Apex Legends Season 17 launches on May 9, 2023, and new trailers have revealed more about the upcoming Legend Ballistic, little by little. The Stories from the Outlands trailer revealed his backstory and his return to the Apex Games to save his son from the fate he suffered during his time in the games. Now, the Apex Legends Arsenal cinematic trailer gives a first look at Ballistic in action and reveals some of his upcoming abilities.
Ballistic's return to the Apex Games shows off his weapon prowess, taking on many of the Legends with explosiveness and precision. During the action in the trailer, players can get a look at some of the wild abilities Ballistic will offer.
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Ballistic Abilities shown in Apex Legends Arsenal Trailer
Although his abilities have not officially been revealed, his actions in the trailer seemingly confirm what he will be able to do in-game when Apex Legends Season 17 releases. During the trailer, Ballistic is seen loading a bullet into a pistol that causes an enemy weapon to malfunction, which is one of the abilities that had previously been leaked.
Ballistic can also be seen utilizing three weapons, which is most likely his passive that gives him an extra weapon slot to use. He then can be seen activating a pack on his back, which engages an auto-loading sequence. This is most likely his Ultimate Ability, which has been previously leaked, but not confirmed. The leak indicates Ballistic and teammates will receive unlimited ammo, faster move speed, and Ballistic's weapon will upgrade to gold during it. However, the trailer only shows the auto-loading feature.
Ballistic's abilities will be officially revealed during the Apex Legends Season 17 gameplay trailer, scheduled to release on May 1, 2023 (a few days before the launch of the new season).
Check out the Apex Legends Arsenal cinematic trailer below to learn more about Ballistic and see the new Legend in action.
For more on Apex Legends, check out Ballistic’s bullets may change Apex in an unforeseen way here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 26, 2023 12:18 pm