles
- Pros:
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- Good bullet penetration
- Low ammo consumption rate
- Mild vertical recoil
- Cons:
- Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other assault rifles
- Very high horizontal recoil
- Below average TTK when compared to other assault rifles
- Pros:
- AUG A2
- Pros:
- Good hip-fire accuracy and stability
- Good damage at close range with the ability to three-shot kill (3SK)
- Decent rate of fire
- Mild vertical recoil
- Cons:
- High horizontal recoil
- Low minimum damage
- Slightly longer reload time
- Slightly obstructive iron sights
- Pros:
Best PDWs
- MP40
- Pros:
- Short TTK when compared to other PDWs with the ability to 2SK
- Extremely low vertical recoil
- Fast reload time
- Low ammunition consumption rate
- Common ammunition type
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Slightly above average magazine capacity
- Cons:
- Slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWs
- Short damage drop-off range
- Fully-automatic only
- Slightly high horizontal recoil
- Pros:
- MAC10
- Pros:
- Very high damage in close combat
- Very high rate of fire
- Fast movement speed
- Selectable aiming mode
- Short TTK when compared to all other PDWs
- Cons:
- Short headshot range
- Obstructive iron sights
- High vertical and horizontal recoil
- Low minimum and maximum range
- Pros:
- UMP45
- Pros:
- High damage when compared to all Phantom Forces weapons
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil
- 2SK headshot capabilities
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Good bullet penetration
- Low ammo consumption rate
- Cons:
- Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other PDWs
- Low magazine capacity when compared to other PDWs
- Slow rate of fire
- Pros:
- MP5/10
- Pros:
- High damage in all ranges
- Fast rate of fire
- Above average magazine capacity
- Short TTK
- Decent range
- Good middle ground PDW
- Cons:
- Slightly high horizontal and vertical recoil
- Pros:
- M3A1
- Pros:
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil
- Highest base damage in its class
- Short TTK in close combat, utilizes a torso multiplier
- Low ammo consumption rate
- Decently long damage range when compared to other PDWs
- Cons:
- Very slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWs
- Slightly obstructive iron sights with a high muzzle flash
- Low muzzle velocity
- Pros:
Best LMGs
- HK21
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- Fast rate of fire
- Very good bullet penetration
- High ammunition reserve
- Large magazine capacity
- Impressive close combat abilities for its class
- Cons:
- Long reload time
- Extremely high horizontal recoil that makes the gun hard to control
- Slow mobility when compared to other LMGs
- Slow ADS speed
- Pros:
- RPK12
- Pros:
- Good damage range
- Very fast rate of fire for a burst gun
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil
- Fastest reload time in its class
- Cons:
- High muzzle flash
- Poor bullet penetration
- High ammunition consumption rate
- Lowest overall damage in its class
- Pros:
- Pros:
- Highest damage in its class
- Fast reload time
- Good bullet penetration
- Decent hip fire accuracy and stability
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Cons:
- High vertical recoil
- High muzzle flash
- Low mobility
- Slow rate of fire
- Pros:
- Pros:
- Decently long damage range
- Very low gun recoil
- Large magazine capacity and ammunition reserve
- Cons:
- High camera recoil
- Long reload time
- Slow rate of fire
- Pros:
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- Fastest rate of fire in its class
- Good bullet penetration
- Mild recoil, but controllable
- Massive ammo reserve at 300 bullets, the best out of every Phantom Forces gun
- Cons:
- High vertical recoil
- Slow walkspeed
- Long reload time
- Highly obstructing muzzle flash
- Small magazines
- Pros:
Related: Best Roblox aimbot scripts for FPS
Best sniper rifles
- BFG 50
- Pros:
- Extremely high damage with a 1SK to the torso or head at any range
- Guaranteed 1SK anywhere within 50 studs
- High muzzle velocity
- Long steady hand time
- Cons:
- Low mobility
- Slow ADS speed
- Lowest rate of fire out of all guns in Phantom Forces
- Long reload time
- Pros:
- Intervention
- Pros:
- Relatively easy to learn and use, good sniper for both beginners and veterans
- Large magazine capacity
- Long steady hand time
- Decently high rate of fire for its class
- Extremely high damage in close combat
- Highest default muzzle velocity of all guns in Phantom Forces
- Cons:
- Slow ADS speed
- Slow walk speed
- Long reload time
- Pros:
- TRG-42
- Pros:
- Decent muzzle velocity
- Good steady hand time
- 1SK to any part of the body in close combat
- Very fast tactical reload
- Large ammo reserve
- Cons:
- Small magazine capacity when compared to other sniper rifles
- Low minimum damage
- Long reload time
- Slow movement speed
- Pros:
- Dragunov SVDS
- Pros:
- Semi-automatic capability removes the need to stop ADS-ing after a bullet is fired
- 1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close to medium range
- Large magazine capacity
- Decent rate of fire
- Cons:
- Long recoil recovery time after shooting
- Suppressor lessens the chance of 1SKs
- Pros:
- Hecate II
- Pros:
- Large magazine capacity
- Best bullet penetration of all guns in Phantom Forces
- 1SK to the head and torso at all ranges
- Second highest muzzle velocity in its class
- Cons:
- Small ammo reserve
- Extremely high horizontal and vertical recoil
- Slow ADS speed
- Longest reload time of all snipers
- Slow walk speed
- Pros:
Best carbines
- Honey Badger
- Pros:
- Good hip-fire stability and accuracy
- Fast reload time
- Good bullet penetration
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Decent rate of fire
- Cons:
- High first shot recoil
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Low muzzle velocity
- Below average TTK when compared to other carbines
- Pros:
- FAL 50.00
- Pros:
- Fast rate of fire
- High damage at all ranges when compared to other carbines
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Decent bullet penetration
- Cons:
- Long reload time
- Small magazine capacity for an automatic weapon
- Slow movement speed
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Pros:
- G36K
- Pros:
- Low horizontal recoil
- Above average rate of fire when compared to other carbines
- High damage in close combat, decent damage at medium range
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Cons:
- Very high first shot recoil
- High vertical recoil
- Very low damage at long range
- High camera recoil
- Pros:
- Groza-1
- Pros:
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil
- Pre-integrated vertical grip
- Decent minimum damage
- Decent reload speed
- Long damage drop-off range
- Cons:
- Slow TTK in close combat
- High camera recoil
- No reload cancel
- Below average minimum damage when compared to other carbines
- Pros:
- AK12C
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- Decent range for its class
- Decent rate of fire
- Common ammunition type
- Good all around carbine option
- Cons:
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Slightly obstructive iron sights
- Low muzzle velocity
- Pros:
Best DMRs
Due to Phantom Forces having such few DMRs, we will be picking the top three instead of five.
- MK11
- Pros:
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil with a fast recoil recovery speed
- High damage at all ranges
- Common ammunition type
- Fast reload time
- Second largest magazine capacity in its class
- Cons:
- Small ammunition reserve
- Slow rate of fire
- Pros:
- Pros:
- Decent magazine capacity
- High rate of fire when compared to other DMRs
- High damage in close combat
- Decently fast reload time
- Cons:
- Low minimum damage
- Below average range when compared to other DMRs
- Loses accuracy upon rapid firing
- Pros:
- MSG90
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- 1SK and 3SK capabilities to the head and torso at close and medium range
- Good bullet penetration
- Extremely high muzzle velocity
- Largest ammo reserve of its class
- Cons:
- High vertical recoil
- Smallest magazine capacity of its class
- Slow reload time
- Obstructive iron sights
- Pros:
Best battle rifles
Due to Phantom Forces having such few battle rifles, we will be picking the top three instead of five.
- Beowulf ECR
- Pros:
- High damage at close and medium range
- Fastest reload time of all other battle rifles
- Extremely short TTK
- Extremely stable and accurate hip fire
- Fast rate of fire
- Can be automatic or burst
- Cons:
- High recoil when ADS-ing
- High ammo consumption rate
- Slowest muzzle velocity of all other battle rifles
- Small magazine capacity
- Pros:
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges
- Decent rate of fire
- Low horizontal recoil
- Fast reload time compared to other battle rifles
- Long damage range
- Cons:
- Small magazine capacity
- High vertical recoil
- Uncommon ammunition type
- High ammo consumption rate
- Pros:
- Henry 45-70
- Pros:
- 1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close range
- Fast ADS speed
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Fast rate of fire when compared to weapons that do similar amounts of damage
- Can continue firing while reloading
- Cons:
- Very low muzzle velocity
- Long reload time
- Small magazine capacity
- Slowest rate of fire of all battle rifles
- Pros:
Best shotguns
Due to Phantom Forces having such few shotguns, we will be picking the top three instead of five.
- Remington 870
- Pros:
- High damage
- Decent range for its class
- Tight pellet spread
- Slugs enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges and a 1SK to the torso in close combat
- Cons:
- Long reload time
- Slow rate of fire
- Slug rounds make it more difficult to hit ranged enemies
- Pros:
- Stevens DB
- Pros:
- Has instant-burst capabilities
- Very high damage per pellet
- Fast reload time
- Fast ADS speed when compared to all other shotguns
- Highest maximum damage of its class
- Second highest velocity of its class
- Slug enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges
- Cons:
- Only two bullets per magazine, constant reloads
- Cannot attach suppressers
- Requires a steady hand and good aim to be used efficiently
- Pros:
- SPAS-12
- Pros:
- Decent rate of fire
- Decently tight pellet spread
- Slug enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges
- Fasted reload time of its class
- Cons:
- Slightly obstructed iron sights
- High vertical recoil
- Pros:
Best pistols
- Five Seven
- Pros:
- Largest magazine capacity of its
- High damage range when compared to other pistols
- Fast rate of fire
- Low vertical recoil
- Very good bullet penetration
- Highest muzzle velocity of its class
- Fast reload time
- Cons:
- Uncommon ammunition type
- Low minimum damage
- Obstructive recoil animation
- In order to get a 3SK, all shots must land on the torso
- Pros:
- M45A1
- Pros:
- High damage in close combat, decent damage at medium and longe range
- Fast reload time
- Fast rate of fire
- Unobstructed iron sights
- High damage range
- Cons:
- High recoil when ADS-ing
- Small base magazine capacity
- Pros:
- GB-22
- Pros:
- 1SK to the head in close combat
- Fastest reload time of its class
- Above-average muzzle velocity
- Fast movement speed
- Recoil is irrelevant due to the gun being single shot
- Fastest ADS speed of all guns in Phantom Forces
- Cons:
- Very low base damage
- Small ammo reserve
- Pros:
- KG-99
- Pros:
- Large ammo reserve
- Fast rate of fire
- Common ammunition type
- Low horizontal and vertical recoil
- Large magazine capacity
- Cons:
- Very low muzzle velocity
- Low damage at all ranges when compared to other pistols
- Pros:
- Desert Eagle L5
- Pros:
- Very high damage, 1SK to the head in close combat
- Decent damage range
- Fast reload time
- Decent muzzle velocity
- Good bullet penetration
- Cons:
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Low rate of fire
- Uncommon ammo type
- Very short damage drop-off range
- Pros:
Best machine pistols
Due to Phantom Forces having such few machine pistols, we will be picking the top three instead of five.
- 93R
- Pros:
- Highest muzzle velocity of its class
- Short TTK, one burst kill in close combat
- Fast rate of fire
- Large ammo reserve
- Cons:
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Low accuracy
- High ammo consumption rate
- Pros:
- Micro Uzi
- Pros:
- Very short TTK, 3SK in close combat
- Fast rate of fire
- High muzzle velocity
- Very high hip fire accuracy and stability
- Cons:
- Very high horizontal and vertical recoil
- Slightly obstructive iron sights
- High ammo consumption rate
- Small ammo reserve
- Pros:
- MP1911
- Pros:
- Very high rate of fire
- High damage in close combat, high damage at medium range, decent damage at long range
- Short TTK, 3SK in close combat
- Low vertical recoil
- Cons:
- High ammo consumption rate
- High horizontal recoil
- Long reload time
- Low maximum damage range
- Pros:
Best revolvers
Due to Phantom Forces having such few revolvers, we will be picking the top three instead of five.
- Mateba 6
- Pros:
- High damage in close combat, 1SK to the head
- Decent reload time
- Fast rate of fire
- Cons:
- High camera recoil
- Slow recoil recovery speed
- Steep damage drop-off range
- Pros:
- Redhawk 44
- Pros:
- High damage at all ranges, 1SK to the head in close combat, 2SK to the torso + head at long range
- Fast recoil recovery speed
- Tight hip fire spread
- Unobstructed iron sights
- Fast reload time
- Cons:
- Extremely high horizontal and vertical recoil while ADS-ing
- Pros:
- Judge
- Pros:
- Works as a pistol/shotgun combo
- Highest per-pellet damage out of all shotgun
- Large ammo reserve
- Second highest rate of fire out of all shotguns
- Tight pellet spread
- Cons:
- Small magazine capacity, four pellets per shot
- High horizontal and vertical recoil
- Very slow recoil recovery speed
- Pros:
That's our picks for the best guns in Phantom Forces! What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!
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Published: Jan 11, 2022 03:44 pm