To acquire the Gold Variant for Lara Croft, which was teased when Chapter 2 Season 6 began. Players need to obtain a very special Golden Weapon from the Island Ruins, The Legendary Golden Assault rifle.
But you need to be wearing the Lara Croft Skin to receive the Gold Anniversary variant.
With the new v16.40 update comes new Non-Playable Characters (NPC) on the Zero Point map, and once such skin is Orelia. Orelia can be found on Oro Isle, located south of Flush Factory Island Ruins. You don't even need to interact with her. Just look around the ruins, and on a plinth is the Golden Weapon.
Related: Fortnite Leaked Skins & Cosmetics List (Chapter 2 Season 6)

Pick it and jobs done, and you'll instantly change into the Gold Style. Just once again, make sure you are wearing the Lara Croft Skin when you head towards the Isle Ruins. If you are not wearing the Lara Croft skin, you will not receive the variant.

Only one gun spawns, so if you don't make it to the island straight away, the opportunity is lost to you until you play another game and get there first!
Did you know we have complete coverage of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6? Check out our Comprehensive Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Guide for all the latest tips, guides, leaks, and cosmetics!
Published: May 11, 2021 04:54 am