Getting sick, whether in Project Zomboid or in real life, is never fun. Make sure you take the right steps to get better ASAP, such as resting and drinking water!
While Project Zomboid doesn't mirror real life as a one to one, there are some similarities. Rest and time are the number one ways to heal an illness in the game. This means you'll need to stock up on necessities, board up your windows, and wait it out.
How do you stop being sick in Project Zomboid?

To stop being Sick in Project Zomboid, you will need to take the right steps in a timely manner in order to begin healing quickly. Do the following:
- Find a safe space such as a house or building. Ideally, this will mean boarded up and curtained windows and doors. Try a second story house with only a sheet-rope on the second floor. This way, you can board up everything on the ground level.
- Make sure you have access to regular food and water.
- Be certain you are tending to any possible injuries in the meantime, as this could make things worse.
- Have a weapon handy in case a zombie or two breaks in.
It will take time to get rid of sick moodles, and the best way to do it is by resting. I also recommend making sure you eat well until you get the green well-fed moodle. Keep eating until you get the well-fed moodle for a few days, and it will help you heal and get better faster. In addition to staying warm, rested, and well-fed, not being tired and getting plenty of sleep will further add to your recovery from being sick. Antibiotics cannot treat sickness.
What if sickness isn't going away in Project Zomboid?
If your sickness has not gone away after a few days and has increased to nausea or fever, check your player's health panel. If you spot an indicator saying you're bitten, then you will become a zombie. There's no cure for being bitten, unless you have zombification turned off in settings. If you just have lacerations or other minor injuries, tend to them by bandaging them and sanitizing the wounds if possible.
Are there different types of sick in Project Zomboid?

While you can catch sickness from multiple sources, they almost all funnel down into the same condition (simply called sickness). Most reasons for getting sick are logical, like eating raw meat. The only variable is sickness leading to zombification via bite transmission (can be other injuries like scratches if you have it tweaked in settings, but the default is only bites).
You can sick by:
- Eating bad/dangerous food
- Drinking tainted water
- Body temperature dropping dangerously low for too long
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Published: Jan 10, 2024 03:14 am