Teamfight Tactics Set 10 is nearing release as it makes an appearance in the League of Legends public beta environment, and there are many new team comp strategies to learn. I'll tell you which the best ones are below.
Best Teamfight Tactics Set 10 beta comps
All of these comps I'm listing are compiled from League of Legends player metadata with the most plays and win rates in TFT's Set 10 PBE. While team comps change every day as the beta receives newer patches, I played almost every one of these comps, and they work quite well.
Disco Spellweaver

Disco gives you a placeable Disco Ball, and every few seconds, it grants the adjacent champions stacking Attack Speed along with a percentage of healing based on their maximum Health. You can add Ekko and Lulu to the team comp for extra Ability Power since they synergize with Gragas, also a Spellweaver. Your carries are Twisted Fate, Blitzcrank, Ziggs, and Ekko.
Edgelord Pentakill

Edgelords get Attack Speed, doubling when the enemy unit Health drops below 50%, also dashing through a hex if they have one-hex range on their next attack. This whole comp is based around your carries: Kayn, Yasuo, Riven, and Viego, who is also Pentakill, giving you three Pentakill when you've finished your comp. Pentakill champions will deal more damage while receiving 15% damage and getting empowered upon killing an enemy champion for every fifth kill.
Related: Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Champions Tier List – The best units in the game!
Mosher Pentakill

Moshers gain Attack Speed and Omnivamp, increased by 100% depending on how much health they're missing. Since Urgot is Country, you get to include Samira, Thresh, and Karthus, who will all be your carries. Country is a trait that sends a Dreadsteed to the board when your team loses a portion of its health. The Dreadsteed gains Attack Speed based on the Country unit's level.
Rapidfire Sentinel

Rapidfire units stack 10% Attack Speed up to 10 times, while Sentinels grant Armor and Magic Resist for your whole team, doubled for Sentinels. So, while Rapidfire units deliver quick damage, Sentinel champions will be there to hold down the front. Your carries for this comp will be Caitlyn, Lucian, Blitzcrank, and Aphelios.
K/DA Spellweaver

K/DA gives you hexes on your board, which give all units in these hexes Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage, while K/DA units get doubled bonuses. These hexes change position every game, so the possibilities of team comps are endless. Spellweaver is a good comp to go with K/DA since Seraphine and Ahri are Spellweavers. Besides these two, your carries will be Neeko and Ekko acting as tanks.
Executioner Country

Executioners can critically strike while gaining Critical Strike Damage, which increases based on the enemy unit's missing Health. This, paired up with the crowd control of a Country Dreadsteed makes for a very lethal team comp since the Dreadsted does a bunch of crowd control as your Executioners do their thing. Your carries in this team are Samira, Karthus, Vex, and Thresh, who are also Country.
Guardian Punk

Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally with a percentage of their max Health. This tank comp opens up a lot of doors for new synergies to emerge since not only are these champions tanky, but they also have abilities doing quite a bit of damage. Including Punks will give you additional Health and Attack Damage, increased by 1% each time you refresh your shop. Your carries are Jinx, Pantheon, Thresh, Amumu, Neeko, and Vi.
Spellweaver K/DA

In this comp, instead of having a balance between K/DA and Spellweavers, you should focus on having the most Spellweavers you can field, ideally seven. The K/DA champions come naturally since you can just add Neeko, who's one of the best tanks, in my opinion. Your team will have a lot more Ability Power, as your carries will be Ahri, Ekko, and Lulu.
Related: Best TFT Comps for Set 9.5
Jazz Disco Spellweaver

There are a lot of unique traits in TFT's Set 10, so it makes sense there's a trait that actually gives your team bonus Health and damage for each non-unique trait, so the more synergies you have, the better. You can pair this up with virtually anyone—however, I'd recommend including Ekko and Blitzcrank, paired with Gragas and Twisted Fate, giving you a total of five different synergies with the scope to expand on it if you get creative. Your carries are Miss Fortune, Ekko, Lucian, and Blitzcrank.
Spellweaver Sentinel

I always say this every new TFT Set: mages always come out on top, and this is what's been happening even with the top of the statistics for TFT's Set 10. Spellweavers are extremely powerful in this set (in the beta at least), and I highly recommend you field a lot of them if you're lucky enough to get a high-cost one before anyone else. This, paired with Sentinel champions, will give your whole team enough Armor and Magic Resist for everyone to be able to hold themselves back with no issues, not to mention the inclusion of three K/DA units. Your carries will be Lulu, Ekko, Blitzcrank, and Ahri.
Teamfight Tactics Set 10 changes how you play the game. With so many new augments, traits, champions, and synergies, you can build teams more creative than ever if you give it a bit of playtime. This is why I advise you to check out each and every kind of gameplay for it to be fun for you since that's all that matters.
For more on Teamfight Tactics, be sure to check out TFT Hyper Roll ranks and tiers, explained and Best holiday gifts for TFT fans here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 07:22 pm