Darktide Warhammer 40k features many enemies you must face down during missions. One of these enemies is known as a Corruptor, but it remains unclear what a Corruptor is. You must also kill a Corruptor as part of the Something In Your Eye Penance, but you can't until you figure out what the Corruptor is first. Luckily, we have already cracked the case open and know the identity of the Corruptor in Darktide.
What is a Corruptor in Darktide Warhammer 40k?
If you are wondering what a Corruptor is, it's the eye demon you can encounter during water purification, growth, and Strike missions. To make a Corruptor spawn, you must first hit all three of its growths. Doing so will make the Corruptor appear on a wall or nearby ground. When the Corruptor appears, you must hit its eye to make it disappear and progress the mission.

Where to find the Corruptor in Darktide Warhammer 40k
To find the Corruptor in Darktide, you must wait for missions on either Silo Cluster 18-66a or HL17-36 Smelter Complex. Both missions will spawn occasionally, but you must wait at least an hour before new missions appear in Darktide. Once one of these locations appears, select and load the mission. When you load in, you can find a Corruptor later by hitting all three of its growths to make it appear.

How to complete the Something in your Eye Penance in Darktide
If you want to complete the Something in Your Eye Penance in Darktide, you must save a grenade box as a Skullbreaker. Save your grenade box until you encounter a Corruptor on one of the missions appears on. When you find a Corruptor after hitting all three growths, throw the Grenade box at its eye. We recommend going with the underhand throw by hitting the right mouse button, as it may prove easier to hit the Corruptor's eye. After hitting the Corruptor in the eye with the Grenade box, you will complete the Something in Your Eye Penance in Warhammer 40k Darktide.
For more on Warhammer 40k Darktide, we at Pro Game Guides have you covered with guides like How to claim Darktide Twitch drops and rewards – Warhammer 40k and What are Penances in Darktide and how to complete them – Warhammer 40k.
Published: Nov 22, 2022 09:06 am