Horizon Forbidden West takes place in a sprawling open-world map where players can explore new territory, meet new allies, and battle new enemies. One large difference between Horizon Forbidden West and its predecessor, Horizon Zero Dawn, is just how packed full of activities the map really is.
One of the new challenges added in Horizon Forbidden West's map is the Relic Ruins. Relic Ruins can be found all over the map and will force players to complete obstacle and traversal puzzles in order to find the collectible held within each Ruin. The steps that will need to be taken to complete the Relic Ruins: The Daunt are listed below:
- Step 1: Enter the Relic Ruin. Players will need to enter the Ruin through its north-facing side.
- Step 2: Locate the yellow grab point within the interior of the building. Use the moveable crate inside to give yourself a boost up to the grab point.
- Step 3: Once on this level, players should see the locked door containing the Relic Ruin's collectible. Walk outside onto the balcony using the exit near the locked door.
- Step 4: Once on the balcony, run across the gap straight ahead to make it to the second part of the building.
- Step 5: Drop down into this new section of the building. There should be a data point visible if you are in the correct place. This data point will contain the Door Code (1705) that will be needed later to access this Relic Ruin's collectible.
- Step 6: If you look up while facing the data point, there should be two points that can be pulled with the Pullcaster. A long beam with a blue tip and a grate. Use the Pullcaster on both of these points.
- Step 7: Find a crate on the upper levels of this room and then pull it down using the Pullcaster. This crate can be used to access the grate that was just opened. One the crate is places correctly, jump to the beam that was pulled down and then to the grate.
- Step 8: Once you enter the next room through the grate, jump into the large hole in the ground. The hole is practically the only thing within this room, so it is hard to miss.
- Step 9: At the back of this hole, there are grab points that Aloy can use to climb up, except the first one is unstable and will fall when grabbed. To get around this, players will need to get a crate into this area to give themselves a boost. When you reach the grab points, turn around and walk into the dark area. There will be a Pullcaster point on the ceiling the players can tug down to make a hole into the previous room.
- Step 10: Travel up through the hole and pull down another wall using the Pullcaster to reveal the crate the was used in Step 7. Take this crate back through the holes that were just created and use it to reach the grab points mentioned in Step 9. Climb up the grab points to reach the next level of the room.
- Step 11: Once you have climbed up, look west to spot a wooden balcony and jump to it. This is the balcony that will contain the Key Module for the locked door. Pick up the Key Module and travel all the way back to the locked door mentioned in Step 3.
- Step 12: Unlock the door using the Key Module (obtained in Step 11) and then the Door Code (obtained in Step 5). Once this is done, players should be able to collect their prize for completing this Relic Ruin.
Where to find the Relic Ruins: The Daunt

The Relic Ruins: The Daunt will be the first Relic Ruin that players will come across in their journey to the Forbidden West. It can be found just south of Chainscrape, the city players will first be introduced to when entering the game's full map.
Where to find the Key Module

The Relic Ruins: The Daunt will require players to obtain a Key Module in order to open the locked door containing the collectible. Following the steps above up should result in players obtaining the Key Module. The Key Module itself is mentioned in Step 11. Most Relic Ruins will have a locked door, but a Key Module is not always the required piece needed to open that door.
Where to find the Door Code

This Relic Ruin will actually require two things to enter the locked door containing the Ruin's collectible. Along with the Key Module, players will need to figure out the Door Code. Not every Relic Ruin will require a Door Code, but the one at The Daunt does. The Door Code can be tricky to find and is easy to miss if players don't know what they are looking for. The Door Code is 1705 and can be obtained by following the steps above. The Door Code and specifically where to find it is mentioned in Step 5.
Related: How to complete ‘No Man’s Land’ Relic Ruins in Horizon Forbidden West?
What is the reward for the Relic Ruins: The Daunt?

All of the Relic Ruins in Horizon Forbidden West will result in players obtaining Ornaments. Which Ornament players get depends on the Relic Ruin completed. The Relic Ruins: The Daunt will reward players with Ornament: The Daunt.
These Ornaments are used later in the game once players reach the camp in Las Vegas and also complete the Nights of Lights quest. Players can redeem the Ornaments by talking to an NPC named Stemmur who can turn the Ornaments into beautiful light shows. These collectibles are pretty cosmetic in nature and won't have a large effect on gameplay.
Interested in Horizon Forbidden West and want to read more? Check out How to upgrade Pouches in Horizon Forbidden West on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Feb 20, 2022 12:34 am