Foxes are a fun and unique animal found in somewhat rare biomes in Minecraft. While they aren't beneficial, you might as well add one to your collection to have a whole batch of different varieties of animals hanging around your base. These will make a delightful addition, but getting one to follow your orders can be more difficult than you think.
How to Tame foxes step by step in Minecraft
To tame a fox in Minecraft, you must first find a couple of foxes in a taiga biome and breed them. However, a fox will not trust you if they spawn in the wild, so you need to block them in to keep them from running away so you can get a baby fox. Once you have your two foxes, give each one a sweet berry to get them to mate. The baby fox that is spawned from this will be tamed.
It's a good idea to bring a lead and name tag along on your trips to get a fox. This way, you can keep an eye on which fox is yours and get them back to where you want them to hang out more easily. You need to use the name tag at an anvil and have a name ready to go. Once you've labeled it, you can mark the fox in the game once it has spawned.
Where to find foxes in a Taiga biome in Minecraft
Foxes can be found in wooded biomes like taiga, giant tree taiga, and snow taiga or in villages within these areas. Foxes can be found sleeping in the forest during the day or looking for a shaded area to rest. They will sometimes head into villages at night, where they can occasionally be seen stealing crops that are dropped by the villagers. They are far more active during the late hours, so it's easier to locate them during the day.
If you don't mind Minecraft Commands, you can use one to help you. /locatebiome will give you the coordinates to the closest biome of the type you are looking to locate. So, in this case, you would put in /locatebiome minecraft:taiga and it will tell you the coordinates you'll need to go.
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How to wall in two foxes together in Minecraft
You will pretty typically come across a couple of foxes in a group. Sometimes, this group will be a baby and an adult fox. Sneak over to them and place a 2-high box around them so they can't escape. If one of them is a baby, wait until it eventually becomes an adult.

How to breed foxes in Minecraft
To breed foxes inside your wall area, you need sweet berries. You can find sweet berries on the ground in bushes inside the Taiga Biome in Minecraft. Be careful around these bushes, as they have thorns and will damage you and slow you down if you try to run through them. That said, once you've got at least two sweet berries, you can feed each fox one, and it will create a baby fox. This fox will now trust you and not run away from you like other foxes. However, while it's still a baby, it will follow the adult foxes if they run away. It can be useful to have a name tag to name the newly created fox so you don't confuse it with the others.
How to bring your fox home in Minecraft
You must craft and use a lead to bring your fox back to your base. You can craft a lead with four strings and one slime ball using the crafting pattern shown below. After crafting your lead, attach it to your newly created fox and bring it home with you.

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Will a fox follow you in Minecraft?
Foxes will not follow you even when tamed, but they will not flee from you when you are nearby like wild foxes. You must use a lead if you want the fox to follow you.
How to get a white fox in Minecraft
White foxes are a unique fox variant that can only be found in the snow taiga biome or a snow taiga village. They display the same behavior as the normal fox type and can be tamed similarly. If you're in creative mode, then you've no doubt found that only Fox Eggs are available to make foxes in the game. The Fox spawn eggs will typically generate a normal fox, so if you're looking for the snow variant, you need to do something different. You need to go to a snow taiga biome and drop the egg there to get one to spawn.
Can you make a fox sit in Minecraft?
You can't specifically make a fox sit like a wolf, so locking them to one place is pretty difficult. You can instead use a lead to keep them tethered to a fence if you don't want them going too far away. They will occasionally sit in general or while hooked up to the leash.
What do foxes eat in Minecraft?
Foxes will only technically eat Sweet Berries. That is the food they are attracted to, so you will need to locate them in the taiga biome where foxes spawn. Be careful around them, they have thorns and will damage you! They also slow you down if you run through a patch of them, so make sure to detour away from them if you're trying to escape something. Foxes will attack chickens nearby, but they won't eat chicken meat if you try to give it to them.
What items can foxes hold in Minecraft?
Foxes have a low chance of spawning while holding an item in their mouth! Here's a look at all of the possible items you can find:
- Egg
- Emerald
- Feather
- Leather
- Rabbit Hide
- Rabbit's Foot
- Wheat
For more on Minecraft, we at Pro Game Guides have you covered with guides like 6 Best Minecraft Roleplay Servers (2022) and Best Minecraft 1.18 & 1.19 Desert Seeds for Bedrock and Java (August 2022).
Published: Aug 15, 2022 11:44 am