Brawlers are an integral part of Brawl Stars, and you will want to know how to unlock all of them as you progress in the game. Each has its characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, so choose your fighter wisely. We have a complete list so you can learn how to unlock each brawler in Brawl Stars.
How to unlock all Brawl Stars Brawlers - list of all characters
How to get Chuck in Brawl Stars

A Mythic Damage Dealer, Chuck is a fast-moving brawler whose super allows him to head to a nearby Post while damaging enemies. It also lets him throw down new Posts if none are in his line of sight. You can get Chuck for 1900 Credits or 349 gems in Brawl Pass.
How to get Pearl in Brawl Stars

Pearl, a Chromatic Damage Dealer, shoots cookies from her oven while her damage output increases over time. You can unlock Pearl at Tier 30 during the Battle Pass Season 20 of Brawl Stars.
How to get Cordelius in Brawl Stars

To get the most out of Cordelius in Brawl Stars, you must stay close to other Brawlers and charge his Super. It sends himself and a hit enemy to the Shadow Realm for 8 seconds, giving him an advantage. To unlock Cordelius, you need 1250 Chroma Credits and six other Chromatic Brawlers unlocked or 349 Gems.
How to get Maisie in Brawl Stars

Maisie is a Marksman that you can get for 500 Chroma Credits (if you have five other Chromatic Brawlers unlocked) or 169 gems. While her attack is long-range, her Super has a short-range, so make sure to get up close and personal for the highest damage.
How to get R-T in Brawl Stars

R-T is a Damage Dealer with a primary attack that hits an enemy and then consumes them, dealing extra damage. His Super lets him split into two, increasing his speed as he leaves his legs behind. You can get R-T for 500 Chroma Credits after unlocking five other Chromatic Brawlers or for 160 Gems.
How to get Mandy in Brawl Stars

Her attack range increases if you stay still with Mandy, which might not be your usual strategy in Brawl Stars. Her super deals massive damage while maintaining a very long range. She can be unlocked for 500 Chroma Credits if five more Chromatic Brawlers are unlocked or for 169 gems.
How to get Buster in Brawl Stars

Buster's Super projects a shield that protects him and reflects the damage he receives onto the enemies. To charge it, you need to make sure you stick close to your teammates. As a Chromatic Tank, you can get Buster for 500 Chroma Credits and four other Chromatic Brawlers unlocked or for 169 Gems.
How to get Sam in Brawl Stars

Sam is a great Brawler if you want to deal the most damage immediately in a match, as he starts with his Super charged. This Assasin throws his Knuckle Busters to do damage during the first activated Super, while the next one returns them, also dealing damage. Unlock Sam for 500 Chroma Credits (with four other Chromatic Brawlers unlocked) or for 169 Gems.
How to get Otis in Brawl Stars

Otis is a Controller Brawler. He throws Cil, his starfish friend, at the enemies during his Super, and the first Brawler it hits is prevented from attacking for a short time. Get Otis for 500 Chroma Credits after unlocking four other Chromatic Brawlers, or for 169 Gems.
How to get Janet in Brawl Stars

As a Marksman with a jetpack, Janet can fly up during her Super and attack her enemies from above while it lasts. You need to unlock three other Chromatic Brawlers to get Janet for 500 Chroma Credits, or you can unlock her for 169 Gems.
How to get Eve in Brawl Stars

Eve is a Damage Dealer that can move over water. Hatchlings spawn from a giant egg she creates during her Super, then attach themselves to enemies and cause damage over time. Get Eve and her hatchlings for 500 Chroma Credits and three more Chromatic Brawlers unlocked, or for 169 Gems.
Related: Brawl Stars Codes
How to get Fang in Brawl Stars

Even if you miss hitting a target with Fang's kick, don't worry because his shoe will make sure to get the hit. His Super chains an additional three kicks to enemies after the initial hit. If you own three Chromatic Brawlers, you can get Fang for 500 Chroma Credits or 169 Gems.
How to get Lola in Brawl Stars

Lola, part guide, part actress, and full-time Damage Dealer, releases her Ego during her Super, mimicking her every move. Stay further away from the Ego to deal more damage to enemies. Get Lola for 500 Chroma Credits and two Chromatic Brawlers unlocked or for 169 Gems.
How to get Ash in Brawl Stars

Ash is a Chromatic Tank with robotic rats that explode upon contact with enemies. When the rats deal damage, they also increase his rage, making him faster and more dangerous. Unlock Ash for 500 Chroma Credits with two other Chromatic Brawlers unlocked or for 169 Gems.
How to get Buzz in Brawl Stars

You might think that Buzz would be classed as a support due to his lifeguard role, but that would be incorrect. This Brawler is an Assassin who uses his torpedo buoy to haul himself to an enemy and stun them when he lands. Unlock Buzz for 500 credits (with two Chromatic Brawlers unlocked) or 169 Gems.
How to get Belle in Brawl Stars

You can unlock Belle in Brawl Stars for 500 Chroma Credits (if you own two other Chromatic Brawlers) or for 169 Gems. She's a Marksman class that can deal long-range damage with her bolt gun to multiple targets, one after the other.
How to get Ruffs in Brawl Stars

Colonel Ruffs is a good Support Brawler and a good boy. His Super summons a supply drop that damages opponents but provides his teammates a health and damage boost. Get Ruffs for 500 Chroma Credits after unlocking another Chromatic Bralwer or 169 Gems.
How to get Lou in Brawl Stars

If your tactic is to inhibit your enemies' movement, then Lou is a Brawler for you. This Controller can freeze opponents with both his primary attack and Super. Unlock Lou for 500 Chroma Credits after unlocking another Chromatic Brawler first, or get him for 169 Gems.
How to get Colette in Brawl Stars

Colette is an interesting Chromatic Brawler, as she damages everyone based on their maximum health while sprinting back and forth across the map. You can get Colette for 500 Chroma Credits or 160 gems.
How to get Surge in Brawl Stars

Surge gets upgrades once per Super, up to three times per match. During stage 1, he gets a movement speed boost; during stage 2, his range increases; during stage 3, his primary attack splits from two into six. Unlock Surge with 500 Chroma Credits or 169 Gems.
How to get Gale in Brawl Stars

Gale is a Chromatic Controller who uses wind and snow to push back his enemies and clear the path. You need 500 Chroma Credits or 169 Gems to get Gale in Brawl Stars.
How to get Chester in Brawl Stars

Chester is a tricky Legendary Brawler to play with, as he has five Supers, which are randomized. Every time he uses a Super, it's a different one. You can unlock Chester for 699 Gems or get him on Starr Road.
How to get Meg in Brawl Stars

Meg starts the match in her mecha suit, which has an additional health bar on top of her own. If the suit gets destroyed, you just need to use her Super to jump right back into it. Unlock Meg for 699 Gems, or get her on Starr Road.
How to get Amber in Brawl Stars

Amber is a Legendary Controller with a long-range and high damage output. Her Super even lights bushes on fire, clearing them from the map. Unlock Amber with 699 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Sandy in Brawl Stars

Sandy might be sleep-deprived, but that doesn't stop her from being an efficient Controller. Her Super summons a sandstorm that can hide her teammates, perfect for a surprise attack. Unlock Sandy for 699 Gems, or unlock her on Starr Road.
How to get Leon in Brawl Stars

You have to know when to retreat from a losing battle, and Leon's Super is perfect for that. It turns him invisible for a short time but just enough to run away or hide in the bushes. Ensure you don't get close to enemies or attack them, as you will be revealed. Get Leon for 350 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Crow in Brawl Stars

Crow is a Legendary Assassin who specializes in daggers, specifically poisoned ones. Those hit by his daggers will take damage over time, and the poison will reduce their healing effects. Unlock Crow for 350 Gems, or get him on Starr Road.
How to get Spike in Brawl Stars

Enemies better watch out for Spike's spikes. His Super is a thorny grenade that deals damage and slows them down. You need 350 Gems to unlock Spike, or you can get him on Starr Road.
How to get Doug in Brawl Stars

Doug's hot dogs are great sustenance for his friends, but enemies only get the ones that have gone bad. His Super special spiced-up hot dog can bring back a defeated Brawler that has eaten it. Unlock Doug on Starr Road or for 349 Gems.
How to get Willow in Brawl Stars

Willow is a Mythic Controller that uses her Super tadpole to control one enemy. The tadpole fully heals the enemy and allows her to use the enemy's basic attack briefly. Unlock Willow on Starr Road or get her for 349 Gems.
How to get Gray in Brawl Stars

Gray's Super creates a set of doors on the map perfect for a jump attack on unsuspecting enemies. These doors are also a great quick escape plan if you're in a pickle. Unlock Gray for 349 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Squeak in Brawl Stars

Colonel Ruffs accidentally created Squeak, who now uses his blobs of goo to cause a big mess and considerable damage to the enemies. Unlock Squeak for 349 Gems, or get him on Starr Road.
How to get Byron in Brawl Stars

Byron is a well-balanced Support Brawler. His medicine heals friends while damaging enemies over time. Get Byron on Starr Road or for 349 Gems.
How to get Sprout in Brawl Stars

Sprout is an Artillery Brawler that can control the flow of the match. His vines create an impassable obstacle for a short time, allowing him to retreat or prepare for a fight. Unlock Sprout for 349 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Mr. P in Brawl Stars

Mr. P is a stressed luggage handler and a Mythic Controller who uses his penguin robots to attack. Enemies better behave, or he might just hurtle a suitcase at them that deals additional area damage. Unlock Mr. P on Starr Road or for 349 Gems.
How to get Max in Brawl Stars

Max is the Brawler for you if you like to go into battle fast. Her Super boosts her speed, and the teammates close to her. You can get Max on Starr Road or for 349 Gems.
How to get Gene in Brawl Stars

Gene is a Mythic Controller who can deny enemies' attempts to retreat. Just use his Super, and his magical hand will drag them back into range of your attacks. Unlock Gene for 175 Gems, or get him on Starr Road.
How to get Tara in Brawl Stars

Tara can use her tarot cards to foresee enemies' defeat and to cause actual damage, ensuring the prediction comes true. She also uses a gravity well that drags in nearby enemies and slams them into each other. Get Tara for 175 Gems, or get her on Starr Road.
How to get Mortis in Brawl Stars

Mortis, a vampire Assassin, has an army of bats that fly at enemies to drain their health. This boosts his health to continue dashing and attacking enemies with his shovel. You can unlock Mortis on Starr Road or for 175 Gems.
How to get Hank in Brawl Stars

Fish swim in water, but Hank's Fish Torpedoes fly through the air in all directions. If you hold down his primary attack, his damage output becomes higher. You can get Hank and his oversized tank on Starr Road or for 169 Gems.
How to get Bonnie in Brawl Stars

Bonnie and her cannon, 'Clyde' inflict mayhem when together. During her Super, Clyde launches Bonnie towards her targets, where she proceeds to cause damage on her own. Once her Super is charged again, she can get back into Clyde. Unlock Bonnie and Clyde for 169 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Grom in Brawl Stars

Grom's primary attack is an exploding walkie-talkie with a range in the shape of a cross. His Super bomb has a significant damage output that can break walls and push away all the enemies in range. Unlock Grom on Starr Road or get him for 169 Gems.
How to get Griff in Brawl Stars

Griff is a shop owner who throws his employees' coins at enemies to cause damage. This Controller even throws banknotes, but these return to him, causing damage twice. Unlock Griff on Starr Road or for 169 Gems, which he would probably like to have.
How to get Edgar in Brawl Stars

Edgar is an edgy Assassin who hits enemies with his scarf. One significant benefit of playing as him is that his Super charges over time without needing to cause any damage. You could just lie and wait until it charges before launching an attack. Unlock Edgar for 169 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Nani in Brawl Stars

Marksman Nani has a helper friend, Peep, who she can remotely control during her Super into enemies where he explodes impact. Unlock Nani for 169 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Bea in Brawl Stars

Bea sends off her Bee drones to slow enemy movement while causing damage. She can use this to her advantage and chain attacks to deal more significant damage. Get Bea on Starr Road or for 169 Gems.
Related: How to complete your Brawl Pass fast in Brawl Stars
How to get Bibi in Brawl Stars

Hey, batter, batter! Pay attention to the number of swings Bibi does with her bat to deal the most damage. Once her Home Run bar is charged, she can knock back enemies away from her. Get Bibi on Starr Road or for 169 Gems.
How to get Frank in Brawl Stars

Frank winds up a swing with his giant hammer and sends a shockwave of damage that can hit multiple people near him. You can stun enemies with his Super that you recharge by receiving damage. You can only unlock Frank via Starr Road or with 169 Gems.
How to get Pam in Brawl Stars

Pam is a Support Brawler whose Mamma's Kiss, a healing turret, fixes up all teammates in range. The turret has its health bar, so stick close and don't let enemy damage destroy it. You can unlock Pam on Starr Road or for 169 Gems.
How to get Piper in Brawl Stars

If you prefer fighting your battles from a very long range, then Piper is the Marksman for you. Her shots do more damage the farther away she is from her target. And if enemies get too close, you can just hop away while leaving them with an explosive surprise. Get Piper on Starr Road or for 169 Gems.
How to get Stu in Brawl Stars

Like Stu, you must be a real daredevil to approach him once his Super is activated. He speeds away while burning rubber, and the marks on the ground burn enemies that touch them. You can unlock Stu for 169 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Emz in Brawl Stars

Emz is a Controller who fights with hair spray that causes significant damage, while her Super slows down enemies and damages them. You can get Emz for 127 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Bo in Brawl Stars

Bo is a Controller who fires three exploding arrows with every shot. He also hides traps in the ground that explode and knock back enemies that trigger them. Unlock Bo on Starr Road or for 127 Gems.
How to get Gus in Brawl Stars

Gus provides support with his balloons to his teammates. His primary attack drops spirits that can be collected to restore his or his teammates' health while his Super creates a shield. Gus can be unlocked on Starr Road or for 79 Gems.
How to get Jacky in Brawl Stars

Jacky uses jer Jackhammer to inflict the most damage in her short range. Her Super makes up for it by drilling a big hole and drawing the enemies into it, though be careful since it's charged by taking damage. Get Jacky on the Starr Road or for 79 Gems.
How to get Carl in Brawl Stars

Carl is a Damage Dealer with a powerful Super that spins him around briefly while he injures enemies in range. You can unlock Carl with 79 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Penny in Brawl Stars

Penny is an Artillery Brawler who deploys a cannon that can hit enemies at long range and even behind cover. Her Super also sets the ground on fire, causing additional damage to enemies while burning. Unlock Penny on Starr Road or for 32 Gems.
How to get Darryl in Brawl Stars

Darryl is a Tank with average range and damage output, but he makes up for it with his Super, which recharges over time. He uses it to knock back enemies and reduce the damage from the enemies. Unlock Darryl for 79 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Rico in Brawl Stars

Rico's bullets bounce off walls, allowing you to hit covered targets, and when using his Super, they gain range. You can unlock Rico on Starr Road or for 79 Gems.
How to get 8-Bit in Brawl Stars

Even as a Damage Dealer, 8-Bit provides support to friendlies with his Super turret that boosts their damage output. You can get 8-Bit for 79 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Tick in Brawl Stars

An exciting aspect of Tick is that he can detach and launch his head (which now has its health bar) towards the nearest target to damage it. You can unlock Tick for 79 Gems or on Starr Road.
How to get Dynamike in Brawl Stars

Dynamike is an artillery brawler that can do much damage if you land your dynamite accurately. Besides causing damage and destroying covers, his Super also knocks back any surviving enemies. Dynamike can be obtained on Starr Road or for 79 Gems.
How to get Jessie in Brawl Stars

Jessie is a Controller class who does decent damage with her attack. The most exciting part about her is the Turret she deploys with her super that automatically shoots at enemies. You can get Jessie on Starr Road or for 32 Gems.
How to get Rosa in Brawl Stars

Rosa is a tank Brawler with a short range but high damage output. Her Super is interesting as it decreases all damage she receives while it lasts. Rosa can be unlocked on Starr Road or for 29 gems.
How to get Poco in Brawl Stars

Poco is a Support Brawler who heals himself and his teammates with cheery music. His music, however, doesn't affect the enemies. They probably aren't fans. You can unlock Poco on Starr Road or for 29 Gems.
How to get Barley in Brawl Stars

Barley is an Artillery Brawler that can be unlocked via Starr Road or 29 Gems. He does an area-of-effect type of damage by throwing bottles, which do damage on impact. The bottles spread a puddle on the ground that also deals damage if an enemy stands in it.
Related: Brawl Stars How-to Get Gems & Coins – Best Ways to Earn Currency in Brawl Stars
How to get El Primo in Brawl Stars

If you can bring your enemies in close, then El Primo can beat them up quite well with his attacks. You must also take damage to charge his Super, a wrestling move that knocks the enemies around. El Primo is unlocked through Starr Road or with 29 Gems.
How to get Brock in Brawl Stars

Brock is a Marksman and is a higher-skill cap style of character due to the tighter window you have to hit enemies, and his slow reload. You can get Brock on Starr Road or for 29 Gems.
How to get Bull in Brawl Stars

Bull is a Tank Brawler who has to get close to the target for most damage. His Super is long-range, but you must take damage to charge it. You can get Bull on Starr Road or for 29 Gems.
How to get Colt in Brawl Stars

If you want Colt as a Brawler, you can unlock him on Starr Road or for 29 Gems. This Damage Dealer shoots bullets at long range, made even longer during his Super.
How to get Nita in Brawl Stars

Nita is a Damage Dealer who can summon a Bear with her Super. This Bear has a ton of health and can tank damage while you escape or flank an attack. Unlock Nita on Starr Road or for 11 Gems.
How to get Shelly in Brawl Stars

Shelly is the Starter Brawler you get once you start playing Brawl Stars. She's an excellent all-around choice, does decent damage when you land your shots, and her Super is a good burst that can finish people off.
If you want to know more about Brawl Star Brawlers, check out the Best Brawlers for Basketball Brawler – Brawl Star Tier List on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 20, 2023 01:55 am