If you’ve started playing New World this week, chances you’re dealing with some lengthy queues. It’s inevitable for a launch of a new MMO, but still very annoying.
One of the quickest ways people avoid this is by making a new character on a new server. By moving to low-population servers, they’ve cut their queue time and managed to get into the New World of Aeternum in a much quicker fashion.
Related: How to Increase Performance in New World – How to Boost FPS?
However, this time-saving method has had the unexpected issue of splitting friends and trapping players with progress in servers they don’t want to play on.
But have no fear! In a tweet posted on the official New World Twitter page, the development team revealed they are allowing players to relocate characters to a different server for free at some point in the next two weeks.
Server transfers can often be costly things for MMO players, and switching servers to play with your friends is rarely simple. But, it looks as if the New World developers are relenting in the face of the overwhelming support of their launch.
All this means is that if you’re trapped on a server with none of your friends, don’t panic! At some point soon, you’ll be allowed a free transfer so you can continue exploring the New World together.
Starting your journey in New World? Find out about How to fix New World Window mode Bug on Pro Game Guides
Published: Sep 29, 2021 05:14 am