When you begin playing Roots of Pacha, you're tossed into a prehistoric world with many responsibilities under your belt. You'll be tasked with helping your community grow and progress, as well as optional achievements like marriage to a villager or foreign clan member. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, we get it. Use our guide to help you stay on the right path and eventually develop Pacha into a modern-day society (not totally, but you know what we mean).
Best Roots of Pacha Beginner's Tips

Roots of Pacha throws you right into the action, which can lead to you making decisions that waste your time. Review these tips that we curated specifically for the first few days of gameplay in Roots of Pacha:
- Keep an eye out for time. Days are rather short in Roots of Pacha (15 minutes in the real world). This means you'll need to use your time wisely and do what you need to on that day. The good thing is, people and "businesses" are less scheduled in Roots of Pacha compared to games like Stardew Valley. You don't have as many restrictions around when certain places are open, who is out late at night, etc.
- Ditch any preconceptions about getting rich and any other individualistic tendencies for success. Unlike similar games in the genre, you are working for the whole community in Roots of Pacha. You don't make money, you get Prosperity. You don't sell stuff, you submit offerings. Keep your eye on contributing to the village as a whole to succeed.
- Don't feel bad about struggling to keep up with all the information that needs tracking in Roots of Pacha. If you need to, keep a note system outside the game to keep yourself organized.
- Upgrade your tools as soon as possible. For example, getting the Water Bucket over the Waterskin will allow you to have more water capacity. This makes mindless work like water crops go much more quickly, freeing you up for more important tasks.
- Don't bother trying to make your way to the Caves until Year 1 Spring Day 4. That's because the caves don't open until then, and you'll end up wasting time for the day with the long trek.
Best General Tips in Roots of Pacha

When you get past the first few days in Roots of Pacha, you likely have a good hang of everything. But that doesn't mean you couldn't still benefit from more tips. Look at these for more insight into general Roots of Pacha gameplay:
- If you're short on offerings, a few materials (wood, fiber, stone, etc.) are okay to submit to the pot, but we recommend against it. This is because materials give you only a small amount of prosperity and they are better used for research and building structures.
- If you want to use multiplayer in Roots of Pacha, make sure to plan for no more than four players. This is because only four people can play in one multiplayer save file at a time.
- If you become aimless after playing Roots of Pacha for a while, don't forget to check your Prophecies. You can do this by venturing into the Jungle to the West of your home and checking the object in the middle of the stone platform. This can help you better visualize progress and know what to work on next.
- Don't neglect to check the far areas of the map, like the Beach. These spots will have unique goodies that you can't find close to home. If you need to get there more quickly, obtain a mount and ride an animal.
- It may sound simple, but remember you can see villager locations on the map. This can save tons of time otherwise spent searching for them.
- Tomatoes and Beets are two of the best crops for low-maintenance farming. They don't need to be replanted each time and both have a relatively low turnaround time.
- When planting pumpkins, keep time in mind. They take 15 days to grow, so you don't want to waste your efforts by planting at the end of Fall.
- Try fishing in the rain. There are multiple fish that are uniquely available under these weather conditions.
- Don't forget that Roots of Pacha is meant to be fun for you. If you find yourself too stressed or anxious about gameplay, take a step back. Don't worry about progressing as quickly as you can. Instead, relax as you play.
Related: How To Get Flint in Roots of Pacha
Best Tricks in Roots of Pacha

If you've reviewed all of our tips above, you probably have a good head on your shoulders now. But if you still want some bonus information to get you ahead in Roots of Pacha, check out these tips:
- When you first start the game, you're given the task of meeting all village members. Don't waste time on your first day doing this. Instead, wait for the Rites of Passage ceremony on the second day of gameplay and greet everyone at the afterparty. All villagers will be there.
- Decide what you want to submit for the Rites of Passage ceremony. Each item has different perks, as follows:
- Plant - Growth Speed for Plants +10
- Fish - Fish Catching +12
- Flower - Charm +4
- Dish - Max Stamina +20
- If you're running low on space, purchase expanded storage from Jizu. You can also build a chest to store items you don't need on your person.
- If you're planning on submitting fish or fruit to your offerings pot, consider smoking or drying them instead. This will give your more Prosperity.
- In terms of gift-giving, it's always best to keep an eye on Villagers' preferences. But if you want to roll the dice, try gifting tomatoes. They are one of the most mentioned gift items across the villager list. Three villagers love tomatoes, two like them, and 31 are neutral about tomatoes. This makes it a good gift to attempt if you don't want to bother remembering who likes what.
Want to read more about Roots of Pacha? If so, check out Roots of Pacha Cooking Recipes & Utensils List on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 27, 2023 12:53 pm