In Sons of the Forest, you can craft different kinds of weapons after finding specific materials from around the map. You will also come across some classic weapons, and these are located at certain spots on the map. The Katana is one of these weapons, and you need to know where to find it. Here's how to get a Katana in Sons of the Forest.
Where to get the Katana in Sons of the Forest

The Katana is located at the southernmost green blip on the eastern half of the map. Reading the map in-game can be confusing, so we have provided an image for you to reference from. Check the yellow circle and arrow on the GPS in the image above to see the exact location of this spot. The entrance of this area looks exactly like a cave, but the interior suggests it's an underground bunker.
Keep in mind, to go inside this bunker and reach the Katana, you'll need the Maintenance Keycard. We recommend you craft or find other weapons prior, as this bunker has several mutant enemies. So come prepared.

After you enter the bunker and enter a specific door, a cutscene will play out. When you awake again, go down one flight of stairs and navigate to the second open door on the right to the room shown in the image above to find the Katana.
The Katana is one of the best weapons in Sons of the Forest, and you can slice through enemies swiftly with it. You can equip it by visiting your inventory, and even adding it in quick slots. The Katana is not as effective as a gun, but it allows you to fight opponents from a distance without taking too much damage.
If you are looking for other weapons in Sons of the Forest, use these guides to help find them:
Wondering how to explore the Shovel cave in Sons of the Forest? Check out How to get the Rebreather in Sons of the Forest and How to get rope and the rope gun in Sons of the Forest on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 24, 2023 08:32 pm