One of the most critical resources for Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3 is cash. While you'll find money as you play Borderlands 3 naturally, several targeted methods are far more effective when scrounging up resources in Borderlands 3. Ensure you're making the most of your time in the Borderlands with several practical methods for collecting money so you can grab the upgrades, weapons, and items you need on your looting adventure.
What is Money Used for in Borderlands 3?
Money in Borderlands 3 allows players to purchase various weapons and shields from vendors, and it's the only way to buy SDUs. You'll also need to spend some cash to restock ammo stores as you play Borderlands 3, with the price for ammo restocks increasing depending on your progress, Mayhem Level, and playthrough difficulty.
What's an SDU?

Players can purchase SDU upgrades on Sanctuary III from Marcus' Munitions. SDU stands for Storage Deck Upgrade, and these purchases allow players to carry more ammo, backpack items, grenades, and bank items. There are also SDUs that increase the lost loot items you can retrieve in Borderlands 3. Grabbing these upgrades is a necessity for those playing. While upgrades start cheap, the price goes up with every SDU that players purchase, with the final upgrades costing millions. You'll need quite a lot of cash to secure these upgrades.
Borderlands 3 Money Farming
If you're trying to get rich quickly in Borderlands 3, try out the following methods as you play through the game. Feel free to mix things up and alternate approaches to keep the process from getting stale as you play.
Method 1: Reach Max Level and Complete the Story

While there are some decent money farming locations at lower levels in Borderlands 3, it isn't worth your time to start farming money in Borderlands 3 until you get to the higher levels. Max level in Borderlands 3 is 72, giving players plenty of grinding as they make their way through this looter-shooter. Players should get enough money to upgrade SDUs sparingly along the story route. Still, the cash enemies drop at lower levels, and the rewards players can get, especially on Mayhem Mode, will increase exponentially. It's important to note that some of the best money grinding methods in Borderlands 3 only open up after the end credits roll.
Method 2: Circles of Slaughter

If you're trying to level up after you've beaten the campaign in Borderlands 3 but want to get some money simultaneously, the Circles of Slaughter are an excellent option. These venues throw hordes of enemies at players in waves thanks to side missions that Vault Hunters can play repeatedly. Earn experience while wads of cash spray from the bodies of your enemies in these destructive side activities.
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Method 3: Boss Farming

If you're less interested in experience and want cash and loot exclusively, boss farming in Borderlands 3 is an excellent option. Some bosses yield more money and are more time-efficient, however. We recommend focusing on targets like the Graveward because of how easy it is to kill. Tyreen the Destroyer, while a more time-consuming hunt, offers more money than the Graveward, so head here if you want cash quick. Once you've killed a boss, close your game session and reopen it to face the boss again.
Method 4: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot

While farming the old-fashioned way is still viable in Borderlands 3, the game's first DLC, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, is one of the best places to farm money. With broken slot machines that drop tens of thousands of dollars after you melee them, loot Loaders wandering the streets, and bosses that yield more monetary rewards, this is the premier location for scrounging up cash, especially at higher levels with Mayhem modifiers.
Method 5: Selling Items

No matter where you are in Borderlands 3, enemies will drop loot. At higher levels, that loot becomes more valuable. When players hit max level, the gear they find in the game's world can be worth millions of dollars per gun. Make sure to pick these guns up and sell them to vendors to make cash quickly. Keep an eye out for rocket launchers, especially, as these are worth more than other guns. Make sure to check your lost loot regularly, selling any unwanted items to one of the many vendors in Borderlands 3 for easy cash.
For more on Borderlands 3, visit our other articles on Pro Game Guides, like How to Get a Golden Key in Borderlands 3.
Published: May 6, 2022 07:42 am