Splatoon 3 introduces many new mechanics, features, weapons, styles, and characters. There is even a new location, Splatsville, meaning many new changes will occur. This includes Deep Cut, which are new characters appearing for the first time in the Splatoon series, and it may leave you wondering who Deep Cut are in Splatoon 3.
Deep Cut are the hosts and Splatoon 3 idols of Splatsville. These delightful characters will share the news and information on upcoming events. You can also enjoy their banter, music, and style while playing. In addition, Deep Cut will host the Splatfests and lead their teams.
Related: All game modes coming to Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3 – Deep Cut Members
Unlike previous Splatoon titles, there are three hosts in Splatsville. This includes Fyre, Shiver, and Big Man. Unfortunately, not much is known about the three individuals making up Deep Cut, but we will update this guide with more information when it is available. Here are all members of Deep Cut in Splatoon 3.


Big Man

For more information on Splatoon 3, check out What are Table Turf Battles in Splatoon 3? New mini-game, cards, & more! and Does Splatoon 3 have Single Player Mode? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 10, 2022 08:40 am