The moment you ventured into the Shadow Cursed Lands, the Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 began. You might have left quests unsolved and items forgotten from Act 1, but don't worry: the fast travel system allows you to come back to any Ancient Sigil Circle you have discovered, regardless of which region you are in. However, to avoid backtracking, here is a list of items you shouldn't leave behind when you leave Act 2.
Best Weapons in Act 2 of BG3
Ne'er Misser
Inside the Moonrise Towers, you will find a halfling NPC called Roah Moonglow (X:173 Y:179)—that is if you didn't kill her before at the Goblin Camp inside the Sanctuary of Selune. She sells this crossbow that deals force damage instead of the usual piercing one and grants you the Magic Missile spell.
Shadow Lantern
Gale can craft this lantern if you get past the bookcase puzzle inside Balthazar's room (X:-150 Y:-167). It works as a club weapon but it doesn't shine for its damage; rather, the Conjure Shadow Lantern Wraith feature is its strength—once per long rest you can summon this Shadow to fight by your side.
Halberd of Vigilance
On top of the 1d10 slashing damage, this +2 Halberd deals an extra 1d4 force damage and grants advantage on Perception checks and +1 to initiative rolls. It doesn't end there: when you make an Attack Roll as a reaction, you do it with Advantage. You can purchase this weapon from Lann Tarv at Moonrise Towers (X:164 Y:170).
Darkfire Shortbow
This bow grants resistance to fire and cold damage as well as the ability to cast the 3rd level spell Haste once per long rest. It is sold by Dammon at the Last Light Inn camp out by the furnace (X:29 Y:164)
Shield of Scorching Reprisal
Grants you the Shield Bash reaction and the class action Blazing Retaliation which increases your AC by 1 and strikes back with 1d6 fire damage to enemies that fail an attack against you. The shield can be found behind the Last Light Inn area, in a Flaming Fist corpse (X:-6 Y:217).
Related: Things To Do Before Leaving Act 2 in Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Armour in Act 2 of BG3

Dwarven Splintmail
This 19 AC heavy armour grants +2 to Constitution and +1 to Strength Saving Throws and Strength Checks. You can buy this from the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise towers, but not before speaking to Z'rell and convincing her to gain access to her secret stash.
Flawed Heldusk Armour
If you bring him infernal iron, Dammon will craft this heavy armour for you (X:29 Y:164). It has 18AC and can deal 1-4 fire damage to an enemy that hits you from melee range.
The Mighty Cloth
This 10 AC armor is perfect for a Barbarian, increasing Strength by 2 and gifting the class action Bull Rush with which to lunge forward and push enemies. On top of that, you gain Unwavering Bull, a feature that makes you immune to shoving and gives you Advantage on Saving Throws against being restrained. You can purchase this gear from Quartermaster Talli at the Last Light Inn camp (X:-30 Y:130).
Best Headgear in Act 2 of BG3
Flawed Heldusk Helmet
Also crafted by Dammon, this infernal iron helmet grants +1 to Constitution Saving Throws and +2 to Saving Throws against spells.
Helmet of Arcane Acuity
Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, you gain Arcane Acuity for two turns, meaning your Spell Attack Bonus and your Spell Save DC increase by 1. You can find this inside a chest in the basement of the Mason's Guild (X:104 Y:-701).
Related: Best Legendary Weapons in BG3
Best Gloves in Act 2 of BG3

Flawed Heldusk Gloves
Another item crafted by Dammon with infernal iron. These gloves make your weapon attacks deal extra 1d4 fire damage and your unarmed strikes 1d4 necrotic damage. On top of that, it might inflict bleeding on the target and give you +1 to Strength Saving Throws.
Best Boots in Act 2 of BG3
Boots of Bolstering
Each time they dash, the wearer gains Arcane Charge for 2 turns. This means while threatened, your character gains +1 bonus damage with spells. These are sold by Araj Oblodra inside Moonrise Towers (X:133 Y:-191).
Boots of Brilliance
These boots allow you to restore a Bardic Inspiration. You can find them in a chest North of where you encounter Yurgir The Orthon, inside the Mausoleum.
Best Amulets and Necklaces of BG3
Frost Prince
This amulet grants the 1st level spell Ice Knife. It can be found inside The Last Light Inn under some loose planks.
Spellcrux Amulet
Dropped by The Warden at Moonrise Towers, it allows the wearer to use the feature Arcane Recovery to restore an expended spell slot of 2 levels beneath the character's class.
Related: Best Staves in BG3
Best Rings in Act 2 of BG3
Killer's Sweetheart Ring
If you are wearing this ring, once per long rest, when you kill a creature your next attack will be a critical hit. You can find this inside the Gauntlet of Shar after you finish the Same Self Trial. I almost missed this item the first time because it spawns on the floor and it is hard to spot; thankfully we can use the "Show Item Labels" function to highlight it.
Risky Ring
This ring grants Advantage on all attacks but gives Disadvantage on all Saving Throws. It can be powerful with certain classes like the Rogue who can use the Advantage to use Sneak Attack on every turn. You can purchase the ring from Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers (X:133 Y:-191).
Best Cloaks in Act 2 of BG3
Cloak of Protection
This cloak gives you +1 to AC and +1 to Saving Throws. You can buy it from Quartermaster Talli at the Last Light Inn (X:-30 Y:130).
Derivation Cloak
This item heals the wearer 1d4 points whenever they poison an enemy. You can find it inside Balthazar's quarters, inside Moonrise Towers.
Best Consumables in Act 2 of BG3
Potion of Everlasting Vigour
The Vendor Araj Oblodra (X:133 Y:-191) will give you this if you make Astarion drink her blood. The potion permanently increases a character's Strength by 2, making it one of the best items in the game.
Orthon Explosive
Dammon can craft this for you if you bring him Devilfoil masks—these are dropped by the Merregon Legionnaire at Grymforge (X:-574 Y:387). The Orthon Explosive is a bomb that deals 3d6 fire damage and can be useful against grouped enemies.
For more information on Baldur's Gate 3, check out How to get the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength in BG3 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 14, 2023 11:11 am