You can find Cooking Collectibles in every region of Lost Ark. The process of finding or crafting each one can be difficult if you don't know what to do. Luckily, we have assembled all of the cooking collectibles for the Shushire continent below. While many of these require multiple steps, some only need to be purchased.
Where to find all Cooking Collectibles in Shushire in Lost Ark
Below you will find each Cooking Collectible in the Adventurer's Tome of Shushire. For a more detailed explanation of any collectibles listed below, click on its name to go to its dedicated page.
Frozen Butterfly Larva

It is next to the Iceblood Plateau map marker, west of Graymoon Cliff and southwest of Frostbreath Gorge. It is hidden among some bushes nearby. You can find the exact point on the map above.
Investigate the bushes under the tree on the right side of the rocks. It is important to be quick because Icewing monsters will spawn next to the investigation spot and will chase you there.
Wolf Meat

Wolf Meat is found in the middle of the Bitterwind Hill area of the Shushire continent. It is situated north of the Tomb of the Dead and south of the Glacial Wall Sanctuary. We've marked the spot on the map above. Investigate the area nearest the trees.
It is possible to reach this location by taking the nearby waypoint and killing the wolves along the way. Don't think you can outrun them because they'll follow you to the spot.
Two white wolves spawn on top of your investigation spot, so you need to investigate it as soon as you kill them. If you right-click the wolf meat in your Inventory, your character will comment on how it rejuvenates them.
Old Canned Food

As shown on the map below, players should travel to the southwest side of the map near the Port Outskirts. There are two possible paths at this location. Choose the one that goes downstairs, and then go to the spot with a canopy. You will find an NPC selling fish there. Inspect the area next to the barrel of fish.
Right-click the Old Canned Food to add it to your Adventurer's Tome. Your character will eat it and comment on how bad it tastes.
Frost Spider Egg

If you want to find the frozen eggs, you must go to the lair of the spider queen. It can be found south of the Logging Camp and west of the Tarsila World Boss. You can find the frozen egg on the west side of the Spider Queen's lair. The egg is blue and covered in spider silk.
You can find this cooking collectible at the bottom of the egg. Ensure that the path is clear since spiders will follow you here until they die.
Grilled Sapphire Sardine
As one of the most time-consuming cooking collectibles to find in Lost Ark, the Grilled Sapphire Sardine requires players to locate Wandering Merchant Jeffrey. In the following section are Jeffrey's location and the times he will be there. Jeffrey sells a Sapphire Sardine, the only ingredient needed.
Wandering Merchant Jeffrey will only sell you the Sapphire Sardine if you can find him. He will appear at these server times (both AM and PM):
- 1:30
- 4:30
- 5:30
- 7:30
- 8:30
- 11:30
Below, you'll find the locations he appears in, which will be random. If you can't find him in one, go to the other.

The Sapphire Sardine needs to be taken to Cook Helena to become Grilled Sapphire Sardine. You can find Cook Helena in the northern part of Frozen Sea next to the Ship Graveyard, and there is a waypoint nearby that will save you time.

It will cost 1,400 Silver in total, but it is definitely one of the cheaper cooking collectibles in the game.
Shushire Snowflake Shaved Ice
You can obtain snowflake Shaved Ice by talking to multiple NPCs in Lost Ark. The ingredients will cost a lot of Silver since you will also need luck and chance. You should speak to Isabelle first.

Bartender Isabelle can be found on the east side of Rigens Village at the Golden Anglerfish Casino. You will need some giant ice pieces from Isabelle to make Snowflake Shaved Ice. It is best to purchase 100 of them at 150 Silver each. After you purchase 100 of them, you need to find Cook Helena.

To make Snowflake Shaved Ice, you must give the Giant Ice Pieces to Cook Helena. You can find Cook Helena in the northern part of Frozen Sea next to the Ship Graveyard. You can take the nearby Triport to save some time.
Craft Broken Ice Pieces for 400 Silver each. You can also get Chopped Ice Pieces, which you need five of in total. You can craft a Snowflake Shaved Ice for 1,700 Silver when you have enough Chopped Ice Pieces.
After doing all that, just right-click the item in your Inventory to complete the cooking collectible.
Sirius's Tears
Among the most expensive collectibles in Lost Ark is Sirius's Tears. Completing this cooking collectible will cost you a lot of money, so we recommend that you only do it if you have a lot of money to burn. To begin, you must find Bartender Isabelle.

Bartender Isabelle can be found at the Golden Anglerfish Casino on the eastern side of Rigens Village. Under the Ingredients tab, you can find Sirius's Tears next to the Giant Ice Piece. The cost of buying this item is 1,000,000 Silver, which is more expensive than most items in the game.
Buy it and right-click on it to drink it. Once you complete the Cooking Collectible, it will be added to your Adventurer's Tome.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out All Mokoko Seed Rewards in Lost Ark and All World Bosses Locations in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 16, 2022 09:35 am