As fans would've hoped, the Return to Monkey Island is chock full of humor and point-and-click puzzling. Playing our hero Guybrush Threepwood, you'll soon find yourself on Monkey Island, having to team up with the seemingly treacherous Captain Maddison. Having returned to LeChuck's ship and found all the information you need, it's time to perform the ritual. So, how do you complete the ritual in Return to Monkey Island?
How to use the skulls in Return to Monkey Island – Casual & Hard Mode
To play LeChuck's theme song, you'll first have to have collected the six skulls from around the island. Head to the right of where Captain Maddison stands and place the skulls on the stakes on either side of Murray (the order doesn't matter). Then pick up the bone from the floor. Use the bone to 'clonk' each skull, including Murray, to see which musical sound it makes. Now, open the theme song in your inventory and make a note of the tune do do mi sol fa fa re.
Related: How to find LeChuck's Secrets in Return to Monkey Island
How to complete the secret ritual in Return to Monkey Island – Casual & Hard Mode
You're ready to complete this part of the quest, so talk to Captain Maddison and tell her you're ready. Before you do, remember to have noted down the correct catchphrase from the diary (Plunder the seven bilges) and make sure you collected the Tentacles with Daisy Sauce from LeChuck's ship. If you have, you're ready to complete the ritual.
We have all the Monkey Island goodness you need here at Pro Game Guides! Check out How to get a unanimous vote on LeChuck's ship in Return to Monkey Island – Casual & Hard mode or How the Hint Book works in Return to Monkey Island.
Published: Sep 21, 2022 07:45 am