In the popular, community-oriented and ecommerce-esque experience PLS DONATE, players are invited to create products (including clothing, gamepasses, etc.) and then offer said products to other users in exchange for Robux. Players can also purchase various booths to sell their products from, including the one I'll be discussing in this brief guide—the Idiotic Investing booth. While equipping different booths doesn't offer any special bonus or perk, they can make your character stand out and possibly help you bring in some more donations in turn! Continue reading below to learn more about how to unlock this rare booth.
How to unlock the Idiotic Investing booth in PLS DONATE
To unlock the Idiotic Investing booth in PLS DONATE, you'll need to enter the Idiotic Investing experience, bid on a specific drawing (shown in the video below), and then win said drawing by being the highest bidder. Because this drawing is super rare, many other players will likely bid on it when it shows up—for this reason, it may be in your best interest to not bid on any other drawings that appear before the PLS DONATE one, so you can have as much money as possible ready to bid.
Related: PLS DONATE Codes
When the drawing finally appears, bid as much as you need to become the highest bidder. As soon as you win the drawing, you'll have unlocked the One Man's Trash is Another Ones Treasure badge in Idiotic Investing, and the corresponding booth in PLS Donate. You can now return to the PLS DONATE experience to equip it. That's all there is to it!
Looking for more PLS Donate content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get the DOORS booth in PLS DONATE – Roblox or How to get the Pet Simulator X booth in PLS DONATE – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Aug 9, 2023 12:43 pm