Once you gain access to the Fabrication Station in Pacific Drive, you can unlock many new items via blueprints. There is no shortage of blueprints to choose from, all equally helpful in their own way, but here are a few you'll want to get as soon as possible!
Pacific Drive Best starting Blueprints to unlock
Blueprints are how you can unlock garage upgrades, new resources, tools, and so much more that are crucial for your survival and progression. You'll definitely want to work on unlocking every item you can from the Fabrication Station, but there are a few you may want to prioritize first that will be beneficial for you as you progress.
All blueprints need to have specific pre-requisites, materials, and, energy to unlock. Some blueprints won't be unlockable until you reach further zones and progress in the story. However, there are still plenty of them you can unlock right away, as long as you meet the requirements. If you're like me, you may be overwhelmed by just how many choices you have, but here are some of the ones that I found to be the best starting blueprints:
Survival Tools
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Liberator | Basic Workbench Install the Scanning Antenna | Fabric x1 | 1 kLIM |

The Liberator is hands down one of the tools you will want to get as soon as possible. The number of times I have gotten a flat tire and didn't have the materials to make a new one is too many to keep track of. The Liberator helps to avoid that problem by allowing you to remove a tire from an abandoned car and put it right on your Station Wagon.
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Relightable Flare | Craft Mat Install the Scanning Antenna | Fabric x1 | 0.4 kLIM |
Flare Gun | Basic Workbench | Fabric x1 | 0.5 kLIM |
Relightable Flare

The Relightable Flare is a must if you want to be able to loot inside dark buildings. I found myself searching for a flashlight immediately as I started the game because of the dark, gloomy environments, and the Relightable Flare is just the tool you'll need. Although it doesn't have the durability that the Crude Flashlight does, it will still get you through those starting areas.
Flare Gun

You may be thinking, 'Why do I need a flare gun when I have a Relightable Flare?' However, the Flare Gun is more than just capable of giving off light. It is actually more handy as a defensive tool. You can use the Flare Gun to shoot the creepy Tourists mannequins and explode all of them in one go, clearing your path without risking any impacts.
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Limpulse Emitter | Basic Workbench Install the Scanning Antenna Scan a Bunny Anomaly | Fabric x2 | 1 kLIM |
Limpulse Emitter

On the note of defense, the Limpusle Emitter is another of the most helpful blueprints you'll want to invest in as you start. This utility can be used as a special ability in your car, sending out an electric current that will shock any anomalies trying to sabotage you, especially those annoying Bunnies.
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Offroad Tires | Basic Workbench Research Gear | Fabric x1 | 1.5 kLIM |
Offroad Tires

I learned very quickly in my own game that tires can be easily damaged, and being the most critical part of your mobility, you must keep them in good repair. This is why I recommend investing in the Offroad Tires as soon as you can. They are the best tires you can start out (before venturing into the Unstable Energy choices), with more durability and better tread to help you hit some rough terrain with minimal wipeouts.
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Large Fuel Can | Basic Workbench Install the Scanning Antenna | Fabric x1 | 0.7 kLIM |
Large Fuel Can

Your car cannot run without fuel, and although you do have a handy little Fuel Can to help you refuel, if you're hitting multiple stops in one trip, it will quickly run out. The Large Fuel Can is super handy to have for those very instances. It holds a lot more fuel in it, plus you can bring it along with your other Fuel Can, and ensure you never have to worry about running out.
Blueprint | Pre-Requisites | Materials | Energy |
Matter Deconstructor | Craft Mat Research Gear | Scrap Metal x35 Gear x4 Electronics x4 | 0.8 kLIM |
Matter Regenerator | Craft Mat | Plastic x30 Rubber x10 Chemicals x6 | 0.3 kLIM |
Matter Deconstructor

Resources are precious, and every little one of them counts toward crafting the items you need, so why risk losing some? The Matter Deconstructor will help you get rid of unwanted car parts, like old tires, damaged panels, etc., and will give you back all the parts for them without wasting any. Plus, it's super helpful in opening those Dumpster Pearls as well.
Matter Regenerator

The Matter Regenerator continues that 'waste-not' mentality but with the opposite effect. You can place damaged parts inside of it to slowly repair them over time. Put some tires in there, go out on a Drive, and return to them fully repaired and ready to go for your next outing. This will save you time and resources.
Every single one of the blueprints on the Fabricator is beneficial to your progression in Pacific Drive, but as you're getting started, these are some that you may want to keep in mind. They were lifesavers for me and can really make a difference on each of your Drives out into the zones.
Looking for more Pacific Drive content? Check out How to increase your inventory in Pacific Drive or How to fix car quirks with Tinker Station in Pacific Drive on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 22, 2024 03:25 pm