Smithing Tables are not just a job block for Toolsmiths—they are also the block to use when upgrading Diamond gear to Netherite and adding Armor Trim to any armor. In this guide, I’ll walk you through crafting one as well as all of its uses.
How to make a Smithing Table in Minecraft
To make a Smithing Table, you need to combine four wood planks and two iron ingots on a Crafting Table. Place the two iron ingots in the top left and top middle slots, and then place the four wood planks underneath them in the left and middle slots of the middle and bottom rows. You will need to leave the right side of the table empty (see image below).

To get wood planks, you only need to find a tree and chop it down, preferably with an ax. After that, take the wood you get and put it either inside a crafting table or your inventory crafting square to make wood planks. One log will create four wood planks.
To craft iron ingots, you will need to mine iron ore—we recommend finding a cave or Stony biome and just mining. It won't take long to find iron as it spawns nearly at all block levels underground, as well as on the surface of biomes like Stony Shores and Stony Peaks. After gathering raw iron from mining iron ore, use a furnace or blast furnace to smelt the raw iron into iron ingots.
Related: Best Y Level For Iron in Minecraft
How to use a Smithing Table in Minecraft
To use a Smithing Table in Minecraft, you will need to place it on the ground and right-click it. Afterward, a small window containing the Smithing Table's interface will pop up. Within it, you will see a place to put a piece of gear, a place to put a smithing ingredient, and a place to put a Smithing Template. You will also see a virtual armor stand, which shows what the finished gear will look like after upgrading or adding trim.

Using the Smithing Table to Upgrade Gear to Netherite
If you want to upgrade your Diamond gear to Netherite, you’ll need a Netherite Ingot, a Netherite Upgrade Template, and a piece of Diamond gear. Place the Upgrade Template in the first box, the piece of gear in the second box, and the Netherite Ingot in the third box.

After doing so, a Netherite version of whatever item you put in the smithing table will appear. Drag it into your inventory to complete the upgrading process.
Related: Minecraft: Netherite vs. Diamond – Which is Better and Why?
Using the Smithing Table to Add Trim to Armor
Adding Armor Trim to any piece of armor is nearly identical to upgrading it to Netherite. All you need is an Armor Trim Template, a piece of armor made of any material, and an ingredient to choose the color. Simply place the Trim Template in the first box, the piece of armor in the second, and the color-determining ingredient in the third box.

Like with the Netherite Upgrade, drag the newly decorated armor into your inventory to complete the process of adding trim. One piece of armor can only use one type of trim in a single color at once, but you can add new trim over already decorated armor as much as you would like.
Using the Smithing Table as a Toolsmith’s Job Block
You can also use a smithing table to change a villager's job to a Toolsmith, which will open up more trading options with that said villager. They trade a variety of tools for emeralds and will additionally trade emeralds for certain ores.
If you want to level up your gear even further, check out our guide on the Best Enchantments in Minecraft here on Pro Game Guides. Plus, for more cool Minecraft guides, tips, and tutorials, check out the rest of our Minecraft section.
Published: Nov 16, 2023 02:39 pm