In elder Scrolls Online, a huge part of building your character is knowing which roles to go for. If you are trying to build a crafty character, you will need to earn the Persuasion Perk. This will help you deal with some quests uniquely and, for some, the perfect way to play the game.
Persuasive Will is the name of the skill that you will want to acquire to convince people to do as you wish. You can obtain it by joining the Mage's Guild, unlocking the skill line, and then buying the perk using skill points. Once you've done that, you're all done.
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To earn points towards the Mage skill tree, simply use an ability from the skill line when in battle or doing quests. This will help you get Persuasive Will in no time. This is a passive skill and won't be available to use during every single conversation in the game, so you may need to talk to a lot of people.
For more on Elder Scrolls Online, check out Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle, the land of shady politics and card games – Hands-on impression on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Apr 21, 2022 02:05 pm