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Full blood type and Birthday Spirit command guide Super Robot Wars 30
Pick the perfect starting blood type and birthday in SRW30
Published: Nov 1, 2021 08:50 am
Super Robot Wars 30 uses a zodiac signs and blood type system to assign hidden spirit commands to your character. Depending on the birth date and blood type you select for your character at the start of the game, you can change the order and variety of the spirit commands your protagonists get as they level up.
Below is a full guide to the Spirit commands, what dates you need to set to get them, and the blood type to choose. Tables vary based on which zodiac star sign the date falls under as well as your blood type; you will receive certain Spirits at higher levels.
Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Spirit (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Mercy (Level 5) Daunt (Level 15) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Fortune (Level 10) Persist (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Wish (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Accel (Level 10) Mercy (Level 15) Wall (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Taurus (Apr. 20 - May. 20) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Spirit (Level 10) Focus (Level 15) Charge (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Persist (Level 10) Snipe (Level 15) Spirit (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Persist (Level 10) Focus (Level 15) Resolve (Level 35) Soul (Level 45) Bonds (Level 55) O Intuition Persist (Level 5) Spirit (Level 15) Charge (Level 25 Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Gemini (May. 21 - June. 21) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Persist (Level 10) Accel (Level 15) Resolve (Level 35) Disrupt (Level 50) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Accel (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Snipe (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Accel (Level 5) Focus (Level 15) Resolve (Level 30) Soul (Level 45) Wish (Level 55) O Intuition Fortune (Level 10) Focus (Level 15) Persist (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Cancer (Jun. 22 - Jul. 22) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Focus (Level 5) Snipe (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Spirit (Level 10) Focus (Level 15) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Accel (Level 10) Wall (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Focus (Level 5) Spirit (Level 15) Daunt (Level 30) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55)
Leo (Jul. 23 - Aug.22) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Persist (Level 10) Wall (Level 20) Resolve (Level 35) Soul (Level 45) Prospect (Level 55) B Intuition Focus (Level 15) Snipe (Level 20) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Daunt (Level 5) Fortune (Level 20) Charge (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Gain (Level 5) Spirit (Level 15) Snipe (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Persist (Level 10) Mercy (Level 15) Drive (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Focus (Level 5) Daunt (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 45) Drive (Level 55) AB Intuition Daunt (Level 5) Accel (Level 25) Daunt (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Gain (Level 5) Persist (Level 14) Resolve (Level 40) Drive (Level 50) Soul (Level 55)
Related: How to unlock the Cybaster and Masaki in Super Robot Wars 30
Libra (Sep.23 - Oct.23) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Persist (Level 10) Rouse (Level 15) Daunt (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Fortune (Level 10) Mercy (Level 15) Wall (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Snipe (Level 15) Accel (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Bonds (Level 55) O Intuition Mercy (Level 10) Persist (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Drive (Level 55)
Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Gain (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 45) Drive (Level 55) B Intuition Spirit (Level 10) Snipe (Level 15) Wall (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Fortune (Level 15) Analyze (Level 20) Persist (Level 25) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Persist (Level 5) Daunt (Level 15) Rouse (Level 35) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Gain (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Fortune (Level 10) Daunt (Level 20) Analyze (Level 30) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Gain (Level 10) Wall (Level 25) Spirit (Level 30) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Persist (Level 10) Daunt (Level 15) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Prospect (Level 55)
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Fortune (Level 10) Mercy (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Analyze (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Persist (Level 10) Rouse (Level 15) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Drive (Level 55) O Intuition Persist (Level 10) Wall (10) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Prospect (Level 55)
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Persist (Level 10) Mercy (Level 15) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 45) Drive (Level 55) B Intuition Gain (Level 10) Daunt (Level 20) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) AB Intuition Persist (Level 10) Wall (Level 20) Spirit (Level 35) Resolve (Level 45) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Analyze (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55)
Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) Blood Type Spirit Command 1 Spirit Command 2 Spirit Command 3 Spirit Command 4 Spirit Command 5 Spirit Command 6 A Intuition Mercy (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Snipe (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) B Intuition Gain (Level 10) Persist (Level 15) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Prospect (Level 55) AB Intuition Daunt (Level 5) Wall (Level 15) Spirit (Level 25) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 55) O Intuition Persist (Level 10) Snipe (Level 20) Resolve (Level 40) Soul (Level 50) Bonds (Level 55)
Got your blood type set? The ideal birth date? Get your character completely perfect by checking out What are the differences between the protagonists in Super Robot Wars 30? on Pro Game Guides
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Published: Nov 1, 2021 08:50 am