To gather resources in Valheim, I survived encounters with dozens of enemies and harsh environments. I needed every help I could get, so I turned to Valheim cheat codes, commands, and item lists.
All Valheim Commands and Cheat codes List
Many cheats featured in Valheim include codes that can turn your character into a literal god. Other cheat codes can make your character do things such as fly, enter ghost mode, and turn on creative mode on and off. If you want to know how to make the Mistwalker sword in Valheim, what is Royal Jelly and how do you use it in Valheim or even Where to find the Mistlands Biome in Valheim, PGG has you covered.
Best Valheim Cheat codes
Here are all the Valheim codes you need for an easier playthrough.
- god—Redeem for god mode.
- setkey(key)—Redeem to set a global key.
- ghost—Redeem for ghost mode.
- env(variable)— Redeem to change the weather.
- debugmode—Redeem for creative mode.
- pos—Redeem for the current position in the console.
- goto(x,z)—Redeem to teleport to a location.
- killall—Redeem to kill all enemies.
- tame—Redeem to tame mobs.
- players(number)—Redeem to force a difficulty scale.
- exploremap—Redeem to reveal the map.
- resetmap—Redeem to reset the world map.
- location—Redeem to set the current location as spawn.
- stopevent—Redeem to stop events.
- event(name)—Redeem to start a specific event.
- ffsmooth1—Redeem to add smoothing.
- ffsmooth0—Redeem to reset smoothing
- setkey—Redeem to set global key.
- itemset(nameofset)—Redeem to spawn a specific item set.
- resetkeys—Redeem to rest a specified key.
- listkeys—Redeem to list all global keys.
- env—Redeem to activate debug environment mode.
- resetenv—Redeem to reset debug environment command.
- randomevent—Redeem to start a random event.
- raiseskill(nameofskill)—Redeem for skill boost.
- resetskill—Redeem to reset skills.
- recall(playername)—Redeem to recall all players.
- resetcharacter—Redeem to wipe all character stats.
- dpsdebug—Redeem to toggle dpsdebug.
- setpower(GP_andnameofboss)—Redeem to set a boss power on your character.
- players(nr)—Redeem to adjust the current player difficulty scale.
- removedrops—Removes all items dropped on the ground nearby.
- freefly—Toggles freefly.
- heal—Redeem for full health.
- fov(number)—Redeem to change fov.
- puke—Redeem to reset health.
- hair(1-23)—Redeem to remove hair.
- beard(1-16)—Redeem to remove the beard.
- model(0,1)—Redeem to change your character model (male 0, female 1).
- windangle(angle)(intensity)—Redeem to reset sets the wind angle.
- resetwind —Redeem to reset wind.
- tod0,0.5,1—Redeem to change the time of day.
- tod-1—Redeem to reset the time of day to default mode.
- skiptime—Redeem to skip time forward.
- sleep—Redeem to skip a day.
- spawn(itemName)(Amount)(Level)—Redeem to spawn a specific item.
- timescale(amount)—Redeem to reset time.
- banned—Redeem to post a list of banned players.
- unban(userid,IP,or,player name)—Redeem to unban a player.
- ban(userid,IP,or,player name)—Redeem to ban a player from the server.
- kick(userid,IP,or,player name)—Redeem to kick a player from the server.
- help(1-5)—Redeem to post all admin commands.
- save—Redeem to force a world save.
- ping—Redeem to ping the server.
- info—Redeem to post system memory.
- lodbias—Redeem to set draw distance.
Related: All Enemies and Bosses in the Valheim Mistlands biome – All Spawn Locations
Valheim list of item commands
Valheim Armor Console Commands List
Armor | Command |
Bronze plate cuirass | ArmorBronzeChest |
Bronze plate leggings | ArmorBronzeLegs |
Iron scale mail | ArmorIronChest |
Iron greaves | ArmorIronLegs |
Leather tunic | ArmorLeatherChest |
Leather pants | ArmorLeatherLegs |
Padded cuirass | ArmorPaddedCuirass |
Padded greaves | ArmorPaddedGreaves |
Rag tunic | ArmorRagsChest |
Rag pants | ArmorRagsLegs |
| |
Root harness | ArmorRootChest |
Root leggings | ArmorRootLegs |
Troll leather tunic | ArmorTrollLeatherChest |
Troll leather pants | ArmorTrollLeatherLegs |
Wolf armor chest | ArmorWolfChest |
Wolf armor legs | ArmorWolfLegs |
Megingjord | BeltStrength |
Deer hide cape | CapeDeerHide |
Linen cape | CapeLinen |
Lox cape | CapeLox |
| |
Cape of Odin | CapeOdin |
CAPE TEST | CapeTest |
Troll hide cape | CapeTrollHide |
Wolf fur cape | CapeWolf |
Bronze helmet | HelmetBronze |
Drake helmet | HelmetDrake |
Iron helmet | HelmetIron |
Leather helmet | HelmetLeather |
Hood of Odin | HelmetOdin |
Padded helmet | HelmetPadded |
Root mask | HelmetRoot |
Troll leather helmet | HelmetTrollLeather |
Yule hat | HelmetYule |
Dverger circlet | HelmetDverger |
Wishbone | Wishbone |
Valheim Creature Console Commands List
Creature | Command |
Abomination | Abomination |
Blob | Blob |
Boar | Boar |
Boar piggy | Boar_piggy |
Cave tuna | Fish4_cave |
Crow | Crow |
Deathsquito | Deathsquito |
Deer | Deer |
Drake | Hatchling |
Draugr | Draugr |
| |
Draugr Archer | Draugr_Ranged |
Draugr elite | Draugr_Elite |
Fenring | Fenring |
Fuling | Goblin |
Fuling Berserker | GoblinBrute |
Fuling shaman | GoblinShaman |
Ghost | Ghost |
Gjall | Gjall |
Greydwarf | Greydwarf |
Greydwarf brute | Greydwarf_Elite |
| |
Greydwarf shaman | Greydwarf_Shaman |
Greyling | Greyling |
Growth | BlobTar |
Gull | Seagal |
Leech | Leech |
Leech (cave variant) | Leech_cave |
Leviathan | Leviathan |
Lox | Lox |
Lox calf | Lox_Calf |
Melee Skeleton | Skeleton_NoArcher |
| |
Neck | Neck |
Odin | odin |
Oozer | BlobElite |
Perch | Fish1 |
Pike | Fish2 |
Rancid remains | Skeleton_Poison |
Root | TentaRoot |
Seeker | Seeker |
Seeker Soldier | Seeker_Soldier |
Serpent | Serpent |
| |
Skeleton | Skeleton |
Spear Fuling | GoblinArcher |
Stone Golem | StoneGolem |
Surtling | Surtling |
Training dummy | TrainingDummy |
Troll | Troll |
Tuna | Fish3 |
Wisp | Wisp |
Wolf | Wolf |
Wolf cub | Wolf_cub |
Wraith | Wraith |
Valheim Trophies Console Commands List
Trophies | Command |
Abomination trophy | TrophyAbomination |
Blob trophy | TrophyBlob |
Boar trophy | TrophyBoar |
Bonemass trophy | TrophyBonemass |
Deathsquito trophy | TrophyDeathsquito |
Deer trophy | TrophyDeer |
Drake trophy | TrophyHatchling |
Draugr Elite trophy | TrophyDraugrElite |
Draugr trophy | TrophyDraugr or TrophyDraugrFem |
Eikthyr trophy | TrophyEikthyr |
| |
Fenring trophy | TrophyFenring |
Fuling berserker trophy | TrophyGoblinBrute |
Fuling shaman trophy | TrophyGoblinShaman |
Fuling trophy | TrophyGoblin |
Greydwarf Brute trophy | TrophyGreydwarfBrute |
Greydwarf Shaman trophy | TrophyGreydwarfShaman |
Greydwarf trophy | TrophyGreydwarf |
Growth trophy | TrophyGrowth |
Leech trophy | TrophyLeech |
Lox trophy | TrophyLox |
| |
Moder trophy | TrophyDragonQueen |
Neck trophy | TrophyNeck |
Rancid Remains trophy | TrophySkeletonPoison |
Serpent trophy | TrophySerpent |
Skeleton trophy | TrophySkeleton |
Stone Golem trophy | TrophySGolem |
Surtling trophy | TrophySurtling |
The Elder trophy | TrophyTheElder |
Troll trophy | TrophyForestTroll or TrophyFrostTroll |
Wolf trophy | TrophyWolf |
Wraith trophy | TrophyWraith |
Yagluth trophy | TrophyGoblinKing |
Valheim Gear Console Commads List
Gear | Command |
Blackmetal axe | AxeBlackMetal |
Bronze axe | AxeBronze |
Flint axe | AxeFlint |
Iron axe | AxeIron |
Stone axe | AxeStone |
Cultivator | Cultivator |
Fishing rod | FishingRod |
Hammer | Hammer |
Hoe | Hoe |
Antler pickaxe | PickaxeAntler |
| |
Bronze pickaxe | PickaxeBronze |
Iron pickaxe | PickaxeIron |
Stone pickaxe | PickaxeStone |
Abyssal harpoon | SpearChitin |
Blackmetal atgeir | AtgeirBlackmetal |
Bronze atgeir | AtgeirBronze |
Iron atgeir | AtgeirIron |
Battleaxe | Battleaxe |
Crystal battleaxe | BattleaxeCrystal |
Crude bow | Bow |
| |
Draugr Fang bow | BowDraugrFang |
Finewood bow | BowFineWood |
Huntsman bow | BowHuntsman |
Club | Club |
Blackmetal knife | KnifeBlackMetal |
Abyssal razor/knife | KnifeChitin |
Copper knife | KnifeCopper |
Flint knife | KnifeFlint |
Silver knife | KnifeSilver |
Bronze mace | MaceBronze |
| |
Iron mace | MaceIron |
Porcupine | MaceNeedle |
Frostner | MaceSilver |
Banded shield | ShieldBanded |
Black metal shield | ShieldBlackmetal |
Black metal tower shield | ShieldBlackmetalTower |
Bone tower shield | ShieldBoneTower |
Bronze buckler | ShieldBronzeBuckler |
Iron buckler | ShieldIronBuckler |
Iron shield | ShieldIronSquare |
| |
Iron tower shield | ShieldIronTower |
Knight shield | ShieldKnight |
Serpent scale shield | ShieldSerpentscale |
Silver shield | ShieldSilver |
Wood shield | ShieldWood |
Wood tower shield | ShieldWoodTower |
Iron sledge | SledgeIron |
Stagbreaker | SledgeStagbreaker |
Bronze spear | SpearBronze |
Ancient bark spear | SpearElderbark |
| |
Flint spear | SpearFlint |
Fang spear | SpearWolfFang |
Blackmetal sword | SwordBlackmetal |
Bronze sword | SwordBronze |
Cheat Sword | SwordCheat |
Iron sword | SwordIron |
Dyrnwyn | SwordIronFire |
Silver sword | SwordSilver |
Tankard | Tankard |
Mead horn of Odin | TankardOdin |
| |
Torch | Torch |
Bronzehead arrow | ArrowBronze |
Fire arrow | ArrowFire |
Flinthead arrow | ArrowFlint |
Frost arrow | ArrowFrost |
Ironhead arrow | ArrowIron |
Needle arrow | ArrowNeedle |
Obsidian arrow | ArrowObsidian |
Poison arrow | ArrowPoison |
Silver arrow | ArrowSilver |
Wood arrow | ArrowWood |
Valheim Meads Console Commands List
Mead | Command |
Barley wine base: Fire resistance | BarleyWineBase |
Fire resistance barley wine | BarleyWine |
Frost resistance mead | MeadFrostResist |
Mead base: Frost resistance | MeadBaseFrostResist |
Mead base: Medium healing | MeadBaseHealthMedium |
Mead base: Medium stamina | MeadBaseStaminaMedium |
Mead base: Minor healing | MeadBaseHealthMinor |
Mead base: Minor stamina | MeadBaseStaminaMinor |
Mead base: Poison resistance | MeadBasePoisonResist |
Mead base: Tasty | MeadBaseTasty |
Medium healing mead | MeadHealthMedium |
Medium stamina mead | MeadStaminaMedium |
Minor healing mead | MeadHealthMinor |
Minor stamina mead | MeadStaminaMinor |
Poison resistance mead | MeadPoisonResist |
Tasty mead | MeadTasty |
Valheim Item Drop Console Commands List
Item Drop | Command |
Acorn | Acorn |
Amber | Amber |
Amber Pearl | AmberPearl |
Ancient bark | ElderBark |
Ancient Seed | AncientSeed |
Barley | Barley |
Barley flour | BarleyFlour |
Beech seeds | BeechSeeds |
Birch seeds | BirchSeeds |
Black metal | BlackMetal |
| |
Black metal scrap | BlackMetalScrap |
Blood pudding | BloodPudding |
Blood bag | Bloodbag |
Blue mushroom | MushroomBlue |
Blueberries | Blueberries |
Boar jerky | BoarJerky |
Boar meat | RawMeat |
Bone fragments | BoneFragments |
Bread | Bread |
Bread dough | BreadDough |
| |
Bronze | Bronze |
Bronze nails | BronzeNails |
Bukeperries | Pukeberries |
Carrot | Carrot |
Carrot seeds | CarrotSeeds |
Carrot soup | CarrotSoup |
Chitin | Chitin |
Cloudberries | Cloudberry |
Coal | Coal |
Coins | Coins |
| |
Cooked boar meat | CookedMeat |
Cooked deer meat | CookedDeerMeat |
Cooked fish | FishCooked |
Cooked lox meat | CookedLoxMeat |
Cooked serpent meat | SerpentMeatCooked |
Cooked wolf meat | CookedWolfMeat |
Copper | Copper |
Copper ore | CopperOre |
Core wood | RoundLog |
Crystal | Crystal |
| |
Dandelion | Dandelion |
Deer hide | DeerHide |
Deer meat | DeerMeat |
Deer stew | DeerStew |
Dragon egg | DragonEgg |
Dragon tear | DragonTear |
Entrails | Entrails |
Eyescream | Eyescream |
Feathers | Feathers |
Fine wood | FineWood |
| |
Fir cone | FirCone |
Fish wraps | FishWraps |
Fishing bait | FishingBait |
Flametal | Flametal |
Flametal ore | FlametalOre |
Flax | Flax |
Flint | Flint |
Freeze gland | FreezeGland |
Greydwarf eye | GreydwarfEye |
Grilled neck tail | NeckTailGrilled |
| |
Guck | Guck |
Hard antler | HardAntler |
Honey | Honey |
Iron | Iron |
Iron nails | IronNails |
Iron ore | IronOre |
Leather scraps | LeatherScraps |
Linen thread | LinenThread |
Lox meat | LoxMeat |
Lox meat pie | LoxPie |
| |
Lox pelt | LoxPelt |
Lox saddle | SaddleLox |
Minced Meat Sauce | MinceMeatSauce |
Muckshake | ShocklateSmoothie |
Mushroom | Mushroom |
Neck tail | NeckTail |
Needle | Needle |
Obsidian | Obsidian |
Onion | Onion |
Onion seeds | OnionSeeds |
| |
Onion soup | OnionSoup |
Ooze | Ooze |
Pine cone | PineCone |
Queen bee | QueenBee |
Queens jam | QueensJam |
Raspberry | Raspberry |
Raw fish | FishRaw |
Resin | Resin |
Root | Root |
Ruby | Ruby |
| |
Sausages | Sausages |
Scrap iron | IronScrap |
Serpent meat | SerpentMeat |
Serpent scale | SerpentScale |
Serpent stew | SerpentStew |
Sharpening stone | SharpeningStone |
Silver | Silver |
Silver necklace | SilverNecklace |
Silver ore | SilverOre |
Stone | Stone |
| |
Surtling core | SurtlingCore |
Swamp key | CryptKey |
Tar | Tar |
Thistle | Thistle |
Thunder stone | Thunderstone |
Tin | Tin |
Tin ore | TinOre |
Troll hide | TrollHide |
Turnip | Turnip |
Turnip seeds | TurnipSeeds |
| |
Turnip stew | TurnipStew |
Withered bone | WitheredBone |
Wolf fang | WolfFang |
Wolf jerky | WolfJerky |
Wolf meat | WolfMeat |
Wolf pelt | WolfPelt |
Wolf skewer | WolfMeatSkewer |
Wood | Wood |
Yagluth thing | YagluthDrop |
Yellow mushroom | MushroomYellow |
Ymir flesh | YmirRemains |
Various Items Console Command List
Miscellaneous Item | Command |
1×1 wooden cube | CastleKit_braided_box01 |
Abyssal harpoon projectile | projectile_chitinharpoon |
Adult Chicken Hen | |
Adze | piece_workbench_ext3 |
Ancient bark spear projectile | ancientbarkspear_projectile |
Ancient seed statue | StatueSeed |
Ancient tree | SwampTree1 |
Ancient tree stump | SwampTree1_Stub |
Ancient tree(unbreakable) | SwampTree2 |
Anvils | forge_ext2 |
| |
Armor stand | ArmorStand |
Artisan table | piece_artisanstation |
Barley seedling | sapling_barley |
Barrell | Barrell |
Bed | Bed |
Bee swarm | effect bee_aoe |
Beech sapling | Beech_Sapling |
Beech stump | Beech_Stub |
Beech tree | Beech1 |
Beehive | Beehive |
| |
Beehive | piece_beehive |
Bench | piece_bench01 |
Birch stump | BirchStub |
Birch tree type 1 | Birch1 |
Birch tree type 2 | Birch2 or Birch2_aut |
Black banner | piece_banner01 |
Black metal chest piece | piece_chest_blackmetal |
Blast furnace | blastfurnace |
Blob spawnpoint | Spawner_Blob |
Blue banner | piece_banner02 |
| |
Blue firefly visual effect | FireFlies |
Blue mushroom spawn point | Pickable_Mushroom_blue |
Blueberry bush | BlueberryBush |
Boar spawn point | Spawner_Boar |
Body pile | Spawner_DraugrPile |
Bonemass | Bonemass |
Bonemass boss fight environment | effects _eventzone_bonemass |
Bonemass Heart | HealthUpgrade_Bonemass |
Bonemass boss fight environment | effects _eventzone_bonemass |
Bonemass projectile | bonemass_throw_projectile |
| |
Bonfire | bonfire |
Breakable floating ice | sheet ice1 |
Breakable ice boulder | ice_rock1 |
Bronze spear projectile | bronzespear_projectile |
Brute sword | GoblinBrute_Attack |
Brute sword | GoblinBrute_RageAttack |
Brute sword | GoblinBrute_Taunt |
Bush 1 color 1 | Bush01 |
Bush 2 color 2 | Bush01_heath |
Chain | Chain |
Cloudberry Bush | CloudberryBush |
Draugr archer corpse | Draugr_ranged_ragdoll |
Greydwarf nest type 2 | EvilHeart_Forest |
Downed fir tree | FirTree_log |
How to redeem Valheim codes
If you are wondering how to redeem cheat codes in Valheim, it's easy. Follow the instructions below to learn how to redeem cheats or console commands.

- Add -console to the Launch Options tab for Valheim on Steam.
- Right-click on your copy of Valheim inside your Steam Library.
- Select properties from the drop-down menu to reveal the Properties menu for Valheim.
- Inside this menu, add -console to Launch Options at the bottom of the Properties tab.
- After adding the correct launch option, load back into Valheim, and enter both devcommands and debugmode into the console.
- You can enter both commands by hitting F5 and entering the commands into the input box. Doing so will activate all cheats and commands and Creative mode. Some commands you can use in Creative mode include Z for fly mode, K to kill all enemies in the area, and B for no resource cost mode.
How to get more Valheim codes
You can get more Valheim cheat codes by typing help into the console. To open the console, press F5 and type help into the console input. Doing so should display a list of various commands you can use in-game. Besides using the help command, there are no other ways to get more Valheim codes.
Why aren't my Valheim codes not working?
If your commands are not working, it is most likely due to incorrect copying or spelling of specific commands. We recommend checking your spelling or copying the codes exactly as they appear in our lists. Other reasons may include not adding a space between the code and its follow-up command like event (place a space here) then (name of the event).
How to spawn items in Valheim
If you want to spawn items in Valheim, you can do so by activating cheats in the console and following it with spawn (itemName) (Amount) or (Level). For example, to spawn an item, you must type Amber 20. To spawn an entity or monster, you must type Boar followed by the level of the enemy or non-hostile mob.
What is Valheim about?
Valheim is a vast indie survival crafting game that tasks players with surviving in a fantasy world based on Norse mythology. I started the game by creating a character and spawn with nothing. The first thing I did was to build a base. There are nine biomes that all feature resources and items players can collect. Players must also face numerous bosses and enemy creatures while trying to craft dozens upon dozens of items.
For more on Valheim, we at Pro Game Guides recommend checking out How to make Bronze in Valheim – Crafting Guide and Where to find and get Fine Wood in Valheim – Fine Wood Locations.
Published: Mar 12, 2024 08:36 am