As Genshin Impact is a gacha game, it's ultimately based on luck and pity if you manage to snag yourself a 5-Star character or item. If you manage to drop one, then don't expect to get another one for a very long while!
Genshin Impact: Summon Simulator
A Summon Simulator is exactly what it sounds; you can use these to see what wishes you would have got if you used them in Genshin Impact, to some extent. However, these are purely simulations; your experience will vary from the real thing in Genshin Impact, as you are using Fates that can swiftly disappear in a blink of an eye.
Summon Simulators are harmless fun that might potentially warp your sense of reality, as you might get lucky enough to get 5 Star characters in a row, which is less than getting Diluc ever again. You don't have to spend anything to use these simulators. If you are playing Genshin Impact without spending any money on it, a Summon Simulator is an interesting way to compare your 10 wishes with what you get in Genshin.
There are two main Summon Simulators you can use, and we are going to use them both and pull 90 rolls using a 10 Fate pack, as that is when the pity system kicks in and gives you a 5 Star character. We'll compare the two and see which one has the closest algorithm to the real thing.
- 4-Star drop guarantee: If a player does not win any 4-star or above item after 9 pulls, then the 10th pull is guaranteed to be a 4-star or higher item.
- This counter will reset if the player pulls any 4-star or above item.
- Featured 4-Star character guarantee: Every time a player wins a 4-star item, there is a 50% chance it will be one of the featured 4-star characters.
- If the 4-star item won is not one of the featured characters, the next 4-star item won is guaranteed to be one of the featured characters.
- Thus it requires a maximum of 20 pulls to win a featured banner character.
- 5-Star drop guarantee: If a player does not win any 5-star item after 89 pulls, the 90th pull is guaranteed to be a 5-star item.
- This counter will reset if the player pulls any 5-star item
- Promotional character banners do not contain 5-star weapons in their item pool.
- Promotional 5-Star character guarantee: Every time a player wins a 5-star item, there is a 50% chance it will be the promotional 5-star character.
- If the 5-star item won is not the promotional character, the next 5-star item won is guaranteed to be the promotional character.
- Thus it requires a maximum of 180 pulls to win the promotional banner character.
We'll only make a note of the 4 Star and 5 Star characters and weapons we receive.
First off is the Stellarashes Summon Simulator:
- 1-10
- 4 Star Weapon
- 11-20
- 4 Star - Fischl
- 21-30
- 4 Star Weapon
- 31-40
- 4 Star - Noelle
- 41-50
- 4 Star Weapon
- 51-60
- Two 4 Star Weapon
- 61-70
- 4 Star - Sucrose
- 71-80
- 5 Star Weapon
- 4 Star - Fischl
- 81-90
- 4 Star - Ningguang
From the get-go, having 7 Character drops with a duplicate seems way too good to be true, though there is a 50% change each 10 pulls to be a 4 Star character, as the 4 Star pity system is lower than the 5 Star. Though no 5 Star character, only a 5 Star weapon, we pulled on our 80th batch of Wishes.
Next up is the Gi-wish Simulator. For this, we're going to use both the character promotion event and the standard wish available, as we have more options in this wish simulator than in the first one.
First up, Farewell of Snezhnaya, where we have the chance to get Childe and Diona:
- 1-10
- Two - 4 Star Weapon
- 11-20
- 4 Star Weapon
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 4 Star - Beidou
- 41-50
- 4 Star Weapon
- 51-60
- 4 Star Weapon
- 61-70
- 4 Star - Chongyun
- 71-80
- 81-90
- 4 Star - Sucrose
Straight away, we wish this was a real 90 set of wishes we made in Genshin impact, as these wishes were amazing. Especially landing both Childe and Diona, both promotion characters can take as long as 180 pulls! We personally don't see that happening, but it's fun to dream.
Now for the Standard Wish Wanderlust Invocation:
- 1-10
- 4 Star Weapon
- 11-20
- 4 Star - Fischl
- 21-30
- 4 Star Weapon
- 31-40
- 4 Star - Ningguang
- Two - 4 Star Weapons
- 41-50
- 4 Star Weapon
- 4 Star - Sucrose
- 51-60
- 4 Star - Noelle
- 4 Star - Kaeya
- 61-70
- 4 Star - Sucrose
- 71-80
- 5 Star Weapon - Wolf's Gravestone
- 4 Star Weapon
- 81-90
Once again, we find ourselves wishing these set of wishes were true. Though with the rule of pity in effect, there is no way we should have received another set of 5 Star characters after getting the 5 Star Weapon. But getting both Jean and Keqing, who are amazing characters! Maybe the Summon Simulator isn't the most accurate, or perhaps we're just lucky!
In all honesty, the first one we believe is more accurate to the proper algorithm of Genshin Impact, but the second one has the aesthetic and feel of the real one. Though we know this is purely for fun and is great if you are doing both simultaneously to compare, it's purely random what you'll receive. The pity system is fair, but 90 pulls to snag a rare is quite brutal, even worse when it could be 180 on promotion banners.
If you're looking for information on the Genshin Impact 1.2 update, check out this post! Stay up to date with the upcoming banners, and keep an eye on our Genshin Impact codes to get some free goodies!
Published: Nov 26, 2020 05:52 am