In Elden Ring, players will face numerous situations where the best option is hiding or avoiding the enemy. Fighting enemies right after respawning is not ideal, as players would have to collect their lost Runes first.
You can crouch behind rocks and other big objects to hide from enemies. PC players can remap their crouch button to different keybinds, while console players simply need to press on the left stick. Although players cannot use their shield while crouching, it reduces footstep noise, allowing you to move stealthily. Ideally, while hiding, you can lure enemies by throwing Ruin Fragments to isolate them from their allies for an easy silent kill.
Related: How to get a mount in Elden Ring?
Hiding from enemies will be important during the start of the game as you will have the basic level armor and weapons. Identify enemy movement patterns and hide in specific areas to avoid staying in their line of sight. Relocate surreptitiously by crouching and moving past the enemy.
At the start of the expedition, it is best to run away or hide from the enemies and collect as many Runes and materials as you can find. Acquire the Spectral Steed Whistle to mount on Torrent and explore all the areas around the map.
Wondering whether you can lower the difficulty level in Elden Ring? Check out Are there any Difficulty options in Elden Ring on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 24, 2022 04:36 pm