When it comes to ranked gameplay, I try to equip a reticle that is minimal in size to increase my confidence in aiming. On the other hand, if I am spending some group time with my buddies in custom or unrated matches, I always use some of the silliest and worst-looking crosshairs that one can imagine to troll my friends. It can be the flappy bird-shaped crosshair or the popular Windmill crosshair. Every single one puts a smile on my face while killing my friends using one of them.
On that note, if you are looking for some worst-looking crosshairs in Valorant to mess around with your Discord buddies. Don't Worry! You have landed on the right page.
Bad Crosshair Codes in Valorant
RIP Valorant Crosshair Code

- RIP Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;1;o;1;0t;10;0l;3;0o;0;0a;1;0m;1;1l;4;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0
As the name suggests, using this crosshair will only result in the death of the player using it. This green funeral wreath-shaped crosshair may look good but will not help you eliminate even a single enemy due to its large size and design, which irritates you while aiming.
Flappy Birds Valorant Crosshair Code

- Flappy Bird Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;008000FF;t;3;o;1;b;1;0t;4;0l;0;0v;18;0g;1;0o;10;0a;1;0f;0;1t;10;1l;0;1v;4;1g;1;1o;7;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Ever wondered? How might one feel to use a crosshair straight out of another video game? Well, that is what you perceive while using the Flappy Birds crosshair. The green pipe structure looks clumsy and covers most of the central screen where you need to aim. I highly recommend you equip this crosshair if you are a fan of Flappy Birds or the Super Mario franchise.
Windmill Valorant Crosshair Code

- Windmill Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;1;t;6;o;1;d;1;z;6;a;0;f;0;m;1;0t;10;0l;20;0o;20;0a;1;0m;1;0e;0.1;1t;10;1l;10;1o;40;1a;1;1m;0
Apart from grinding flour, I was never aware of the fact that Windmills can crush and destroy brain cells as well. Indicative of its name, the shape of the crosshair resembles that of a real-life Windmill. As a result, the crosshair is huge and occupies 50% of the screen. Use the reticle if you want to throw games and troll your friends in custom matches.
Steve Valorant Crosshair Code

- Steve Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;105141FF;t;3;o;1;b;1;f;0;m;1;0t;10;0l;10;0v;20;0g;1;0o;0;0a;0.6;0f;0;1t;10;1l;4;1v;10;1g;1;1o;8;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
This crosshair is designed based on the popular Minecraft character - Steve. Like his survival skill, the crosshair is also absolutely useless due to its height and weird design pattern, which hides most of the screen. Equip the crosshair only if you love Steve and the Minecraft universe.
Plunger Valorant Crosshair Code

- Plunger Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;6;t;3;o;0.25;d;1;z;3;a;0.5;f;0;m;1;0t;1;0l;17;0o;20;0a;1;0m;1;1t;9;1l;7;1o;15;1a;0.5;1m;0
Plungers belong in the toilets, and so does this crosshair. This crosshair is a complete mess due to its pink color, inhibiting your ability to locate enemies. Moreover, the design is pretty awkward, leaving little space to place your enemy within the scope of the crosshair. Please don't touch the crosshair unless you are involved in some form of the plunger industry.
Empty Valorant Crosshair Code

- Empty Crosshair Code: 0;p;0;s;1;P;h;0;0b;0;1b;0
Have you ever tried playing Valorant without any crosshair? Well, I tried it for the guide and want to forget every moment regarding it. From the moment I removed my crosshair, I had no sense of awareness and did not know where I was shooting and where my bullets landed. During the entire time, I ended up with zero kills and a dip in my overall confidence as a Valorant player. Try the crosshair for yourself and share your experience in the comment section.
Double Valorant Crosshair Code

- Double Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;b;1;t;1;o;0.5;z;2;a;1;0t;2;0l;10;0v;0;0o;20;0a;1;0s;1;0e;1;1t;10;1l;2;1v;0;1o;24;1a;1;1s;1;1e;1;u;00FF00;d;0;h;0;0g;1;1g;1;0f;0;1f;0;0m;0;1m;0;0b;1;1b;1;m;0;f;0
At first look, the Double crosshair may look like a viable crosshair, but don't get fooled by its appearance. When equipped, you will have two default crosshairs on the screen and have no clue where the bullets will spawn, confusing players. Use the crosshair if you love to create and live in chaos.
Nerd Glass Valorant Crosshair Code

- Nerd Glass Crosshair Code: 0;s;1;P;t;2;o;1;d;1;a;0.374;f;0;0t;10;0l;16;0v;0;0g;1;0o;4;0a;0.374;0f;0;1l;7;1v;0;1g;1;1o;20;1a;0.374;1m;0;1f;0
The final crosshair on the list is the Nerd Crosshair. It's a crosshair that got popular last year after the arrival of the crosshair customization feature. Like the double crosshair, you cannot expect where the bullet will spawn due to the design. If you want to prove that gamers are certified nerds, then probably the crosshair should be a definite addition to your crosshair inventory.
For more on Valorant, check out Best Moving Crosshair Codes in Valorant or Top Weird and Fun Crosshairs in Valorant on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 08:07 am