Street Fighter 6 is launching with 18 characters. Twelve returning favorites from every point in the franchise's history and six new faces. With two more characters than the original Street Fighter V roster, Street Fighter 6 introduces plenty of interesting playstyles. Below will be your character select screen, so pick your favorites in advance.
Every Street Fighter 6 character

The face of the franchise is a must-have in any new Street Fighter game. Ryu appears older here than in any of his earlier appearances. He's sporting a handsome beard and a cool new sash, but he's still the good old-fashioned champion we all know and love.
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The controversial final DLC character from Street Fighter V has become a new face of the sequel. Luke represents the evolution of the franchise, with his focus on real-world MMA fighting and modern streetwear design. He was despised when he was introduced, but SF6 Luke is practically a new man.

The first new face on the roster is this upbeat drunken boxer who incorporates dance into his combat style. Jamie is a rival to Luke and a friend of Yun and Yang, connecting him to the new and old chapters of the game's story. Jamie is one of the flashiest characters in the franchise, and he's an immediate favorite.

The Strongest Woman in the World returns to defend her title once again. Chun-Li is aging gracefully and maintaining her skills. After the downfall of M. Bison, she quit Interpol and started a more humble life as a kung fu instructor. She's beloved in her community and by the Street Fighter fanbase.

His theme still goes with everything and his crouch is still terrifying, the Air Force pilot returns to the ground for another round of Street Fighter. Like Ryu, Guile has grown out his facial hair and added some fun new flourishes to his outfit. Like Chun-Li, his life has been a lot quieter since Bison was defeated, but he's still willing to Sonic Boom his way into our hearts again.

Another newcomer, Kimbrley is a modern student of Guy from Final Fight. She's a ninja who uses graffiti spray paint as part of her martial art. Kim is unique to the Street Fighter franchise in several ways, and she's a clear standout among the roster. Every good fighting game needs a ninja or two, and she's one of the most striking examples in years.

Juri Han is a controversial figure in the franchise. Her unique design, sadistic personality, and trademark Tae Kwon Do fighting style make her iconic. Those that love her would be devastated to see a Street Fighter game come and go without her. Juri loves a fight and destroy her foes, but without Bison to hunt, she's looking for a new direction in life.

Can't have a Street Fighter without Mr. Masters. Ken looks a bit disheveled in his newest appearance, leading some to suggest that his marriage has fallen apart. On the contrary, he's on the run from the government, evading false charges of international white-collar crime. That's not an improvement, but Ken is back to crush his foes and clear his good name.

Blanka is the quintessential beast man character of fighting game history and his return comes highly anticipated by fans. Blanka's unique appearance and electric fighting style are central to the franchise. He's back and bigger than ever, sporting arms like a gorilla and an upbeat attitude.

The yoga master returns as well. Dhalsim is known for his ranged fighting style and his bizarre stretching physiology. He breathes fire, reaches across the arena with his limbs, and attacks from almost any angle. His role in the story isn't well-known, but he's always around to seek peace and dish out violence.
E. Honda

This sumo wrestler is a strange fixture of the franchise. He still has his Hundred-hand Slap and his launching techniques. Honda's super incorporates a bit more sumo into his playstyle, and his appearance adds some interesting new details.
Dee Jay

This combat dancer hasn't been in the franchise for a while, but he's still a beloved figure. Very few characters look like they're having as much fun on the battlefield as Dee Jay. His high-flying kicks and complex combos make him a fun character for newcomers and old pros.

Another new face, Manon is a supermodel and a world-renowned judoka. That suggests that her fighting style will involve a lot of complex grapples and take-downs. She seeks beauty in all things and her outfits are among the most visually striking in the game.

This Italian fighter traces her lineage back to the Spartan warriors of Ancient Greece. Her stage and her design reflect gladiatorial combat. At 6' 8", she's a massive character, and she seems to be focused on taking and dealing a ton of damage.

This jacked businessman seems to be the new villain of the game. With Bison out of the way, he's got some pretty big shoes to fill, but he might be up for the task. He wields a walking stick that adds some reach to his moves and seems to use a sinister energy resembling Psycho Power. JP looks powerful and dangerous, and his role as a new supervillain seems poised to be impressive.

The Red Cyclone emerges again, adding another powerful grappler to the roster. The man well-known for wrestling bears fits the franchise as well now as he did in the early days. Those who like their fighting game characters big, strong, and slow will still feel right at home with this powerful Russian.

Cammy White launches back into the franchise, armed with her deadly kicks and no-nonsense personality. Without Bison, she's likely free to pursue her own goals. While we don't know now what those goals may be, we know she'll seek them out in style.

Finally, though a glimpse or two of this character has emerged, almost nothing is known about the last new character in Street Fighter 6. Her name made the list and her face is briefly visible, but her origin, fighting style, and place in the lore are all still shrouded in mystery. Even after all these years, Street Fighter can still keep secrets.
For more Street Fighter goodies, check out How does the Drive System work in Street Fighter 6? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 9, 2022 08:26 am