World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is receiving a major update soon in the form of Patch 9.1 Chains of Domination. Although the exact release date for Chains of Domination has yet to be announced, fans are theorizing that the patch could drop anywhere from the end of June to a later date in the fall.
One of the most highly-anticipated additions that will be introduced via Patch 9.1 is the ability to fly in Shadowlands' four original levelling zones: Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, and Revendreth. While flying continues to be prohibited in the Maw, players will (finally) be able to use their ground mounts to traverse the unforgiving area.
How to unlock Flying in the Shadowlands
If you want to take to the skies, you'll need to complete the third chapter of your Covenant campaign and reach level 50 Renown—no achievements needed. After you meet this objective, you'll acquire a binding item called "Memories of Sunless Skies," which will grant you the ability to ride flying mounts across the Shadowlands.
When you complete a Covenant campaign (available at Renown 59), you'll also earn a flying mount exclusive to your Covenant. There are three different colors for each Covenant mount.

Flying is an accountwide ability, meaning that when you unlock flying with one of your characters, any of your alts will also gain this skill. The Covenant-exclusive mounts are also accountwide for alts that are in the corresponding Covenant. It seems likely that flying in Shadowlands will require training, so make sure to save your Gold for the Trainers' fees!
Enjoying Shadowlands? Check out our list on all the Best Healer Classes in WoW: Shadowlands, or find out how to unlock Allied Races to amp up your gameplay.
Published: May 24, 2021 09:52 am