Spring is an excellent time for game developers to ring in the season with new events and activities to keep the experience fresh, especially for live service users. Many teams offer these events each year, and 2022 is no different.
Here are several games with Spring or Easter events in 2022.
Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV's Hatching-tide event lets players participate in an egg-themed quest known as the Hatching-tide. Players will help Jihli Aliapoh ring in the festivities with various holiday rewards, including an exclusive minion: the Hatching Bunny. Hatching-tide runs from Apr. 13 to Apr. 27.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons holds the Bunny Day event for players every year. During Bunny Day, players can collect various egg-themed furniture by crafting them with the eggs they find hidden around the island. The event host, Zippy, returns to oversee the spring event. Bunny day runs from Apr. 10 to Apr. 17.

Fortnite brings another Easter event in 2022, bringing the holiday-themed skins back for a limited time with Jumping Eggs and Egg Throwers on the map for players to find. Jumping Eggs restore some shields and increase jump height, and egg Throwers launch eggs that explode in contact with enemy players. Egg Spawners and an Easter Challenge join the Battle Royale of this popular shooter from Apr.

Phasmophobia, the hit horror indie game, has several egg hunts for players to participate in on their ghost hunts. Each map has several Easter Eggs hiding within them for players to find, and finding them all will fully restore the team's sanity to 100%. Phasmophobia's Easter event runs from Apr. 15 to Apr. 19.
Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO's Spring event emphasizes egg-based Pokémon. Creatures like Togepi, Exeggecute, Exeggcutor, and Alolan Exeggcutor appear more often. There will also be a few Pokémon with flower crowns wandering out. Those who complete the special Spring into Spring Collection challenge will get their own Flower Crown Togetic for their efforts. This event runs from Apr. 12 to Apr. 18.
New World

New World is yet another MMO to receive an Easter event, and this event, known as Rabbit's Revenge Easter, has players hunting Corrupted Rabbits as they explore the open world. Finding these rabbits can grant players consumable items that increase their Luck stats, making this hunt worth the effort. Rabbit's Revenge Easter takes place from Apr. 12 to Apr. 26.
World of Warcraft

One of the longest-running MMOs on the market, World of Warcraft continues to run events regularly, especially during spring, with the Noblegarden event asking players to find hidden eggs in Azeroth. World of Warcraft's Noblegarden ran from Apr. 5 to Apr. 12, concluding far earlier than holiday events in other games.
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Published: Apr 15, 2022 11:32 am