This world quest is the seventh Meteoric Wave quest and is the first out of three for the Star of Destiny set of quests in the Unreconciled Stars Event in Genshin Impact! However, this is an event, so we advise you to complete them as quickly as you can!
Unlimited Opportunity
Unlimited Opportunity is a quest in Genshin Impact, which is part of the Unreconciled Star Event. You have to convince Ivanovich that using meteorites is not a good business opportunity. However, you need to choose your responses wisely as it may affect your friendship with Ivanovich.
To accept this quest, you must be Adventure Rank 20 and have completed the story quest What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals. If you haven't, then the Unreconciled Star Event is not accessible for you.
Head over to Liyue Harbor, and find Ivanovich's stall; upon speaking to him, he'll mention using meteorites as jewelry and that it's an amazing idea. You need to convince Ivanovich in the best possible way that it's a terrible idea, but by choosing the wrong answers, your friendship will deteriorate. Luckily, we have the correct answers to his questions at hand, so your friendship will be better than ever!
- Question
- What? Why not? I'm not letting this business opportunity pass me by.
- Answer
- You'll faint if you touch those meteorites.
- Question
- But I believe that there are machines that can resolve this issue... There should be, right?
- Answer
- Perhaps you could go to the Adventurers' Guild...
- Question
- Hmm... When you put it that way, it does make sense. But surely they can't be that dangerous...
- Answer
- But the people who buy those will...
The choices actually hold no value, so pick whatever you want. These answers just make Ivanovich happier with not using the meteorites as jewelry!
Your next task is to pick up some flowers next to meteorites; these are Sweet Flowers. Luckily, there are a few just outside of Liyue Harbor, so pluck three of them. However, upon doing so, a Pyro Whopperflower will immerge wanting to end your life. Kill it with Cryo or Hydro for a painful death or open up your map and flee to the nearest waypoint, either or.
Head back to Ivanovich and hand over the three Sweet Flowers, and this concludes the quest Unlimited Opportunity. This is the first quest, the second is A Mysterious Loss, and the third is Trouble with Letters. With these quests, you'll earn Fading Star's Essence, which allows you to buy items from the event shop; we recommend saving up for the Crown of Sagehood.
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Published: Nov 24, 2020 03:24 am