Having unique or cool usernames that reflects your personality can be an easy task for any new player trying to create their first account. But, due to strict naming conventions and rules prescribed by Riot Games, your new user tag has a high chance of rejection by the system. So, if you are creating a new account for any FPS multiplayer game or Valorant and do not have any good legit ideas for your username, you can begin with something like Terminator X, WW Veg dinner, or browse our long list of suggestions.
Riot Naming Convention for Valorant
Before browsing some usernames for any game, let us learn about the naming convention laid down by Riot Games.
- Usernames should have a minimum of 3 characters and should be less than 16 characters.
- Users cannot name their tag inspired by any professional esports player. If found, they may be required to change their name in the future.
- Tags should not contain the word "Riot."
- Your name should not include vulgar or obscene words targeted toward any particular sex, race, or nationality.
Best Sweaty Valorant Names
- Top Slugger
- Fierce Firefly
- Yellow Bulldozer
- Omega
- Terminator X
- BeastKiller
- Gutsy Studs
- Frenzy Shooters
- Covert Destroyer
- Tilted Stabbers
- Vampiric Ghosts
- Dark Spirits
- C-19 Parasites
- Frantic Saboteur
- Dirty Grenadier
- Electric Tank
- Grim Noob
- FiReZ
- BlaSTz
- Apex-KiLLer
- Back2lobby
- Slayinsince98
- Soul Sniper
- Dark Hipster
- Jute Killer
- Ethoewyn
- Invaderno
- Doctor Grumpy
- Flickzy
- Labyrinth
- NinjasHyper
- Simulation
- Frozone
- Headhunter
- Ecofragger
- Agent_Sergent
- Agent its urgent
- Thunderbeast
- Dreamkiller
- King of Gunshots
- Commando
- Psycho
- TigerOnMission
- Kill master
- SnakeEye
- Secret killer
- One man army
- Killer Frost
Best Cute Valorant Names
- Tattoo
- Geisha
- T-Back
- Goddess
- Temperance
- KristyHoney.
- BubblySnowflake.
- AngelicPrincessKristy.
- HeroicGamer
- CoolBoyGaming
- HealerRole
- WinterApe
- KingCaesar
- Tearney
- Walking Pegasus
- JackSeptiPie
- FakeBlossom
- Brona
- Devine
- Calm
- Swizzle
- Domain
- Anchor
- Cosmic
- Notagirlygirl
- Ponytailexpress
- Natsume
- Charming King
- Icarus
- Percy
- Sniperprincess
- Coolestponytail
- Mr. Handsome
- Candy
- Valentine
- Adorable Goblin
- Miss Glock&Heels
- Xogirlmania
- Tearsofjoy
- Juzie
- Ashes
- Artoria
- Lxzer
- Minty
- Knight Angel
- FriedBee
- ChooseBreaking
- Mystique
- Strangelove
- Fine Bureau
Best Funny Valorant Names
- Captain Jack Sparrow
- Tiktok King
- Noob Player
- Mr. Potato
- Spare me
- I’m a noob
- Invisible Hovercraft
- GoogleWasMyIdea
- Fedoratheexplorer
- AllGoodNamesRGone
- Thegodfatherpart4
- kentuckycriedfricken
- PimplePopper
- WW Veg dinner
- Stop the car
- BOT killers
- Aunty Hero
- Kidney and they
- Garbage Collector
- YellowSnowman
- Boba Fett
- Free haircuts
- CouchKing
- Tin_foil_hat
- Komedian
- Khaleesi
- Chad-Man
- Chatting Piece
- Monkeyman
- Cross man
- Kitchenbound
- Annoyed power
- Tomato Head
- Masterchiefian
- Mama_Karma
- Baker Dragon
- Lone walker
- High ping
- Showmeurguts
- Misdemeanor
- Apple bottoms
- I_lagged
- Heartless Alcoholic
- Bad Teammates.
- Legendary Noob
- Coke n doritos
- Gucci Man
- Lagging Riflemen
- Calm-e-killings
- FartnRoses
Remember, apart from using the above list of new accounts, you can also change your existing account name with anything of your liking.
For more on Valorant, check out How to optimize your Valorant settings for high FPS or How to Make a Square/Box Crosshair in Valorant on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 23, 2022 05:54 am