The Trading Post is now available in World of Warcraft, and players who visit it are able to get their hands on some exclusive cosmetics. Instead of being available in Valdrakken like many of the new features introduced in Dragonflight, the Revival Catalyst being a prominent example, players will have to return to the original continents of Azeroth to visit the Trading Post.
Trading Post location in WoW

Alliance players will have to head back to Stormwind City, and Horde players will have to travel to Orgrimmar to check out the Trading Post. Players have to keep their eyes peeled for T&W (Tawney and Wilder) outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.
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Although there are two different locations depending on the player's faction, the contents sold at each post will be the same. The Trading Post rotates through its wares each month, so players will have to make sure they scoop up what looks interesting to them before it disappears for good.
What does the Trading Post sell in World of Warcraft?
The Trading Post sells a variety of different cosmetics and mounts each month for players to collect. Each month gives players an allotted amount of Trader's Tender to spend on cosmetics just for being subscribed to World of Warcraft, but players can earn more by completing other tasks.
Judging by its debut, the Trading Post cosmetics will range anywhere from 100 tender to 900, so players will need to earn a bit more if they want everything. The Celestial Steed mount, as an example, will run players 900 Trader's Tender.
How to get Trader's Tender in WoW
Having an account in good standing and an active subscription will get players 500 Trader's Tender to start off a month. This is more than enough to buy a few things from the monthly shop, but if players want more they'll need to get their hands on more of the tender.
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The way to get more Trader's Tender is simple as it comes down to players completing tasks in their Traveler's Log, a new feature introduced with the Trading Post. Completing the monthly tasks found there will reward players with up to another 500 Trader's Tender, meaning there's 1,000 of the currency up for grabs. Blizzard has also left the door open for players to continue playing the game as they normally would by completing quests and doing Mythic+ dungeons while also earning Trader's Tender.
How to open the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft
In order to complete the monthly tasks in the Traveler's Log, players need to know how to open it, and that's done by going into the Adventurer's Log. This is keybound to Shift + J by default, and there's also a way to manually open it by clicking on the button at the bottom right of the screen.
Completing the tasks will reward players with all the extra currency, which players will want to do if they want to pick up the majority of the monthly offerings. Each month comes with a different set of objectives, so players must check out the log at the start of every month.
For more World of Warcraft guides, check out 7 Worst Classes in WoW Dragonflight on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 11:24 am