To progress the Bloody Ties DLC storyline in Dying Light 2, you must increase your Tournament Rank. You can increase your Tournament Rank by completing the game's various arena challenges at the Carnage Hall area. To complete Carnage Hall arenas, you must first complete the quests Madmen from Villedor and First Bood. Once you're done, you will arrive at Carnage Hall, but moving up in the arena can be confusing at first, so here's a guide on how to do it!
How to start arena challenges to increase your Tournament Rank in Dying Light 2
To start arena challenges, speak to the NPC called Severus. Severus is the doorman to the arena, and talking to him gives you several options of arenas to complete. There are four arena types, but each varies in map location, difficulty, and theme. Here's a list of all four arenas and what their challenges are like:
- Spectacle: This challenge tasks players with carrying out objectives such as killing x amount of infected or completing tasks such as turning car traps on or turning power generators on.
- Rush: This challenge tasks players with completing a series of races where players must reach blue circle check marks. The number of check marks will vary, and obstacles will change.
- Carnage: This challenge tasks players with killing various marked infected before a timer runs out.
- Freak Fight: This challenge tasks players with killing a power Infected Freak before a timer runs out.

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Tips for Completing Arena Challenges in Dying Light 2 Bloody Ties DLC
Before taking on any arena challenges in Dying Light 2, you must be maxed level in all skills or close to it. In short, you need to unlock all your skills and have high stamina to win most challenges. It helps especially to have combat, and a few parkour abilities unlocked for the more combat-oriented challenges. That said, here are a few more tips we suggest following to win challenge arenas in Dying Light 2 Bloody Ties:
- Run!: For certain challenges, it helps to stay moving to avoid getting mobbed to death by hordes of Running Infected or regular zombies.
- Use your environment: Spread across the various arenas are usually environmental traps you can use to slow down your enemies. These traps include electrical fences, car traps, and gas tanks. We recommend using some of these traps to stop Volatiles or help with the big angry Infected called Demolishers.
- Use your grapple hook: We recommend using your grapple hook to pull marked enemies that can spawn on rooftops to their deaths.
- Save your medical items: Initially, players will start with a lack of medical items when completing arena challenges. You can get more by looting crates/stashes, but save your items when you take on tougher enemies.Â
- Use Your Skills: Use your skills to help gain an edge in combat or to make it through various obstacles via parkour skills.
- Look for Item stash: Spread across the various arena are usually supplies stashed on crates or item workbenches. Use these items to gain medical/combat items and increase your immunity. You can also find bombs, mines, and molotovs you can use on tough Infected.
For more on Dying Light 2, we at Pro Game Guides have you covered with guides like How to use Photomode in Dying Light 2 and Where to find all Crafting Parts in Dying Light 2.
Published: Nov 10, 2022 02:23 am